#80779480Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:11 AM GMT

#80780087Thursday, October 25, 2012 10:10 AM GMT

Said "Part-To-Mesh Conversion" would indeed be, a USER made mesh. Meshes aren't even used a lot by game makers simply because they're not necesarry. You can use many CFramed parts with scripted welds to make anything you want. This would not in turn reduce lag because the mesh would've originated from the parts causing the "lag" anyways. If you're talking about lag, then the only "lag" you should be concerned with is client-side lag. It's like saying that if you group 1000 parts together in a model, there will be less lag. Not true. Also, this unlimited detail you speak of is simply not going to work. It depends on the client, not the server. Roblox doesn't have any limit on detail, but clients do, and that's what causes lag. Some clients have less powerful proccessors and shaders and what not that can comprehend that detail, but others may have much more, which is why they may not lag as much. I don't support this.
#80781782Thursday, October 25, 2012 11:57 AM GMT

Good idea 08'r >;3
#80781813Thursday, October 25, 2012 11:59 AM GMT

This sounds like a good idea and everything so I would have supported this, but this is impossible to achieve believe it or not. The only way you can group things together into "1 part" is voxels (so terrain)... If you try to put 100 bricks together that are just standard roblox bricks that appear in the workspace then it is impossible... The computer will ALWAYS recognize a part as 1 part... It will not be able to recognize that 20 parts are actually just 1 part... For this reason I do not support this idea. HOWEVER I DO SUPPORT ROBLOX GIVING US USER MADE MESHES BACK! >:O
#80880258Saturday, October 27, 2012 12:35 AM GMT

Rukiryo, I don't understand much about programming and game designing because I'm more into the literature creation and movie directing, but I agree with this. This could actually make movie- directing better on ROBLOX, since record causes so much lag by its self. You are a genius in game designing, AND helping Roblox out with it's problems.
#80894168Saturday, October 27, 2012 3:17 AM GMT

on your pokemon game you should make it so you can save
#81070994Monday, October 29, 2012 2:25 PM GMT

#81076418Monday, October 29, 2012 4:58 PM GMT

a really great idea i support it
#81256542Thursday, November 01, 2012 3:20 PM GMT

#81286954Friday, November 02, 2012 12:18 AM GMT

Now I can't really program that much but I know a bit of intermediate Roblox scripting.You guys have a point. It might recognize the parts in the mesh of... let's say Anim8or, and make it lag like it does with regular Roblox parts. But then what troubles me is that my theory and you guys' theory might be wrong. None of us have actually worked with the Roblox Staff so we don't know about some of the things that work in Roblox. This might actually work. You have my support Ruk. ~Friesguy Former Lieutenant of DFL Scout of TD Learner +3 of LuaLearners Private of Zatovian Empire
#81293933Friday, November 02, 2012 1:29 AM GMT

Thanks. I did a small test with OpenGL. I made a Cube, with physics applied to it, attached to 2 other cubes to it. I then made a "boundary box" for 3 vertices, and made them fall. The ones that shared physics, ran MUCH faster. Now, people are arguing this. "It needs to render points for the mesh, that makes it lag!!!" True, it will render the points, but, what do you think bricks, wedges, spheres, truss, all of that is. They are all meshes as well. Everything in 3D on a computer, is TECHNICALLY considered a "mesh". They have to be rendered anyways, and they're still rendering the same shapes, just as one. Another argument people are saying: "The mesh will be inefficient, as there will be vertexes inside of the mesh!" Well, what do you think you're doing when you CFrame. Exact same thing. Parts are being rendered inside other parts. Same concept. Works the same. Not slower at all. So, hopefully that clears up some arguments. They are valid points, definitely, but they are contradicted.
#81296786Friday, November 02, 2012 2:03 AM GMT

I Support >_> idc what everyone else says this seems great
#81348506Friday, November 02, 2012 11:58 PM GMT

thats a pretty good idea i think i might just like it even though all you guys are saying "Oh,this will create a lag and it will be slow!!!"i have 1 thing to say to you...shutup its a good idea so why dont you go with it? P.S. Rukiryo, your awesome!!! ;D
#81355257Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:21 AM GMT

Epic. But yeah. This is ROBLOX. They did aledry post about that, it would be like making a 3D maker in ROBLOX... Duh, it still blocks. Still ROBLOX. ~
#81356391Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:34 AM GMT

Support. Would it take time, through? ROBLOX doesn't have all the recipes/combos.     -Tran
#81361043Saturday, November 03, 2012 2:29 AM GMT

No support. I would like to see it, but then when its in mesh form, you can't add the custom physics, like a house, you wouldn't be able to enter, and X rated items could be made.
#81375377Saturday, November 03, 2012 7:55 AM GMT

Good idea I hate planes that are lagged.
#81379497Saturday, November 03, 2012 11:53 AM GMT

My dad has already talked about this, And I support this. If this were to be released to where Edit Mode was treated like a 3D Editor, Such as Cheeta3D, we could all make TONS of stuff.
#81379599Saturday, November 03, 2012 11:56 AM GMT

Also, MY dad thought it would be cool if you could Design something on Cheeta 3D and Send it into roblox, So you couls just TRANSPORT the meshes you made, and all Textures of the transported model would dissapear :)
#81379617Saturday, November 03, 2012 11:57 AM GMT

Highly supported, we need this.
#81381598Saturday, November 03, 2012 12:58 PM GMT

#81396924Saturday, November 03, 2012 5:10 PM GMT

Can you please update pokemon cause alot of peoples arent going to play it if there is no saving button like me I play the game and my pokemon is just lv 16 it lv up but then you have to go WHATS THE POINTS OF PLAYING IF ITS NOT GOING TO SAVE?So yea please do update you game with a saving button I beg you for your game fan. :I
#81397924Saturday, November 03, 2012 5:25 PM GMT

I love this idea it would increase good rating of game play. This would bring ROBLOX's popularity up greatly. Great idea rukiryo.
#81405741Saturday, November 03, 2012 7:25 PM GMT

One of the best ideas I have ever seen.
#81416866Saturday, November 03, 2012 10:13 PM GMT

Rukiro, dont get mad. Youre being an idiot. They dont support, I dont either.