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#80659651Tuesday, October 23, 2012 2:51 AM GMT

"Who ya taking to the dance?." "I would take Samson, maybe Nathaniel..." "Nathaniel? He is so shy, and even sometimes reluctant and quiet when around us, his friends!" "He isn't considered a man... Just some child..." "But he is a child we love, and we all love him." "So, Samson? Just then, the door leading to the kitchen opened. Nathaniel entered the room with Maxi, both carrying bowls of soup. "Oh Nathaniel, Dorothy and Sally have a question for you!" Annie said. "N-NO WE DON'T!" Dorothy and Sally said in unison. "....ok." He said, sitting on a chair, 5 girls sitting in chairs on the table also. Sally elbowed Dorothy. "Nathaniel.... You know that dance we are going to have at the school?" Dorothy said. "Yes, wonderful isn't it?" He replied. "I won't to know....." Dorothy said, Natahniel's eyes gleamed, is he getting asked out? "Do you think I should ask out Zack or Johnny?" She asked. Nathaniel's hopes were crushed at the first 5 words. "....I don't know....." He said in a small voice, but not to small to be suspected. The girls laughed at Dorothy and Nathaniel managed to make a small chuckle. "Maybe someone who isn't a jerk to you or us? And isn't hated by everyone on Earth?" Nathaniel immediatly said afterwards. All stopped laughing, followed by a small "OOOOOoooooo...." By Annie. Dorothy's face reddened. "Atleast I'm willing to talk about it." She said towards Nathaniel. No one said anything this time. "And I choose them because they can Atleast take care of themselves when bullied, if ever, and not hide behind a bunch if girls like a little boy." She continued, twirling her soup with a spoon. Nathaniel just stared at her while the other girls turned pale. "AND WHOEVER HEARS OF A GUY WITH NO GUY FRIENDS? WHY ARE WE JUST YOUR FRIENDS?!" She yelled. Mary got up and dragged Dorothy upstairs, Annie, and Sally followed close by. Nathan gave a small whimper, looked down at his soup, tears dripping into it, adding a weird color to it. Maxi held her hand on his shoulders and hugged him. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM, DOROTHY?!" Sally said. "YA KNOW HE WAS JUST JOKING!" Annie yelled "Maybe I was joking also?" Dorothy replied. "But you remember how Nathaniel is sensitive about that subject... And how the bullies and other girls treat him..." Mary said. Dorothy then felt regret as she remembered about the subject. Back downstairs, Maxi was rocking Nathaniel back and forth while hugging him. She thought sometimes that is was weird to hug and treat a teen the same age as you are like child. She was use to it, she was one of Nathaniel's Best of best friends. "Don't cry Nathaniel, you know she didn't mean it..." She started. "No, she's right... I'll never have anyone..." He said in the tiniest whisper he could. Maxi strokes the hair on the back of his head, she pitied him for being so sensitive. "Just cheer up, and try to be happy." About the time she said that, she stopped hugging Nathaniel and the girls came back down. "Nathaniel... I'm real sorry...about...making fun of you..." She said. The rest of the small dinner party went on normally, conversations, funny topics, and 'Hey seen that episode of Sons of Anarchy?'. Everyone began to leave one by one. Maxi was taking the dishes into the sink while Nathaniel was sitting on the couch, getting ready to leave. Maxi turned towards him. "Have a great night and seeya tomorrow." Maxi said. Nathaniel got up, but instead of heading towards the direction of the door, he went to the kitchen and stood in front of Maxi. "M-Maxi...Do..." He began to stutter. "What?" She asked "D-do you.... Want to go to go out with me?" Nathaniel said. Maxi was astonished. "To the dance?" She said. "No....to...go out....with me...." He said, he stopped dead after, his shyness breaking in like a robber. Maxi stood and stared. "Yes." (This.... This story is real..... I... I don't want to talk about it. I feel it would make a good short story... Don't judge me. Don't poke fun at me. And yes, I'm being serious..... Very serious..... You can message me about it, I'm only going to talk about this in this forum solemnly....)
#80660007Tuesday, October 23, 2012 2:57 AM GMT

I'm not sure what to say.. Other then if that's your life, wow.
#80660373Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:02 AM GMT

It's......Yes. All of my friends are girls that I hide behind when I get bullied. It's shameful, as my friend mentioned in this story.... It may sound fake to you.... No jokes..... Nothing.... I was almost going to stop writing this. I wanted to make a story that I wrote as my true self, not the funny, stupid, crazy person you normally see me as. If you see me as that..... I'm crying as I write this, which I am ashamed of, but there is also tears of joy, as I finally mustered up my courage to ask someone out.....
#80660550Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:05 AM GMT

All an image... All an image. I won't bore you with my own tales of woes, but my life is a bit similiar. Of course, I don't have friends at all, and I could care less about girls but..
#80660590Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:06 AM GMT

All the names aren't real except for Maxi. That's the only lie...
#80660666Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:07 AM GMT

*clapping* Congratulations, you made me feel good for reading something on roblox. Good luck with that life of yours, may you overcome that shyness and get a friend who is a male. Conquer the bullies, tell somebody, be awesome. *still clapping* The Complete History of the S o v i e t U n i o n
#80660698Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:08 AM GMT

@mark Go ahead and tell me how much your life is similar. Though girls isn't the problem in my life, I have enough.... It's my personality...
#80660810Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:10 AM GMT

@key I don't want a male friend. As all I have been told, the ones at my school and town are all jerks to everybody, and I'm the only 'nice guy' there. Not that "SWAG" crap..... You wouldn't understand what they have done to me, and my friends...
#80660823Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:11 AM GMT

Bullies, my personality, people in general, and my hobbies. Apparently even though I play a lot of sports, just that people won't get over that I like writing, and a few embarrassing secrets.
#80661073Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:15 AM GMT

@mark I don't play Sports, I have the worst of asthma. And I know how you feel about secrets.... And those damn bullies and cheerleader spreading their DISGUSTING LIES ABOUT MY FRIENDS ABUSING ME AND DOING BAD THINGS AT NIGHT. THE FRIGGING KIDS WITH THEIR IDIOTIC SWAG AND YOLO CLOTHING, POKING AT EVERYTHING I EVER HAVE. HOW MUCH I WANT TO PUNCH THEIR FRIGGING FACES WITH BRASS KNUCKLES......but I have a friend who can hurt them like that anyway....
#80661132Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:16 AM GMT

On topic.... I might write another story also, maybe something that doesn't reduce me to manly tears.
#80661237Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:18 AM GMT

To be honest, you seem much worse off then me. At least I can fire a bow with wonderful aim, and kick pretty hard.
#80661539Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:24 AM GMT

I am the worst. If I could, I would swing the girl shield away like those swishing saloon doors, and punch the HELL out of bullies. And I can actually punch pretty darn hard, I punched a hole in my wall once. Actually two, I used both hands.... Then I would just creak back into the shield. But alas, I am just... Shy to do so. But at least I am protected by friends I hold dearest to my heart. Oh mark, look what you have done, now I am talking like Dr.Phil , posting more On this sensitive subject, and making myself tear up again.
#80661631Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:26 AM GMT

Snakehunt I have all friends that are girl and one guy and get bullied and is quiet to most people. We have something in common.
#80661794Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:29 AM GMT

Now I must go, please all of you tell me how the story was.
#80661872Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:31 AM GMT

I sorta wish I had a friend. Well, I guess that statement isn't entirely true, as I do have a friend, but well, nobody stands up for me except me.
#80662121Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:37 AM GMT

D'aww... This story is just so like me, but instead of girls being my friends, I have friends who are boys.
#80666307Tuesday, October 23, 2012 6:29 AM GMT

Ah... Okay............ I shall leave before someone comes over to insult this, (may or may not happen, not sure..) and before I ask a question that makes you say. Kaybye.
#80668524Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:08 AM GMT

@keyra Then they just prove how stupid they really are.
#80668593Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:11 AM GMT

@key Is the question you are going to ask is that I am gRay? No. I'm not.
#80686885Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:05 PM GMT

No. not what I was going to ask at all... I didn't have a question, but some would end up coming. Several might not be nice.
#80687045Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:08 PM GMT

eeeeeeeeh this is really... odd and i feel i cant really say anything about it because i might just end up being a jerk after reading the last sentence so um yayyyyyyyy
#80687572Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:15 PM GMT

c: Oh Giraffe. You silly animal.
#80687746Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:18 PM GMT

Easiest way to deal with bullies: Answer every question as truthfully as possible. "Who do you think you are?" "*every personal detail to be thought of*" And snake, tell someone this is how you feel. Some people on the internet will help, but most will point and laugh, so tell someone you can trust. Believe me, it feels as if you had the whole sky lifted off you shoulders.
#80689835Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:48 PM GMT

Well, I wrote this originally because it would make a good story. Which no one has told me there opinions on it. Just there lives compared to mine. Now ya got me on all these feelings now. So uh, is this good, aaaannnnd, would you be interested in other stories I might write? Maybe I'll write what happens at the dance, if it is intresting.....

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