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#80420963Friday, October 19, 2012 11:55 PM GMT

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post, but it's pretty close. I'm considering learning Latin using Wheelock's Latin as my guide. The main goal is so I can understand the English language more clearly and possibly expand upon other languages, since Latin is known to be the base language where many words derive from. So, if there's anyone out there who knows Latin and could give me some comments(i.e. Don't learn it, it's a waste of your time. Or, Learn it definitely, it's a great tool to have. Or, Learn it, but Wheelock's Latin isn't a good choice). Thanks in advance. And if this is in the wrong forum, please tell me where it belongs.
#80422908Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:23 AM GMT

English is a Northern Germanic language, learning Ænglisc or German would help you more; unless however, you are studying in medical school, in which case I think learning Latin may help quite a bit.
#80483264Saturday, October 20, 2012 8:38 PM GMT

@supre: True and false, Latin did influence romanic languages a lot (French, Spanish, Portugese, Italian and Romanian). Now we know that France rules over England for a long time wich imported its language there, wich is why many English words are similair to the French ones (not the other way around). I'm not going trough the whole revolution and Napoleon stuff, but this is an important thing; French hugely influenced English, and we know that Latin has influenced French a lot (I also have my personal expriences as I am studying both Latin and French (and more languages, ofc)), wich makes Latin have influenced English indirectly, but Latin also influenced English directly: the Roman Empire.

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