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#815330Thursday, April 24, 2008 1:08 AM GMT

Here are LOTS of reasons why we shouldn't have ANY of the Builder's Club benefits free -Even if you had just a couple more places, that would make people say, "Oh I- already have 5 places. Why would i need to get Builder's Club?" -Let me make an equation for you. BC = Free. Administrators - $$$$$. --------- Administrators can't run Roblox without money. Roblox = Gone -Let me paint a picture for you. Say you ran a restraraunt. And you had Mini Burgers free. And there were big, juicy, delicious burgers that you had to pay for. That way, you make money and can continue to run the restraunt. But, say some noobs say, "Lets make the Big Tastey Burgers free!" Then when its free, no one will pay the restraunt, and the restraunt owners cant support their families cuz they get no money. Guess what. Restraunt, Bye Bye!. -People who already have BC will get ripped off cuz they BOUGHT BC while everyone else got it for free Administrators created BC so people will want and want BC so bad they buy it. Then Roblox makes money. Capiche? Anyone still want free BC benefits?
#815714Thursday, April 24, 2008 1:52 AM GMT

your right if ppl want bc they should stop bein cheap and get it already if they want it BUY it !
#815845Thursday, April 24, 2008 2:07 AM GMT

and also, BC members need to stop trying to say things should be BC only, you have your money's worth, so stop trying to gain more
#829139Saturday, April 26, 2008 2:15 PM GMT

duh they make u pay to be in bc its fair...
#830249Saturday, April 26, 2008 4:36 PM GMT

Okay, first of all. What about my suggestion for the free scripter's club, where the only benefit you would get is 4 extra places, but you would be unable to earn any kind of currency, and would not be able to copylock the places (meaning you'd have to give others the option of visiting in solo mode). Look man, some of us aren't trying to be cheap freeloaders. We're presenting VERY reasonable suggestions. Do you know what I'd do with those places? It would allow me to give stuff away to people, so that they can learn from the scripting. People who flame reasonable suggestions saying it would make Builder's Club not worth it at this point are just being selfish. Because I'd still buy BC in a heartbeat if my parents would let me.
#833320Saturday, April 26, 2008 11:50 PM GMT

umm..i ddint mean it like that..u cans till do that in a 1place but 4place woudl be cool..
#115726527Thursday, October 17, 2013 6:08 PM GMT

If only you guys know of the future...
#115727907Thursday, October 17, 2013 6:32 PM GMT

Threads for free BC may aswell be WNTS anyway. And WNTS threads will never get selected. But, you proved a solid point. Thank you.

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