#8168164Sunday, May 03, 2009 4:21 PM GMT

bump :P
#8168202Sunday, May 03, 2009 4:22 PM GMT

James: :P then we're both idiots
#8168313Sunday, May 03, 2009 4:24 PM GMT

[Hey Shocker,Try my Sonic Ultimate Rpg,Nobody has joined yet :(]
#8168469Sunday, May 03, 2009 4:27 PM GMT

#8168715Sunday, May 03, 2009 4:33 PM GMT

Ichi: *flys in* Gimme that flute! I can play flute!!
#8168757Sunday, May 03, 2009 4:34 PM GMT

Slash:No way sucker *Flute disappears*
#8168989Sunday, May 03, 2009 4:40 PM GMT

[Could everybody Plz Go to mai Sonic Ultimate Rpg plz?]
#8170626Sunday, May 03, 2009 5:15 PM GMT

Top 50 Poster
#8173519Sunday, May 03, 2009 6:08 PM GMT

#8174373Sunday, May 03, 2009 6:30 PM GMT

(So... now what?)
Top 50 Poster
#8175154Sunday, May 03, 2009 6:49 PM GMT

(Play the ultimate thing then :D)
#8177224Sunday, May 03, 2009 7:34 PM GMT

#8178924Sunday, May 03, 2009 8:14 PM GMT

(im Getting my char Sheets Together)
#8178981Sunday, May 03, 2009 8:16 PM GMT

Name:Doom Species:Hedgehog Age:Unknown Gear type:Universal Gear name:Dark Doom Primary Weapon:Dark Blade Secondary Weapon:Dark Blade Ring power:Dark Impuls Emerald Power:Dark radiation Appearance:Pitch Black Fur And Eyes Normal Ablities:Dark Beam,Teleport,Dark Fortex,Dark Void,Dark Flame Super Form:No Dark Form:Yes ____Form:No Theme song:Linkin Park-Bleed It Out ------------------------------------------- Dark Form name:Completed Doom Dark form apearance:Same But With A White Glow Over Body Dark Form Weapon:Two Dark Blades But There Longer And More Powerful Dark Form Abilities:Same as normal Moves But 100 Times Stronger
#8178999Sunday, May 03, 2009 8:16 PM GMT

Name:Tails Species:Fox Age:16 Gear type:Flight Gear name:Flying Screw Primary Weapon:Fist Secondary Weapon:Wrench Ring power:None Emerald Power:None Appearance:Just Like Tails From Sonic X Normal Ablities:Punch,Fly Name:Knuckles Species:Echinda Age:16 Gear type:Strength Gear name:Hurting Fist Primary Weapon:Fist Secondary Weapon:Fist :P Ring power:Thunder punch Emerald Power:FALCON PAWNCH!!! Appearance:Just Like Knuckles Fron Sonic X Normal Ablities:Punch
Top 100 Poster
#8180673Sunday, May 03, 2009 8:57 PM GMT

Keos: *Somehow in Japan, being chased* Why am I in Japan?
#8186792Sunday, May 03, 2009 11:17 PM GMT

Name: Freddy Species: Chao (normal) Age: 5 Gear type: Music Gear name: The power of sound Primary Weapon: Gibson 1976 Flying V Secondary Weapon: Fender 1969 Stratocaster Ring power: Super Shredd (plays guitar, hypnotizing people) Emerald Power: Band Blast (drummer, singer, and bassist appear, and lazers shoot out of instruments) Appearance: Tye dyed with guitar and back. Normal Ablities: Playing guitar Super Form: Rock King (hero chao) Dark Form: Dr. Grunge (dark chao) Rock Form: Music Master (hero chao (second stage)) Theme song: (depends on form) Normal: Circles, Switchfoot Super: Welcome to the Jungle, Guns and Roses Dark: Battery, Metallica Rock: Dream On, Aerosmith ------------------------------------------- Super Form name: Rock King Dark Form name: Dr. Grunge Rock Form Name: Music Master Super form appearance: Red with Black accents Dark form apearance: Black with Red accents Rock Form appearnace: Super tye dye Super form ablitlies: gets Jackson 1988 King V (all abilities x2 and more hero status) Dark form abilities: gets Gibson 2003 "voodoo" SG (all abilities x2 and more villain status) Rock Ablilities: gets Gibson 1959 Les Paul (goldtop) (all abilities x5 and more awesome status) Super Form Weapon: Jackson 1988 King V Dark Form Weapon: Gibson 2003 "voodoo" SG Rock Form Weapon: Gibson 1959 Les Paul (goldtop)
Top 100 Poster
#8186876Sunday, May 03, 2009 11:19 PM GMT

Keos: *Listening to "Photograph" on his IPod*
#8186894Sunday, May 03, 2009 11:20 PM GMT

Freddy: Hi Guys! Listen to this! (plays totally insane guitar solo that a Chao OR a 5 year old REALLY shouldn't be able to play)
#8186936Sunday, May 03, 2009 11:20 PM GMT

Zash: Im going to mcdolnolds
Top 100 Poster
#8186945Sunday, May 03, 2009 11:21 PM GMT

Keos: *Has Two Giant Robots chasing him*
#8187057Sunday, May 03, 2009 11:23 PM GMT

Freddy: totally wondering why he is the only 5 year old AND the only one who has a guitar, let alone PLAY it!
Top 100 Poster
#8187107Sunday, May 03, 2009 11:24 PM GMT

Keos: *sees a ring out of nowhere* O_o YAY!
#8187355Sunday, May 03, 2009 11:28 PM GMT

Freddy, surrounded by bland people, Suddenly turns into Music Master! Dream On is playing in the background! Everyone around is wondering what is going on! "Lets ROCK!" He gets out his vintage 59' Les Paul and Shredds! Everyone around is amazed! But they are also wondering why this little creature (who none of them had ever seen before) is playing the guitar! It's so insane, they broadcast it live over every T.V. station on the GLOBE! All the bland people suddenly have taste! Speedy and Keos, amazed by what they are hearing, run as fast as they can to Boston to hear him play!!!!! They ask him to join them.
#8187481Sunday, May 03, 2009 11:30 PM GMT

Speedy, James, Slash, Gold, and the rest of the gang show up! HE says, "I would be PLEASURED to join you." "I shall continue this legacy."