#87525765Tuesday, January 22, 2013 1:30 AM GMT

M'kay... Hurt.. Like 11:30 AM TOmorrow morning.. c: All warmish and stuff. And I have to go to Derby. See ya. :3
#87527699Tuesday, January 22, 2013 1:49 AM GMT

And... Now I'm addicted. what was I missing out on!?!
#87539881Tuesday, January 22, 2013 4:11 AM GMT

Wat? :3 Sue~ I prance around, wearing a purple striped bathing suit. "Sky! Hurry up!" I yell, banging on her door. Skylar~ "Jesus Christ, Sue," I start, opening my door and pull down the large shirt covering my bathing suit. "Are we going to be late for something?" I ask. "No." She replies, glancing at the door. "I just... Want to get there soon." I sigh, "Don't lie to me. I taught that to you." I whistle for Kira. Sue takes my hand, climbs onto Kira and forces her to move forward. "Come on!" She tells. We get to the beach, fairly crowded. "Yay!" Sue squeals. Kira shrinks down, "I don't enjoy water." She utters.
#87596943Wednesday, January 23, 2013 1:49 AM GMT

Annie~ "COME ON!" I yell. "But, but... I didn't plan to go to the beach." Percy mutters. "Let's just go." i say. He shrugs, and we head outside, towards the beach.
#87598251Wednesday, January 23, 2013 2:02 AM GMT

Skylar~ I cover Sue in sand, until only her mouth and nose are showing. "Can I leave you here like this?" I ask, laughing. Sue freaks out as she can't move form the impact. "No!! Get me out!!" She yells, sobs in her screams. I laugh once more, and have Kira dig her out. "To the water!" Sue yells, whipping at the sand on her. "But.. My hair." I cry. Sue darts for the water, stopping once she's ankle deep. "Get over it!" She screams.
#87710166Thursday, January 24, 2013 11:55 PM GMT

Percy~ I stand in the sand, looking up at the high cliff. I see Annie, taunting me in the water. "Afraid?" she asks. I shake my head. "I'll buy you an ice cream if you jump off theat cliff," she points, "And jump into the water." I ask, "What flavor?" she replies, "Vanilla." And I dash up the cliff. I slowly look over theb edge. Annie~ I see Sue, and run over to her.
#87713041Friday, January 25, 2013 12:32 AM GMT

Sue~ "Hiya." I say to Annie, a grin on my face. Skylar~ I poke the water. Kira steps up to me, "You gonna go in?" She asks, sitting beside me. "Memories.." I shudder. "Hah! You mean the time you almost got swallowed by the waves? That was classic!" I slap her, and frown. "Nuh uh." I reply. I push her aside, and dive into the water, swimming quickly to the end where my feet barely touch. "What now?!" I yell to her, laughing. She snickers, and plays in the sand. "I don't do water." She replies.
#87846593Saturday, January 26, 2013 8:14 PM GMT

Annie~ I point up to the cliff. "I dared Perce. Now might be a good time for Sky to look..." i trail off. Percy~ I get ready to jump. Gosh, heights aren't my thing.
#87875106Sunday, January 27, 2013 1:59 AM GMT

Sue~ I look up to the cliff. " Okay.." I answer, " I got this." I pick up a shell from the sand, and toss it at Sky. I hear a faint 'Ow' and my name being called in an angered tone. Sky comes trudging up to me, holding her head, and the shell I threw in the other hand. "What's wrong with you?" she asks, about to slap me. I point to Annie, and she drops the shell. "This is why you wanted to come here..." she mutters. "Alright. What do you want." she asks me. I smile and point toward the cliff. "He's gonna jump." I say. Sky looks up toward the towering hill, where Percy is near ready to jump. Kira trots over, looking up as well. " I don't do heights." she says."You don't 'do' anything.." Sky utters.
#87916371Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:21 PM GMT

Perce- Holy crap, that's a long way down. I stretch out my arms, and, being super afraid, I slowly fall.
#87921485Sunday, January 27, 2013 4:38 PM GMT

My brain hurts... Skylar~ I watch him fall. Kira~ "Please do a bellyflop... Please do a bellyflop." I whisper over and over. Sky hits me in the head and I laugh. " I'm joking... Maybe."
#88144761Wednesday, January 30, 2013 11:24 PM GMT

._. Percy~ I go into cannonball position and then hit the water.
#88148450Thursday, January 31, 2013 12:11 AM GMT

Kira~ "GOD DAMMIT." Skylar~ I slowly pat her head. "So many things wrong with you..." I utter.
#88157045Thursday, January 31, 2013 1:53 AM GMT

Percy~ My legs burn with agony. I watch as Annie walks upon the beach. "You... you... owe me two ice creams. And a bottled water." I manage. She purses her lips. Annie~ I hope Sue understands now is the time.
#88159367Thursday, January 31, 2013 2:19 AM GMT

I hope Annie knows that the person controlling Sue doesn't... Sue~ I poke Sky's back. "What's up with you? You're gonna keep that shirt on all day?" I ask. She shrugs, "I am pale." She remark. I laugh, and tug at the shirt. "There's such thing as sunblock." Skylar grunts, and slips off the shirt, revealing the top half of her bikini. "Better?" She asks, tossing the shirt at my face. "Yup." Sky laughs, "You're odd... But seriously. If I turn into a tomato, I blame you."
#88207102Friday, February 01, 2013 12:29 AM GMT

... Percy~ I munch on ice cream while sitting on a bench.
#88207326Friday, February 01, 2013 12:32 AM GMT

Hehe.. c: Sue~ I tug on Sky's arm, bringing her over to Percy. "Hiya!" I say, smiling and looking at Sky. "'Sup." She mutters.
#88207686Friday, February 01, 2013 12:37 AM GMT

Percy~ I slowly no. "Hullo." I mutter, and go back to munching my ice cream.
#88208020Friday, February 01, 2013 12:41 AM GMT

Sue~ I glance at Annie (Whereever she is.. She's there now.), nudging my head toward Sky. Kira~ I appear on Sky's shoulder, small as a cat and waving my tail. "Sup, blonde." I say to Percy.m
#88270034Saturday, February 02, 2013 12:23 AM GMT

Percy~ I munch on my ice cream. "'Ello." I murmur to Kira. Annie~ "I'm going to go play in the sand. Kira, Sue, you guys want to come?" I ask, hoping this will leave a chance for Percy and Sky to be alone.
#88270766Saturday, February 02, 2013 12:32 AM GMT

Skylar~ I basically stare at Kira, meaning ' Don't. You. Dare.' Kira snickers, and hops onto Sue's shoulder, and pushing me down beside Percy. "Sounds fun." Sue says.
#88271296Saturday, February 02, 2013 12:38 AM GMT

Annie~ "Come on," I say, and run off. When I finally slow down, I mutter, "This... is gonna be good." Percy~ I munch on an ice cream, holding the other in my hand. I raise it up. "Do you want it?" I ask sky.
#88273588Saturday, February 02, 2013 1:06 AM GMT

Skylar~ "Nah." I mutter. I glance over my shoulder at the girl, and back toward Percy. "Thanks though." Sue~ "So.. What if nothing happens?"
#88274528Saturday, February 02, 2013 1:18 AM GMT

Annie~ "Then we make something happen." Percy~ Awkward.
#88275097Saturday, February 02, 2013 1:26 AM GMT

Skylar~ "So.." I trail off. "Uh. That... Jump was cool." I awkwardly stutter. I swear I face palmed in my mind. Sue~ "Yeah. We should keep that in mind."