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#80353273Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:15 PM GMT

This is a really nice idea, to make ROBLOX a better game. I'll break this down, so that it is understandable. Overview: Multiple parts are converted into a single mesh. Like a hat, just made in ROBLOX. Why this is needed: ROBLOX is a great engine, but we are so limited because of how slowly things run. A detailed plane of 100+ parts can only fly semi-smoothly in an empty place. Advantages: Detailed Vehicles (Imagine, a 3 part plane! (Seat, Landing Gear, Body)) Detailed Places, without lag! (Convert bricks that are mashed together, for details. Example: If you build a clock, you don't need your tiny meshes parts to have collision, or even to be calculated! Make gear, a single part and remove the need for welding scripts! The gear will run much faster with animations as well! Make our own hats, morphs, with unlimited detail! If you have, let's say a building, with many windows, instead of having 100 parts per side, make each side of the building it's own part! That would be 4 walls, plus a roof! That's 401 parts converted into 5 parts! If the game was not based on blowing up that building, then you have removed hundreds of parts with NO difference noticeable by the players, except, it runs faster! Disadvantages: New players not intelligent enough to read, may use the feature to group parts, and then a, let's say car, won't be able to be entered. Conclusion: This feature would revolutionize ROBLOX, because one of ROBLOX's greatest criticisms is how slow it runs with multiple parts. If ROBLOX was to create this feature, everything could run smoothly, without lag, and with extreme detail. The big issue is the updating of parts, and the physics engine. It could reduce a 10,000 part place into a 500 part masterpiece. Any noticeable difference to players? Nope!
#80353552Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:18 PM GMT

Nice idea. Support.
#80353913Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:22 PM GMT

#80354189Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:25 PM GMT

I cnat wait for it to come out and pwn players.
#80354281Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:26 PM GMT

Suggested before, but I have and will support this idea. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#80354301Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:26 PM GMT

Suggested a lot. Not well thought of. Lacking ideas and structure. No support.
#80354353Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:27 PM GMT

Great idea one thing tho its not like a mesh counts as one brick if it is 17 times bigger then the brick used and the more faces on the mesh the more likely it is to count as more although your right it would make a HUGE IMPACT for roblox SUPPORTED WITH HUGE HOPE p.s. i don't know the tool used to make the meshes is t that anim8tor thingy?
#80354482Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:28 PM GMT

@kevin You might not be able to wrap your head around the concept, but others can. It is well thought out. There are no bad arguments against it. Once you learn how the ROBLOX engine works, you can point out faults.
#80354498Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:29 PM GMT

I actually see how thats, infact very clever to create or mash the bricks together. But I will say a reason on why it's a good thing and both bad. Good reason: would be to create and use many bricks to create a master piece by challenging yourself to see what you can and cannot do. Bad reason: Although when using to many blocks to create one thing it may of course cause lagg and possibly a glitch ruining the sculpture, house, suit etc. So in a way I guess I can see how this would work, so.... I can agree on this.
#80354785Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:32 PM GMT

@Ventus It would not create lag. It would remove it. That is a 100% guarantee. The physics engine is why planes, etc lag. Making it calculate physics for a single part, instead of 100, reduces lag significantly. And rendering all parts as a mesh file, instead of 1 by 1, is also more efficient.
#80354798Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:32 PM GMT

AWESOME Idea Rukiryo!!!!!!!!!! ;D
#80354880Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:33 PM GMT

Uhh no, not really thought out well. How would this work? Where would it be? And notice this is not an easy feature to make. You can't just say you "group" all the parts together and just say, "Ok no more lag at all, I grouped 20,000 blocks together, so it's just one brick now." Yeeee no. Either way, this is WNTS; since user made meshes are not allowed to be suggested.
#80355011Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:34 PM GMT

good idea ruk
#80355304Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:38 PM GMT

Actually it is not user made meshes. It is ROBLOX Generated content. I asked, and was told that this is allowed. You don't understand how it works because you don't program. Where would it be? A studio tool, you're just looking to put it down. With Studio 2.0 Beta in development, why not. How would it work? Good question. I do not program mesh conversions too much, but know how the algorithm works. Whatever mesh file ROBLOX uses (obj, etc) would be converted. How? Simple. ROBLOX "Parts" are already "Meshes". Just because you don't see a "Mesh" doesn't mean they aren't a mesh. MANY popular 3D engines have merging of meshes. ROBLOX would take the vertices of the parts included (it would not be allowed to have a filemesh in it, of course) and then make it a single file. The mesh would not be extremely efficient, as it would have vertices inside the mesh, from CFramed parts, but still would run faster.
#80355867Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:45 PM GMT

"Multiple parts are converted into a single mesh" That is a user made mesh. "You don't understand how it works because you don't program" And you do? Writing a little script on Roblox isn't something to be very proud of. "you're just looking to put it down." Not my fault it's flawed. Anyways, with the game developers working on the 500k brick update, this wouldn't be very needed.
#80356542Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:53 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#80356566Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:53 PM GMT

#80356988Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:58 PM GMT

Seems legit
#80357114Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:59 PM GMT

#80357183Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:00 PM GMT

I honestly think this idea would make Roblox better then ever. with this, i can finish my Scripted Models faster, and without the need to weld all the parts together. This would Revolutionize Roblox for a LONG time, until people come up with more ideas. I would say this is one of the best so far, and hope to see this in the next Roblox Update. You have my Support, Rukiryo. -Beasty/masterchife
#80357428Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:02 PM GMT

@Kevin I am a C++ coder. Yes. And, oh, look at that! ROBLOX is coded in..wait..what's that...? Oh! C++! I use ROBLOX to test my game design. In C++ I cannot make multiplayer games, as I do not have the budget to make servers, to this is the best way to practice. School, learn C++ Home, practice marketing and ideas It's quite efficient.
#80357634Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:04 PM GMT

And no, it is not a user made mesh, IF IT IS GENERATED BY ROBLOX. Some people REALLY are not able to think for themselves. They blocked user made meshes because theyre 99% COPYRIGHTED. Just noobs ripping from halo, gun, etc and then ROBLOX gets in trouble. Same with music. If ROBLOX makes a music maker, that can allow players to make music, it is MADE IN ROBLOX. THE ISSUE IS EXTERNAL THINGS. I've contradicted all of your points, with legitimate answers. You don't understand what the new update allows either. So get off the forums, I just destroyed you.
#80357788Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:06 PM GMT

sounds amazing to me
#80358186Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:10 PM GMT

@Rukiryo I wasn't talking about your idea i was describing on how it is now when others wanted to make and create there stuff.
#80359231Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:23 PM GMT

Oh okay

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