#80549662Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:05 PM GMT

(someone ally with Jake and Roran) Jake "Seriously, my revolver was like my second favotie weapon!" Roran "Chill out, dude, you have one of the most pweruful guns ever made! And that sword`s pretty sharp, you`ll be fine"
#80549857Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:08 PM GMT

#80550233Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:13 PM GMT

(I like being solo the majority of the time but Molly might be able to work something out with your two charaters) Molly~ I jump over a long and examine a small puddle. The puddles water was a green color so I kept going. After a while I decide to sit down and examine my surroundings. This area offered enough concealment unless someone came through here with a keen eye and the majority of the leaves from the trees have fallen off so climbing up there was no choice if I wanted to sleep up in one for the night. I decided not to use this as a temporay home and got up and kept on trekkiing but instead I went more West-South this time.
#80550447Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:16 PM GMT

Roran I notice another grenade in the ground it was broken, there was no grass near it, and a burnt bullet shell was lyin g next to it. "we got more company" Jake I take out my BWSR 1. "They won`t get past me.
#80551269Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:27 PM GMT

(Last of my post *Log not long. -_-) Molly~ I walk for about 10 more minutes and decided I should just rest for a while. My hurt ankle was starting to throb painfully. I sit down and search my small bag of supplies for fabric. I find a torn shirt I had. I wrapped the fabric around my ankle and break off a good sized stick for me to support on if needed. I sat there but very staying very alert. I take my knife out and start to carve a arrow pointing the way I came into the tree beside me. When I finished I got up and placed my knife in my pocket and went West-East some more.
#80551827Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:35 PM GMT

Jake I fire a gunshot into the air. The bullet lands in a tree.
#80552624Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:45 PM GMT

(Don`t worry about spelling errors, I make alot, I`ll know what you`re trying to say. That`s why schools teach context clues)
#80554678Sunday, October 21, 2012 6:10 PM GMT

(post...someone post....)
#80562867Sunday, October 21, 2012 7:48 PM GMT

Tommy I see two more people.(Jake and Roran) "Should I shoot them?" I thought. I walk towards them with my hand on my gun, just in case.
#80564065Sunday, October 21, 2012 8:01 PM GMT

Molly~ I hear a gun shot in the distance. It sounded like it came from far ahead of me. I swoop to the left for a mile or so then walk West-East again. Someone was really looking for trouble I kept thinking, or they wanted to see if anyone would come to them and help them. Either way its best to avoid personelles in this world know-a-days. I come across a river seperating me from land. I see a branch leaning over it so I start to climb the tree and scoot on the branch. I hear it cracking so I jump fast. I was glad when I jumped when I did because it broke as soon as I jumped and it made a huge thud in the water. The water was appearntly not deeper then my knife can go in. I examine my ankle again and it was burised. I sat down and tried to relax my ankle as best as I could but it didn't help much. I look at the sky and guess the sun will be up in a few hours. (It was night right? If not then replace the line with--> "I look up into the sky and guess it will be dark in a few hours.")
#80568528Sunday, October 21, 2012 8:54 PM GMT

Jake I look behind me and pull my longsword"State your buisnes!"
#80574640Sunday, October 21, 2012 10:05 PM GMT

Tommy I whisper, "Ohh, crap" Then I say loudly (Since I am like 5 yards away from you guys) "Well, I was- j- mayb-" I take out my gun and shoot his sword out of his hand and run down a alleyway and jump up a ladder climbing the fire escape to the top of the building, then I jump to another.
#80578778Sunday, October 21, 2012 10:54 PM GMT

(hehehe, I am not going to read 2 whole pages. This is my post successful thread! :3 oh and you don't have to kill each other or band together with anyone. You can if you want or stay alone.) Avila I woke up and udaru was badly hurt. 3 of the men were killed."Udaru!"I said climbing off the crate."What happen?!"I asked. " We went out hunting and a guild found us. Haniro, Luka, and rein are dead. Hunter is find he said but he was shot around 6 times. I was attacked with a sword but were ok." He said. I gave him a hug then ran over and pried open one of the crates. It was wound stuff to help wounds. I then wiped it on his wounds and wrapped them up.
#80579298Sunday, October 21, 2012 10:59 PM GMT

Jake I shake my hand, then grab my sword, I fall into a lake, I see a wounded person there. I go up to roran ad whisper something,then I sit down on the oppsit side of the lake, i out my burning hand in the water, the bullet blew off alot of skin.
#80581776Sunday, October 21, 2012 11:27 PM GMT

#80581807Sunday, October 21, 2012 11:28 PM GMT

Avila I sat down next to udaru and sighed."We can't go raiding the bigger guilds or anything now. We have to go to smaller ones." I said.
#80582025Sunday, October 21, 2012 11:30 PM GMT

(time of day: morning. Sunrise.)
#80582203Sunday, October 21, 2012 11:31 PM GMT

Jake I move my hand around in the water. It stung, and it made the water red. But it was best to keep my wounds clean. I wrapped a towel around my hand. I can only use one weapon at a time now.
#80583456Sunday, October 21, 2012 11:46 PM GMT

Molly~ I sigh and limp over to the water and cuff some in my hand and pour it over the fabric of my damaged ankle. I decide traveling at night was smart but sleeping in broad daylight was risky and I was very tired know but knew I needed to keep moving but I should go a little more towards the left of mr after hearing the gunshots have startled me a little and it's got me scared that I might be found. I look around for anything to make a splint.
#80583655Sunday, October 21, 2012 11:48 PM GMT

Avila I leaned against udaru and fell asleep. About 4 hours later i woke up in the pack under a bench."Udaru?" I asked and crawled out with the sniper he promised me and my dagger and pistol. Why would he leave me? I noticed his lifeless body over by a bush.:Udaru!" I ran over to him. He was dead. He had been chased down and shot. He hid me before they got me to.
#80583685Sunday, October 21, 2012 11:49 PM GMT

Roran I wave at the person leaving, then helkp Jake
#80583914Sunday, October 21, 2012 11:51 PM GMT

Jake I hear someone yell "Udaru!" and rush over there, the person probably needed help, and my state ,ade me realize that I needed some kind of help besides Roran.
#80584657Sunday, October 21, 2012 11:59 PM GMT

Avila I tried to give him CPR but he was to far gone. I cried because I lived with him since I was 3. He was like my big brother.
#80585019Monday, October 22, 2012 12:03 AM GMT

Jake I hide behind a shrub, and watcxh the person crying over a dead body. I watched.
#80585739Monday, October 22, 2012 12:11 AM GMT

Molly- I start to hear yelling in the distance. I couldn't make out the words but I wet a little in that drive toon and stopped. No need to go there it could just be a trap and I only know of medical herbs not actual healing if it was an injured person or persons. I start to follow the small river a little and come across a small shack about the size of two port-a-potties but I doubt anyone would stay in that cramped up area. I throw a rock at the door as hard ad I can and hear nothing. I break the glass and enter that way. There was many cans of food and a opened crate full of water bottles. Only a couple were empty and I stuff enough that could last me two weeks. I open a bottle and start to drink it. I empty the bottle and drink another. It felt good to have wetness in my mouth again. I then heard someone outside the door.