#121941064Wednesday, January 01, 2014 9:48 PM GMT

I stumbled forward. ¨Bloody H--l! Can't you drive?!" I yelled.
#121946415Wednesday, January 01, 2014 10:39 PM GMT

Matthew I tense for a moment, and stand up as soon as the truck stops. "What the hell was that?" I demanded, quickly glancing around. "Everyone alright?"
#121946841Wednesday, January 01, 2014 10:44 PM GMT

Crimson I grimace as my head hits the wall of the truck. "Agh damn it! The h___ was that?!" I hold my head and stand up, grabbing the handle of my launcher, I walk toward the exit.
#121947420Wednesday, January 01, 2014 10:49 PM GMT

(Sorry Tosimaru, but no. I'm not sure if you saw my correction of what Smooch said, but he was wrong. Aura and Anthony were previously planned for. We were just waiting for an appropriate time to post the characters on the RP) Aura: I see the other car slow down and know immediately that I've won. "VICTORY! VICTORYYYYYYY!!!!!" I shout, putting one fist in the air, as I slam down on the breaks. I sharply turn the car as we skid across the pavement so we turn 180 degrees and stop near the truck. "See Antonio, I knew we'd win. Silly goose." I ruffle his hair gently before unstrapping my seat-belt and getting out of the car.
#121947684Wednesday, January 01, 2014 10:52 PM GMT

Matthew I follow very close behind Crimson, forming a sword of metal out of my arm.
#121948106Wednesday, January 01, 2014 10:56 PM GMT

Fuego I jump at the sudden motion of the car. What the hell happened? I stand up. Sam Directing my attention to the exit, I prepare for a possible fight. Anthony I sit in place for a moment, frozen. How I'm still alive with Aura, I'll never know. After a deep breath I swing the door of my side open, and step out. "...Whoever it was in that truck isn't going to be happy." We have some explaining to do. The insanity of it all... I sigh, and laughing quietly, shake my head. Sure, it was fun, but we're in trouble now. And we almost died.
#121949055Wednesday, January 01, 2014 11:06 PM GMT

Crimson I sling my launcher around my back, dropping down, before grabbing the handle. I struggle with it for a little, before raising the door... I touch the back of my head with my hand, bringing it up to inspect it. "I must've cut myself on the frame." I wipe the blood on my pants, before unslinging the launcher and dropping to a crouch.
#121949812Wednesday, January 01, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

Aura: I look at the two people coming out of the truck. I smile and put my right arm over my head, waving to them with all my might. "Hello there friends!" I stop when I notice that one of them has an RPG. Wow. That's awesome. Then I notice that the other one has a metal blade coming out of his arm "Dude. Not sure of you've noticed, but you kinda have a sharp piece of metal protruding from your flesh around this area." I giggle, gesturing to my arm.
#121950233Wednesday, January 01, 2014 11:18 PM GMT

Matthew I give a look of disgust, but continue with the currently pressing issue. I form a shield on the arm without a sword, and take a few steps towards the two who just about caused a car accident. "What the hell do you think you're doing? We could have been seriously hurt, as could you." I state, staying at a ready position for combat.
#121950691Wednesday, January 01, 2014 11:22 PM GMT

Crimson "I think we should take the shot." I whisper to him, flicking the safety off.
#121950860Wednesday, January 01, 2014 11:24 PM GMT

Matthew I nod gently, and in-discreetly. "Whenever you're ready..." I whisper.
#121950923Wednesday, January 01, 2014 11:25 PM GMT

Aura: I laugh right in his face. "Wasn't that awesome though? I think that was the best game of chicken I've ever played. We were so close, but you lost." I say, before winking and sticking my tongue out.
#121952445Wednesday, January 01, 2014 11:38 PM GMT

Anthony This is bad. I place my hand on her shoulder, gripping it slightly. "Aura," I warn her quietly, "You need to tone it down a moment." I lift my open hand a moment, trying to show we aren't hostile, and drop it. "I apologize for that... My friend can be a over the top sometimes." I keep my eyes on the two who left the truck. "I'm just glad we didn't hit you. Was anyone hurt?"
#121954138Wednesday, January 01, 2014 11:53 PM GMT

Matthew I glare at Aura, but glance over at Crimson, shrugging. "I don't think anyone is hurt," I state, turning back to the second person who spoke. "Are you guys alright?" I lowered my shield, morphing it back into my arm, but I left the other arm as a sword, at my side. "Crimson, tell the others.." I say in a low voice, "they should probably know about this."
#121955581Thursday, January 02, 2014 12:06 AM GMT

Anthony I smile slightly, and breath a sigh of relief. "Thank God." "We're fine. I'm a tad shaken, but fine." I try to ease the tension a bit, as we did almost collide. They don't seem too happy about that. Who would be? Aura, by the looks of it. She's just glad we won. The good thing is, they stopped. Everyone is okay, as far as I know.
#121955955Thursday, January 02, 2014 12:10 AM GMT

Crimson I stand up, grimacing, before stopping the blood flowing out of my head where I'm cut. Great, the blood f___ed up my hair too. "So, would anyone like to meet the people who nearly killed us?"
#121956824Thursday, January 02, 2014 12:17 AM GMT

Pixel (2) I open my eyes and stretch, yawning. "Wha... What happened?" Fuego "People?" I tug my pack on. "How many?"
#121957367Thursday, January 02, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

Crimson "Just two. One of them's a girl, the other is a guy. The girl seems insane... The guy seems sensible."
#121958732Thursday, January 02, 2014 12:35 AM GMT

Pixel (2) I poke other me in the cheek a few times. She looks up. "People outside!" She grins. Pixel (1) "Go look!" Pixel tells me, and I salute her. "Okie dokie." I take a look at Diana before standing, and smile. New people! Other people! "I wanna go look!" Fuego "Okay," I nod, "Doesn't sound too bad. Are they trying to attack still?" I pick my way around people, towards the exit.
#121960156Thursday, January 02, 2014 12:49 AM GMT

Stitch I stagger out from the truck and grimace swearing. I grip the truck as Amber jumps down. "You ok Stitch?" I look at her and open up my coat showing that all the knives I had tucked away had all gone right into my chest. "Yeah I'm fine.." I stagger slightly walking next to Crimson. I wrench the knives from my body dropping them on the ground. I then draw one of my guns and aim at the other two. "You are lucky I don't die easily. But you die if I find anyone else is hurt"
#121964984Thursday, January 02, 2014 1:36 AM GMT

Anthony I look at the knives on the ground, and back to the person threatening us. He looks a bit odd, but odd is the new normal, anyways. I take a half step back, hands at my sides. I would prefer to not be shot right now. "I have some bandages, if you need them." I pause before continuing. "I hope no one else was hurt, but even if they were, killing us wouldn't help them."
#121965921Thursday, January 02, 2014 1:45 AM GMT

Aura: I give the man with the gun a look of curiosity and tilt my head slightly to the left. "You put your knives where they could stab you that easily?" Then I look at the gun in his hand and smile warmly, before looking back at his eyes. "You shouldn't play with guns ya know." I try say with concern, although I still exhale hard through my nose stifling a laugh. "They're dangerous."
#121966590Thursday, January 02, 2014 1:51 AM GMT

Diana My hand hovers over my backpack, ready to grab for my revolver. I glance at Pixel, feeling my previously battle-ready expression go soft. My hand moves away. "Sure, go ahead. I'll...stay here with other Pixel." I smile, pecking said other Pixel on the forehead, lightly. God, Pixel has made me go soft... Can't say I mind. Andrew I sigh, picking my self up. Echo follows tightly behind. I squint, eyes adjusting from the dim truck interior to the bright of day. Turning, I look to see Stitch pointing a gun at two strangers, one of which...has a vibe to her. One I've seen before, or better yet, one I've seen many times. I raise a hand, pushing Stitch's weaponry down from it's aimed position. "If they really wanted to do us harm, Stitch, we would already be dead. You can keep 'em out, but let's not go around throwing guns in other people's faces. Be civil." I look to the tww new people, sighing, and turning to face 'em. "Seeing how you nearly rammed a truck into us, I hope you don't mind me skipping the pleasantries. Who are you, and why did you nearly crash head-first into us?"
#121967241Thursday, January 02, 2014 1:57 AM GMT

Stitch I sighed spinning the gun around on my finger and then put it back into it's holster flicking the safety off. I pick up the knives putting them back. "They flew out.." I sighed again and began sewing my wounds up with my stitches flowing from my fingers.
#121970407Thursday, January 02, 2014 2:25 AM GMT

Crimson "No... They don't appear to be attacking... More... Chatting."