#119516441Thursday, December 05, 2013 1:17 AM GMT

(It's crazy how good this RP is and yet how no one in the RP is active.)
#119562948Thursday, December 05, 2013 8:46 PM GMT

(I agree Tosimaru) /\/\ Ben \/\/ I nod to Stitch and walk back up to the truck, careful to follow the way I came down and get back to my spot inside the truck. -Removed Builderman
#119568270Thursday, December 05, 2013 9:50 PM GMT

Ellie I look around the truck. I should start getting to know some people, otherwise this is going to be a long trip.
#119574696Thursday, December 05, 2013 11:00 PM GMT

Stitch Turning I head back up and then climb into the truck.
#119588379Friday, December 06, 2013 1:28 AM GMT

Crimson I sigh, walking over to Charlotte. "So... Uh..."
#119776559Sunday, December 08, 2013 6:31 AM GMT

Fuego I can feel her hug me, but I don't do much to return it. This just isn't fair. We have to put up with it because we have no control. I haven't had any for the longest time. We can't do anything, and it isn't fair. I'd rather be the one to kill for forever. I can block it out for... long enough. I can hold off. But Echo? It's breaking her, and I can see that. She shouldn't have to deal with this. None of us should. Not only here, fighting for this, but everywhere else. She's going to struggle. This only makes it harder. Thinking about that almost makes me feel guilty about how I feel on all of this. The labs. The scientists. I don't feel like this is so horrible. I'm glad I was abducted in to the tests that day. Without it, where would I be? There was nothing for me where I was, except pain. It's the similar now, but with friends and a cause to fight for. And I can fight back. We've seen things no person should see, done things no one should have to do. In no way do I think any of it was right. Even so, everything we go through, testing, killing - is only a fair price to pay in my mind. But that's only for me. It's different for everyone. Harder for other people. Like Echo. I would take her share of pain and murder any day if it meant making it easier for her, if only for a short amount of time. I don't want it, but she doesn't deserve it, and I know I could deal. Better than her, at least. I look at her again. "Maybe it seems that way, but don't give up on that dream yet, either. Even if it's so much easier to do that." I smile slightly.
#119811931Sunday, December 08, 2013 7:27 PM GMT

Silvanus I lean against some truck, plucking feathers.
#119812136Sunday, December 08, 2013 7:29 PM GMT

Jarett's eyebrows furrow and his mouth straightens into a short line across his face. He took out his machete, leaving the other one in it's scabbard. He span them around across the floor, trying to keep entertained.
#119840291Monday, December 09, 2013 12:33 AM GMT

Echo I sigh, nodding slowly. "I...I know." I sign. It hurts. Lying to her like this. I can't hold on, that dwells on me. I just...just cant hold on. It's too late for me, I've fallen. I'm just decomposing. I've already lost. "I...I just don't think I can handle any of this much longer, Fuego" I finish signing, exhaling deeply. Maybe I can? Maybe I should...I mean, my sanity is all I have left to hold onto, isn't it? My sanity, and Andrew. So...So maybe Fuego has a point. Maybe I can hold on, just for a little longer. Maybe that dream IS still there for me... "...but I'll try. Maybe you're right, maybe I do still have hope..." I smile, not in sadness, more in slight confidence. Maybe it isn't.
#119891592Monday, December 09, 2013 8:32 PM GMT

/\/\ Ben \/\/ I watch Fuego and Echo talk to each other through sign language. I still really wish I knew how to do it. Fuego and Echo look really sad, too. Then I have an idea, maybe I could ask them to teach me sign language, it would help me and also it would keep their mind off whatever is bothering them. -Removed Builderman
#119942830Tuesday, December 10, 2013 10:28 AM GMT

Stitch I sighed leaning in the driver seat and waited for everyone to get into the truck.
#119946945Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:58 PM GMT

Silvanus I walk into the truck, realizing there are other people here. I recognize them. It wasn't long ago, a bit weird that I came across them again. I think I'm starting to go crazy, there's probably no truck here, at all.
#120041266Wednesday, December 11, 2013 10:44 PM GMT

(We should probably speed things up, and have something happen with the bomb)
#120057818Thursday, December 12, 2013 1:19 AM GMT

(I agree.) /\/\ Ben \/\/ I see Silvanus come to the truck. I give him a small wave then come over to Andrew and tap him on the shoulder. I put my mouth near his ear and move my hand as a small wall in front of my mouth and his ear. I start whispering "Andrew, I know you don't like me much,but I want to do something that I think will help out Echo and Fuego since it seems like they've been sad lately. I thought that they might be able to teach me sign language to keep their mind off of anything that's bothering them and it will help me so I can understand them." -Removed Builderman
#120079319Thursday, December 12, 2013 6:05 AM GMT

Crimson I climb back into the truck, sitting in one of the corners, where I set the bottle down. I sigh and begin to fiddle with my Launcher.
#120088664Thursday, December 12, 2013 2:56 PM GMT

Silvanus Some kid just waved at me. Do I know him? Don't think so. Maybe.
#120113459Thursday, December 12, 2013 10:57 PM GMT

Jarett decided it was about time he started socializing. His heart needed it. He scooted over near Crimson, but not next to him. Jarett was having second thoughts about the rocket launcher. ¨Hey. I'm Jarett.¨ He said to him.
#120117195Thursday, December 12, 2013 11:37 PM GMT

Stitch "Is everyone in the truck this time?!" I called back.
#120140130Friday, December 13, 2013 2:47 AM GMT

(Yeah, that's the plan. We just need to get the truck going. The RP should be wrapping up soon, probably sometime in the weeks following New Years. It's only going to run that late because I know this time of year can be busy. I can't really dictate the entire course of the RP, but just to let you know, we are going to be ending soon. Starting with finally moving the truck.) Fuego I nod, and smile a bit. I can only hope she's being honest, and it looks like she is. I sign my reply. "As long as you haven't entirely given up, there's still something to fight for. Even a sliver of hope is something good." Sometimes it's all you need to keep going. I look around, and see everyone pile in to the truck again. "I think that's all of us," I mumble, but I don't answer Stitch. I can't tell anymore.
#120148326Friday, December 13, 2013 4:21 AM GMT

Screech I yawn and stretch, before sitting up. AWAKE! AWAKE! Morning snack! I reach into my pockets, pulling out a black wrapper which crinkled as I took it out. A candy bar. I begin to tear at it with my teeth, that was the only way to open these things... SUGAR! CHOCOLATEY GOODNESS! THE HOPE THAT THIS WASN'T ONE OF THOSE THAT WERE FILLED WITH SMELLY GRANOLA. Actually... I think Pixel would like one... I pull out another bar, and place it right beside the... I don't know... Girly Sleeping Thing. (I know it's not morning, or that we didn't time skip, but... Lets just say that Screech is incredibly Hyper.)
#120158227Friday, December 13, 2013 10:11 AM GMT

(Well let's jus say that EVERYONE is in da truck even if there not :D !) Stitch I nodded to myself and began to drive off.
#120311182Sunday, December 15, 2013 4:24 AM GMT

Crimson "Hey." I grab the bottle bottle, taking a short swig from it before filling my flask.
#120370662Sunday, December 15, 2013 9:49 PM GMT

Jarett looks at the flask. ¨Can I get a few sips of that?¨
#120464878Tuesday, December 17, 2013 2:18 AM GMT

Crimson I shake my head. "Nope."
#120486208Tuesday, December 17, 2013 12:49 PM GMT

Jarett shrugs. He's never drunk anything alcoholic anyway, he was just nervous.