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#80516528Sunday, October 21, 2012 3:45 AM GMT

[This is a free-choice RP. Make your decisions and I will determine the outcome for you, though you may proceed off of that any way you would like.] ________________________________________________________________ - CONNECTION ESTABLISHED - TRANSMITTING DISTRESS SIGNAL AAA-047 FROM: UNITED GALACTIC DIRECTORATE "JUGGERNAUT" - [HYPERION-CLASS-DREADNOUGHT] TO: ALL UGD STATIONS BEGIN: To all UGD stations, this is Captain David Shepherd of the UGD - Juggernaut. Two days ago my ship crash landed on a strange planet. We were picked up some unusual signals, thought we would go investigate. Something pull-*static*-we have been barely holding out. 10 dead, just of the ones who have found me, the rest of the crew, including teams Midas, Sigma, and Alpha. We are still trying to establish contact with teams, but there is no signal from any of them. Engineering has also gone dark, along with our boys in the lab-- Oh god, they are braking in again! Michael, bring them do-*static*-No, NO! GET BACK YOU MONSTER, GET BACK! OH GOD, IT HURTS, IT HURTS! JUSUS HELP ME! SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP! Ugg… Ugg… Help…me... Grr... GRR... - CONNECTION LOST ________________________________________________________________ In 2285, the UGD Hyperion-Class-Dreadnought, "Juggernaut" crash landed on an unmarked planet searching for a strange signal coming from it. The ships crew of 10,894 were, reportedly, all slaughter by insurrectionist forces. No searches were ever carried out and the original transmission was destroyed, replaced by a modified version. But beneath all the lies, nothing could be farther from the truth. You are a survivor of the crash. Scientist, Soldier, Engineer...It doesn't matter. You are all meat to them. You are all equally edible. Now you must survive... And uncover the mystery of the Darkness Inside. ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ----------------------------SKILLS & TRAITS---------------------------- {Pick up to 3; admins can chose up to 4} {[?] = A perk that will have an effect on the type of questions you get, the way NPC's will act toward you, and more. Be cautious when selecting these perks.} JUGGERNAUT: You are a living, breathing tank! Nothing can ever bring you down, but your lumbering size makes it harder for you to maneuver. [You will be harder to bring down, but slower to move. You cannot choose with Agile.] AGILE: While you don't have the physical build of most people, you are faster than them all. You can dodge anything and everything! [You are easier to take down, but you can dodge and run faster than most. Cannot choose with Juggernaut.] AMBIDEXTROUS: You are skilled with both hands, allowing you to do things much faster and gives you the ability to dual wield weapons! [Allows you to hold two weapons, along with a few other minor perks.] CREATIVE: You are a very creative person, in more ways than one! Bricks? Head-crusher! Broken pipes? Weapons of Mass Destruction! Locked doors? Non-existent. [You can turn just about everything into a weapon, whether it be a broken lead pipe, a small piece of wall, or a homemade flamethrower! You are also skilled at opening locked doors and containers.] PYRO: Fire. Fire! FIRE! [You are highly skilled at using anything that burns, whether it be a combustible barrel or a military-grade flamethrower or a grenade launcher. Basically, an explosives expert.] COMPANION: You and your friend crashed together. Lucky you did too. You will need friends to survive this massacre. [Gives you a companion to help you survive.] OVERKILL: Everything is killable, it just depends on how much ammo you have to finish the job. [You have extra ammo for all of your ranged projectiles and your knives are sharper. Becomes easier to kill things.] RUTHLESS: You have a ruthless personality. People have called you cold, heartless, soulless. But when a job needs done that others don't have the stomach to do, you are the one to call. [?] HERO: You are the hero, someone who will always sacrifice himself over others. You are well liked and respected, someone who is a great leader. But when the time comes, will you be able to make the hard choice? [?] MORTAL: You are neither the hero, nor the villain. Your primary goal is to survive, to help those you care about survive, to kill those you don't. But, when you need to get a job done at any cost, or save those that you care about, what will you do? [?] ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ----------------------------PROFESSION---------------------------- [Weapon classes are in this order: the Gun, Main[M]/Sidearm[S]/Melee[Me], Class. You may choose one Main, one sidearm, and one Melee. If you have Overkill, you may take one extra M-S-Me.] SOLDIER: You work for the PMC: Overwatch. You primary objective was to protect the ship for hostile insurrectionist forces. With the crashing of the ship, the only one you can protect is yourself. [You are very skilled in projectile and close-quarters combat, but not much else. You have a bonus to the amount of damage you deal.] SCIENTIST: You work for either the Institute of Abnormal Research and/or the Black Box Research Facility. You were designated to the ship to study anything that came across the ship in its journeys. You thought you had hit the motherload with this signal. You were wrong. [You are very skilled in research and testing and have been granted access to some of the ships...less than normal weapons. GRAVITY GUN: Can take anything over 50 pounds and hurl to at an enemy with lightning speed, crushing it to bits if heavy enough. // PORTAL DEVICE: Allows you to create portals on flat surfaces. One trigger will shoot a blue portal, the other, a red. Shooting both on flat surfaces will allow you to travel through them.] ENGINEER: You were part of the crew working down on the engineering deck. You are very skilled mechanically and are a very good problem solver. You are also very strong and know how machines work. [You can build your own makeshift weapons and armor {Within REASON; depends on materials that you have available.} and can also fix things that could come in handy to you later. May have a favorable outcome in a tough situation. Must choose the JUGGERNAUT perk if you take this class.] STOWAWAY: You stole onto the ship when it was about to leave dock. As far as anyone else is concerned, you have no past. You thought that this was the start of a new life. How very wrong you were. [Gain the STEALTHY perk for free, which allows you to sneak past hostiles more easily, but other crew members will wonder why you were there in the first place. Be careful, some are not as friendly as others.] ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ----------------------------CHARACTER SHEET---------------------------- [Please put MENDICANT in the "other" category] Name: Gender: A.ge: [Nothing below 16 or you will be painfully destroyed by turrets and/or monsters.] Physical Description: Items: [Please be within reason.] Profession: [1] Perks: [3] Personality: [Choose something that goes along with the RUTHLESS/HERO/MORTAL perks, if you choose one.] Biography: [Can be TBR, but you MUST reveal it eventually. All other biography must be a good three sentences.] Other: RP'ing Skills Sample:
#80517029Sunday, October 21, 2012 3:52 AM GMT

May join, only think I'm sad about is the lack of Professions you can choose.
#80517975Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:03 AM GMT

[[Sorry, I would have created more, but unfortunately I didn't have the time. If you could come up with some more, I would be grateful and then repost.
#80518032Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:04 AM GMT

[[Actually, I need to repost anyway, some things wrong with this...]]
#80518176Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:06 AM GMT

[When I read it, it kind of did look like you just cut it off there :P Well hmm, Cooks? Heavy Lifters [You know, move stuff, etc.] Surgeon Bridge Crew Something that agile would be good for]
#80518274Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:07 AM GMT

[Could you post the repost here? I have to go.]
#80518991Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:17 AM GMT

[This is a free-choice RP. Make your decisions and I will determine the outcome for you, though you may proceed off of that any way you would like.] ________________________________________________________________ - CONNECTION ESTABLISHED - TRANSMITTING DISTRESS SIGNAL AAA-047 FROM: UNITED GALACTIC DIRECTORATE "JUGGERNAUT" - [HYPERION-CLASS-DREADNOUGHT] TO: ALL UGD STATIONS BEGIN: To all UGD stations, this is Captain David Shepherd of the UGD - Juggernaut. Two days ago my ship crash landed on a strange planet. We were picked up some unusual signals, thought we would go investigate. Something pull-*static*-we have been barely holding out. 10 dead, just of the ones who have found me. The rest of the crew has gone dark, including teams Midas, Sigma, and Alpha. We are still trying to establish contact with teams, but there is no signal from any of them. Engineering has also gone dark, along with our boys in the lab-- Oh god, they are braking in again! Michael, bring them do-*static*-No, NO! GET BACK YOU MONSTER, GET BACK! OH GOD, IT HURTS, IT HURTS! JUSUS HELP ME! SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP! Ugg… Ugg… Help…me... Grr... GRR... - CONNECTION LOST ________________________________________________________________ In 2285, the UGD Hyperion-Class-Dreadnought, "Juggernaut" crash landed on an unmarked planet searching for a strange signal coming from it. The ships crew of 10,894 were, reportedly, all slaughter by insurrectionist forces. No searches were ever carried out and the original transmission was destroyed, replaced by a modified version. But beneath all the lies, nothing could be farther from the truth. You are a survivor of the crash. Scientist, Soldier, Engineer...It doesn't matter. You are all meat to them. You are all equally edible. Now you must survive... And uncover the mystery of the Darkness Inside. ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ----------------------------SKILLS & TRAITS---------------------------- {Pick up to 3; admins can chose up to 4} {[?] = A perk that will have an effect on the type of questions you get, the way NPC's will act toward you, and more. Be cautious when selecting these perks.} JUGGERNAUT: You are a living, breathing tank! Nothing can ever bring you down, but your lumbering size makes it harder for you to maneuver. [You will be harder to bring down, but slower to move. You cannot choose with Agile.] AGILE: While you don't have the physical build of most people, you are faster than them all. You can dodge anything and everything! [You are easier to take down, but you can dodge and run faster than most. Cannot choose with Juggernaut.] AMBIDEXTROUS: You are skilled with both hands, allowing you to do things much faster and gives you the ability to dual wield weapons! [Allows you to hold two weapons, along with a few other minor perks.] CREATIVE: You are a very creative person, in more ways than one! Bricks? Head-crusher! Broken pipes? Weapons of Mass Destruction! Locked doors? Non-existent. [You can turn just about everything into a weapon, whether it be a broken lead pipe, a small piece of wall, or a homemade flamethrower! You are also skilled at opening locked doors and containers.] PYRO: Fire. Fire! FIRE! [You are highly skilled at using anything that burns, whether it be a combustible barrel or a military-grade flamethrower or a grenade launcher. Basically, an explosives expert.] COMPANION: You and your friend crashed together. Lucky you did too. You will need friends to survive this massacre. [Gives you a companion to help you survive.] OVERKILL: Everything is killable, it just depends on how much ammo you have to finish the job. [You have extra ammo for all of your ranged projectiles and your knives are sharper. Becomes easier to kill things.] RUTHLESS: You have a ruthless personality. People have called you cold, heartless, soulless. But when a job needs done that others don't have the stomach to do, you are the one to call. [?] HERO: You are the hero, someone who will always sacrifice himself over others. You are well liked and respected, someone who is a great leader. But when the time comes, will you be able to make the hard choice? [?] MORTAL: You are neither the hero, nor the villain. Your primary goal is to survive, to help those you care about survive, to kill those you don't. But, when you need to get a job done at any cost, or save those that you care about, what will you do? [?] ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ----------------------------PROFESSION---------------------------- SOLDIER: You work for the PMC: Overwatch. You primary objective was to protect the ship for hostile insurrectionist forces. With the crashing of the ship, the only one you can protect is yourself. [You are very skilled in projectile and close-quarters combat, but not much else. You have a bonus to the amount of damage you deal.] SCIENTIST: You work for either the Institute of Abnormal Research and/or the Black Box Research Facility. You were designated to the ship to study anything that came across the ship in its journeys. You thought you had hit the motherload with this signal. You were wrong. [You are very skilled in research and testing and have been granted access to some of the ships...less than normal weapons. Be creative with what you choose. If you want to make up a weapon, go ahead, but keep it in the boundaries of quantum physics and not godmoded.]] ENGINEER: You were part of the crew working down on the engineering deck. You are very skilled mechanically and are a very good problem solver. You are also very strong and know how machines work. [You can build your own makeshift weapons and armor {Within REASON; depends on materials that you have available.} and can also fix things that could come in handy to you later. May have a favorable outcome in a tough situation. Must choose the JUGGERNAUT perk if you take this class.] PILOT: One of the crew workers for the logistics of the Juggernaut. For many years, you have have worked on ships and other vessels. You know the ship like the back of your hand. They have flown anything from troop transports to heavy armored tanks to entire spaceships. [Very skilled with vehicles and navigation. You need a driver or a pilot? These people are your men.] ADVENTURER: One who has volunteered to guard this ship in order to obtain "safe" passage to another world, usually one of the mineral rich mining worlds. They crave adventure and action. [Usually very hyper and impulsive, they are very determined to reach there goals. And they almost never fail after they have there mind set.] STOWAWAY: You stole onto the ship when it was about to leave dock. As far as anyone else is concerned, you have no past. You thought that this was the start of a new life. How very wrong you were. [Gain the STEALTHY perk for free, which allows you to sneak past hostiles more easily, but other crew members will wonder why you were there in the first place. Be careful, some are not as friendly as others.] ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ----------------------------CHARACTER SHEET---------------------------- [Please put MENDICANT in the "other" category] Name: Gender: A.ge: [Nothing below 16 or you will be painfully destroyed by turrets and/or monsters.] Physical Description: Items: [Please be within reason.] Profession: [1] Perks: [3] Location: [Mess Hall, Labs, Engineering Deck, Crew Deck, Life Pods {Which are useless and non-functioning}, Hanger Bay {Planes are also useless, but there are some working rovers to navigate faster}, Bridge. Personality: [Choose something that goes along with the RUTHLESS/HERO/MORTAL perks, if you choose one.] Biography: [Can be TBR, but you MUST reveal it eventually. All other biography must be a good three sentences.] Other: RP'ing Skills Sample:
#80519772Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:30 AM GMT

Na.me: Jake Lightning Gender: Male A.ge: 18 Physical description: Is pretty fit, has a six pack, can run pretty fast. Has shaggy black hair. Has dark brown eyes. Items: Sword Proffesion: adventurer Perks: Hero, companion, agile Location: Labs Personality: Heroish. Biography: Parsnts were killed. Decides to become an adventurer. Has a reputation for causing trouble. Is smart witty and enjoyable. Was born on Friday the 13th. Other: Causes trouble! Rp'ing skills sample: Bang! Another gunshot! The plan was working. He makes fun of me, I make fun of him! He twists forward from the trip wire and lands on floor. Rolls around and gets trapped in tripwire. I laugh head off, howling with laughter, my sides hurting.
#80519910Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:33 AM GMT

Edit: Weapon: MElee
#80521227Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:57 AM GMT

Jake: Slowly edges along the planet, hearing the distant groan of the creatures

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