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#81352565Saturday, November 03, 2012 12:49 AM GMT

STORY It is 27 years after the era of Red, the best trainer in Kanto. Pokemon is still the same, and all of the teams have been destroyed and arrested. But, something strange is going on in Sinnoh. Mt. Coronet has been having many strange activities, like what happend a few decades ago. Experienced trainers were sent to expect it. They were not found, but a pokeball was found. The Champions were brought into the crime. They took the pokeball and sent it out. A sleeping Giratina was found. Whats going on? Someone caught Giratina? Someone must have went into the Distortion world, or it must have come out. Giratina was brought to a pokemon expert and then healed. It had a new type of effect, nothing like poison or paralysis. The effect was never told to anyone, but Giratina was kept captive by the Champion Lance then set free when ready. After Giratina left, more strange activity from Mt. Coronet had appeared. The Elite Four of all regions and all Champions were sent there. They saw something like nothing else. A portal formed, and an absol jumped out. But on the absol was a shadowy figure--a trainer! No one could see his face or skin color. He had dark clothes, a hood and cape. He jumped off absol and it turned into a Darkrai, and came into his pokeball. Darkrai can transform now? And open portals? This trainer is suspicous. Everyone sent their pokeballs out, ready to destroy him. He threw out more pokeballs, but dust clouds came out. After it faded, he disapeared. People gave him the name Nero, the italian word for black, or shadow. People like him started to appear, but their pokemon couldnt transform and they couldnt disapear. They had weak bisharps and such. People thought it was the uprising of a new Team. Since their leaders name was Nero, they called it Team Nero. Sightings of Nero have been reported often, and he hides in different regions. Mainly Sinnoh. You have to destroy team Nero, and set all their captured pokemon free! Trainer CS Name: Good/Evil: Nero(do you want to be a Nero Grunt? Admins/first to join can be executives): Pokemon: @ge: Appearance: Personalities: Pokemon CS Name: Good/Evil Nero(do you want to be a pokemon working for Nero? GHOST/DARK/PSYCHIC only!): Moves: Personalities: ADMINS mrb333 mrd333 alexwootton cheesys me MORE TO BE ADDED RULES 1. Do not spam 2. If you dont like the RP, leave. Please, refrain on destroying it. 3. Do not be mean 4. Respect everyone here! 5. Have fun! NOTE: First 2 people to join get free Admin! Currently, admin can only get you to be legends, be known trainers (ex. be Gold/Lucas/Silver), be Elite 4 members and be Nero Executives (Im the leader, dont get mad)
#81352791Saturday, November 03, 2012 12:52 AM GMT

If this is in the future, how do they just discover it? How did Red even CATCH these Pokemon? How can a simple pokeball destroy a Pokemon? Don't make me curious. D":
#81353690Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:03 AM GMT

Sorry, I guess I got you confused. Red isnt in the story at all. I just said "27 years after Red", which means 27 years after Red became the champion, to give you a guess of what year it is. Red isnt in the story at all, and Nero is a random trainer from the past, not a trainer everyone knows. If you join/watch the RP (if it gets famous), im sure Nero's backstory will be revealed. The pokeball didnt destroy the pokemon: I guess your confused, or I typed so fast I worded it incorrectly. To be more descriptive: The experienced trainers went to the top of Mt. Coronet to investigate. Nero threw away his pokemon, a Giratina who was injured as he called it worthless. Giratina was not hurt by the pokeball, but left aside by Nero after he hurt it. And for your first question: how did they discover it? Well, they dont have very advanced technology. In real life, a movie about the future said everyone would have sky soaring hoverboards and cars. We do have those, but only a few centimetres in the air. And they arent for sale. Lets say they discovered it using a hyper realistic team plasma diamond ingrated futuristic pokeball detector. just kidding. They were just investigating, and found it. I hope this explains a lot of things.
#81355616Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:25 AM GMT

Name: Jake Alibika Good/Evil: Good, mostly. Nero(do you want to be a Nero Grunt? Admins/first to join can be executives): NO I DO NOT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! *Angry face* Pokemon: Quilava (Lvl. 15), Pidgey, (Lvl. 13), Piplup (Lvl. 14), Shinx (Lvl. 14) and Staravia (Lvl. 14) @ge: 14 Appearance: Jake stands at 7 feet and 4 inches, with a blue Pokeball cap, a black T-shirt, a blue jacket and jeans. Bio (I put it here 'cause I felt like it): Jake was born and lived in Johto for most of his life, but after he went on his journey, he got the oppertunity to go to Sinnoh, where he is now, so he accepted the offer (after getting permission) and left to Sinnoh to catch new Pokemon. Personalities: Quite, adventorous, brave, impatient and unpredictable
#81355667Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:26 AM GMT

(Le in CS: Quite is supposed to be quiet, LOL I'M STUPID)
#81355671Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:26 AM GMT

Trainer CS Name:Joey Good/Evil:Good Nero(do you want to be a Nero Grunt? Admins/first to join can be executives):No. I'm a Youngster Pokemon:Pipulp (lvl 14) Sandile (lvl 10) Cubchoo (lvl 11) and last a Shroomish (lvl 9) @ge:10 Appearance:He has a blue shirt,dark brown pants a red hat and a weird egg. Personalities:He has a few secerts.
#81355794Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:27 AM GMT

OH GOD No offence guys, but I thought you were killed by the storm LOL Ill post my CS soon.
#81355892Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:28 AM GMT

#81356504Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:35 AM GMT

YOUNGSTER JOEY YOU HAVE RETURNED. Note: We start in Sinnoh, its kinda obvious if I didnt mention it. You can go to other regions My CS: Name: ? (Call him Nero) Good/Evil: Neutral (he is mainly evil, but he will do some good things) Nero(do you want to be a Nero Grunt? Admins/first to join can be executives): Im the Leader, thanks. Pokemon: Darkrai, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? @ge: ? (For his height and shape, he looks about 17) Appearance: He wears a red robe with a huge collar blocking his neck, and it going down to his knees. He wears skin tight beige pants, and black shoes. He has a long, pitch black cape 3x his height. He wears a hood that covers his face. When the hood is off, he has pale skin, red eyes, and black bangs covering his eyes, and black hair going to touch his neck. Personalities: Quiet, Sneaky, Smart, Fast
#81356575Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:36 AM GMT

I DONT KNOW. Can we start now?
#81356717Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:38 AM GMT

(Sure, is it okay later if I make a character for the "second in command" of Team Nero, or do you already have that covered?)
#81357009Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:40 AM GMT

I dont have one covered, but I was just about to think of one. There will be 5 other executives. In order of command: Me, ?, YOU, (other admin if made), ?, ? I dont count as an executive.
#81357123Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:41 AM GMT

Aww, I'm third in command. *Sadface*
#81357361Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:44 AM GMT

Starting ~ I step off of my throne. I look at the sky, and hear a roar. "Do you have the prison ready?" I ask to my minion. (second in command) "Yes, sir. No pokemon or people are in it. Are you planning to use it?" he asks. "What did I tell you?" I say, as two ghastly grab him then hold him up in the air. He looks nervous... "Umm.. Not to question you?" he says. "Finally, you got it right. You two, release him." I say. The ghastlys let him free then wither into the air.
#81358052Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:51 AM GMT

(NOTE: Nero's hideout is in the Distortion World. His Kingdom was built there, and he made a machine and gave it to the executives. It allows you to make a portal to that world. Only 6 people have it, me and the other executives. He has a dark heart, but he is warm to pokemon. He can also speak to pokemon, and understand them. Pokemon can understand him, too.) I sit down, and my cape covers me. I throw out 3 pokeballs. "You three, Gengar- Gastly and Haunter! You must do this, it is important. Gengar, go to Lake Valor." I say, and it fades away. "Gastly, you cover Lake Verity!" It fades away. "Haunter, you get Lake Acuity!" I say, and they fade away going to the spots I told them to go to.
#81358344Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:55 AM GMT

Jake ... Huh? What? Oh... I think I might've passed out, or something... I was flat on the ground, with Quilava on my stomach. "Oh, hey Quilava" I said. Quilava started sniffing me. "Cut it out!" I laughed. Piplup was pecking at the ground. How did they get out of their Pokeballs? Probably thiefs after my stuff, or something. I heard rustling in the grass. "What's that? Get ready, guys!" Piplup jumped and Quilava darted his head towards Piplup, something jumped at him! It looked like a Ponyta! "PIPLUP! BUBBLE! BEHIND YOU!" Piplup AHH! I turned around and used Bubble. The Ponyta fell down, and Quilava ran over to it. Quilava "Quilava?" I said. The Ponyta got up and attacked, but Jake threw his second to last Pokeball and caught it. Jake "Alright! Good work guys!" I shouted, as I ran over and picked up Ponyta's ball. Awesome!
#81358615Saturday, November 03, 2012 1:58 AM GMT

Joey I ran past the town as i ran home as if i was running from a Pokemon. "Geez! That Poochyena was harder to catch then i thought..." I went home and took a quick rest. Then i went and got my Pokemon,I chose Pipulp. I fought mostly Poochyenas and Zigzagoons... Wow,lvl 10... Learned Watergun. Pretty simple as i walked into the Pokemon Center at the next town. After a while my Pipulp fainted and i fell flat. When i woke up Pipulp was pecking some seeds. "Wow Pipulp....That was bad!" Pipulp "Pip!" I said as i tackled a wild Sandile and then Joey threw a Pokeball and caught it. Joey 'Nice Work Pipulp!" I took him then i ran into a Nero grunt. Nero Grunt "You look weak! I will take your Pokemon and you will cry!" I sent out a Turtwig. Turtwig I used Razor Leaf Pipulp I used Tackle Turtwig I used Tackle Pipulp I used Leer Turtwig I used Tackle Pipulp I used Tackle Turtwig I used Leer/whatever Pipulp I used Water gun Turtwig I fainted Pipulp I gained 310 XP! Pipulp I lvled up to lvl 11! Joey "Hah!" Nero Grunt 'I will be back!"
#81359157Saturday, November 03, 2012 2:05 AM GMT

I walk around, then sit on my throne after sending the ghosts to get the legendaries. "Sir! Sir, Sir!" I hear as I see a grunt running up. "SHUTUP!" I yell, and the kingdom shakes. "What. Is. Going. On?!" I say, as I pick up my staff. "I found this really strong trainer! I got his name, Its Joey. He defeated my absol..." he yells. "Hmm... Go back, but this time take his pokemon. His favorite is Piplup I can tell. Take that one. Ill be watching you in case." I say. "Now vanish!" I yell, and he runs to take Joeys piplup.
#81359252Saturday, November 03, 2012 2:06 AM GMT

Nero Grunt I run up to Joey then come up and scare him. I pin him down to the ground, and impossible to break-shadow chains keep him hostage. Him arms and legs are pinned down. "You messed with my. My leader is watching." I say.
#81359254Saturday, November 03, 2012 2:06 AM GMT

(On Pipulp lvled up to lvl 11 i meant to say Pipulp lvled up to lvl 15)
#81359348Saturday, November 03, 2012 2:07 AM GMT

#81359402Saturday, November 03, 2012 2:08 AM GMT

Joey I quickly send out Pipulp but it was a bit slow because it was hard to get his Pokeball Pipulp I started attacking the Nero Grunt by pecking and kicking him. Joey I try to kick him in the nuts or face or something,but i failed.
#81359556Saturday, November 03, 2012 2:10 AM GMT

Pipulp The pecks and kicks hurt more each time i hit you, Then Joey returns me and somehow breaks his arms free and starts punching you. Joey "Yah!" I punch harder and harder each time.
#81359685Saturday, November 03, 2012 2:11 AM GMT

Jake, I started running down the riverside (yes, I'm at a river), and I eventually ecounter Joey wrapped in chains. I gotta save that kid! "Quilava! Piplup! See the kid in chains, go rescue him!" Quilava "Let's go Piplup!" (when my pokemon talk in english, the normal trainers hear what they'd normally say) Piplup "Alright!" Quilava I ran to the Nero Grunt and attempted to Tackle it Piplup I tried pecking the chains
#81359963Saturday, November 03, 2012 2:15 AM GMT

(I said unbreakable chains, so scratch that.) Nero Grunt I grab Piplups pokeball. Im about to vanish, but I hear a sound. "Him?" I hear. I look over my back and see Nero, with his hood on. "Ive seen this trainer before. He has potential." he says. "If your going to attack trainers, dont attack ones like these." he says. "Fine," I say then vanish. Nero "Kid, here you go." I say. The chains fade away, then the pokeball teleports into your hand. "Run before my minions come after you and your friends." I say.

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