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#81493327Sunday, November 04, 2012 10:28 PM GMT

My fellow ROBLOXians, I believe that we need to expand the limits of merchandise and allow non-Builder's Club members, low-income earners, and the minority participants to be able to be able to: - purchase Packages, or simply take Free Packages (besides ROBLOX Girl,) - create Shirts/Pants and distribute them for free (I know many NBC members want that,) - receive a small Robux stipend, sort of like the Minimum Wage (because EVERYONE deserves some sort of reward besides Tickets,) - suggest new concepts for Hats, Faces, etc. (this applies to EVERY ROBLOXian,) - and be able to create AT LEAST ONE (1) group, because having only BC members able to do so is unfair! Not everyone can afford Builder's Club, and I know everyone wants ROBLOX to be fun for everyone, no matter what financial state they are in! Heed my words, fellow ROBLOXians! Take action and consider my suggestions! Truly yours, -AnaChan
#81495267Sunday, November 04, 2012 10:56 PM GMT

Boy is this over suggested or what? Really it is quite fair that you should have to pay for premium content. as Telamon once said, "if you can't afford six dollars a month for BC, then you've got bigger problems than lack of features." Cold hearted and insensitive as that sounds, it is very true.
#81496536Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:15 PM GMT

@Tahu i have to agree with that line so much "The candles are lit, the end is near!"
#81496916Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:20 PM GMT

No support. You get 10 tix a day. In the exchange that's one robuck. Look at all the expensive stuff I have, I've never bought BC (Even though I can in fact afford it) nor have I bought ROBUX. What did I do? I created a place and advertised it. As for groups, it really isn't a big deal. ROBLOX just can't give these things out for free.. Be thankful for what you have already. A free place to build things, free models, the chance to upload models to ROBLOX, 10 tix a day, the freedom to upload T-shirts.. The list goes on! Stop complaining about what you DON'T have, and be happy for what you DO have. -3DThing
#81498192Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:37 PM GMT

@above comments, As much as I appreciate your insight, I will have to say that it is not, in fact, fair. Just because many people (including myself) cannot afford Builders Club mainly because I need to buy something that is called a "house", pay for things called "appliances", and look over something called "taxes". I am sorry that you feel like it is unnecessary to put down those who were not born into a world filled with money. I love ROBLOX, I truly do, and as much as I would like to write them a million-dollar check, I sadly cannot because money is not easy to come by. If you feel like you have to make fun of me because I am not as rich as you, go ahead.
#81498317Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:39 PM GMT

AnaChan, if you read my post correctly you will see it said I have NEVER bought BC or ROBUX and I'm doing fine. No one's making fun of you, we're making valid points and giving you feed back. -3DThing
#81498837Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:46 PM GMT

...but others were not as helpful as you. I looked over those posts and saw ZERO (0) valid points! You CANNOT assume that everyone has a $h!tlo@d of cash lying around, just begging to be spent! This is the spoiled generation... *tsk, tsk*
#81499108Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:50 PM GMT

Ana, that post is about to get [Content Deleted ]. No swearing (even if covered by symbols) on the forums. It doesn't matter if their spoiled or not, just be thankful for what you have. This has been suggested for years, and yet nothing has happened. Give up. -3DThing
#81499140Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:51 PM GMT

Whoops. They're*
#81499383Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:54 PM GMT

Swearing is a different topic... What I am taking about HERE is that Builders Club is getting shoved down people's throats! Packages are being restricted to Builders Club members only, and in this economy, it is NOT easy to purchase R$, let alone Builders Club!
#81499482Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:55 PM GMT

You're making it out to be some sort of big deal.. If it bothers you that much, go join a new games website and stop complaining.. -3DThing
#81499640Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:57 PM GMT

... I am NOT complaining! I am using my First Amendment rights and saying what other people WANT to say, but are afraid of saying it! I do not think that you get what I am trying to say here!
#81499753Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:59 PM GMT

I've been on ROBLOX longer than you, I've seen these posts before. I know EXACTLY what you want. It's not happening though, plain and simple. -3DThing
#81499850Monday, November 05, 2012 12:00 AM GMT

- purchase Packages, or simply take Free Packages (besides ROBLOX Girl,) - create Shirts/Pants and distribute them for free (I know many NBC members want that,) - receive a small Robux stipend, sort of like the Minimum Wage (because EVERYONE deserves some sort of reward besides Tickets,) - suggest new concepts for Hats, Faces, etc. (this applies to EVERY ROBLOXian,) - and be able to create AT LEAST ONE (1) group, because having only BC members able to do so is unfair! Purchase packages besides ROBLOX girl. I disagree, when 4.0 comes out, 2.0 should become NBC or so, but no. Create shirts and pants, I disagree. If NBC can't afford BC, they obviously can't afford shirt software. The rule of life. Robux stipend. NBC get tickets just to use trade currency, it's obvious. No making groups. Concepts for hats/faces. Eh, no.
#81500109Monday, November 05, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

You are just another BC member who thinks that he is better than everyone else. If you do not have anything supportive to say, then shut the he11 up. As for you, 3D, I have played ROBLOX since '06 (Bond22) and know a little more about ROBLOX's history than you... so think twice...
#81500311Monday, November 05, 2012 12:06 AM GMT

Ana, if you're from 06 then you should know that this stuff ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. Stop being so ungrateful for what you have and just enjoy it. Also, quidditch isn't a BC member.. -3DThing
#81502003Monday, November 05, 2012 12:27 AM GMT

This is where i put my foot down. I agree that NBC has VERY few rights and should have equal rights to BC. So...I support.
#81503198Monday, November 05, 2012 12:40 AM GMT

Hear hear! Finally, someone who sees what I see!
#81503394Monday, November 05, 2012 12:42 AM GMT

Just like the seasons, ROBLOX can change, too! I know it has not happened yet, but that does not mean that it will not happen...
#81503795Monday, November 05, 2012 12:47 AM GMT

Yes it does. ROBLOX aren't implementing these features because the people who PAY for BC get what they pay for. We get enough for free, and I'm sure a lot of people find it a bit selfish that you want more features. -3DThing
#81503853Monday, November 05, 2012 12:48 AM GMT

BC BETA is BC BETA because it's for BC paying members only
#81503879Monday, November 05, 2012 12:48 AM GMT

If you can't pay a measly $5 - $6, then tough. Don't whine about how you want more robux, okay? :) -3DThing
#81504174Monday, November 05, 2012 12:52 AM GMT

If you were in the same situation as I am, you would not be calling 5$ "measly." You know what 5$ could buy me? It could buy: - Food, - Petrol, - Insurance, - Clothing, - Tools, - etc. 5$ can pay for my necessities, so why waste it on a bunch of faux, electronic cash?
#81504379Monday, November 05, 2012 12:55 AM GMT

You talk about wasting money on electronic cash, yet you're fighting an argument to GET electronic cash.. If you're busy dealing with all of those necessities, get off ROBLOX and deal with them. This isn't going to happen, and never will.
#81504541Monday, November 05, 2012 12:57 AM GMT

You are the one fighting FOR Builders Club members, yet you are NOT a Builders Club member. Change WILL happen and I will see to it that it will!

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