#84235507Thursday, December 13, 2012 1:15 AM GMT

Shyan I ran over to them and stood at the left side of the door. "On three kick it open" I waited for approval of my plan
#84241584Thursday, December 13, 2012 2:21 AM GMT

I had already gotten into a stance, placing my foot near the door-knob, as is the proper way to kick a door open. "Ready." I signaled (Also, as to coach's last post, Zombies supposedly cannot run or move quickly from what I hear.)
#84242796Thursday, December 13, 2012 2:33 AM GMT

Sherry I prepared myself to quick shot anything inside, after focusing I would not miss. "Ready, okay three two one. NOW!" I had already started to turn into the doorway but I wasn't in the way of Matt
#84243716Thursday, December 13, 2012 2:42 AM GMT

I proceded to lean my weight into a kick near the door-knob, and it easily came off its hinges. I pulled back around to the wall incase the zombies heard me, and sat on the floor, having accidentally injured my ankle.
#84260400Thursday, December 13, 2012 12:57 PM GMT

Eddy Unfortunately I noticed that the 3 zombies at the back of the bar have heard the door being kicked and started moving towards it, I also noticed that Matthew have injured his ankle "Matt!" I shouted as i saw 1 of the 3 zombies was already 4 foot away from the barn's entrance, I quickly threw my pocketknife at the said undead and impaled it between the eyes and it soon fell to the ground, I ran towards Matthew "lean on my shoulder" I said as I helped him of the ground but soon I noticed that other 2 zombies were just 6 foot away from us they were slower then the previous one because their legs were mangled " Shyan I think we need some help" I called the girl next to me.
#84270553Thursday, December 13, 2012 7:52 PM GMT

I fumble with the rifle, bite off a cartrage, and load the powder as well as the bullet (Yay for century old weapons!) I don't bother aiming as I shoot the looming figure.
#84270732Thursday, December 13, 2012 7:58 PM GMT

Shyan I shot each zombie in the head with ease. They dropped dead "There you go"
#84278874Thursday, December 13, 2012 10:05 PM GMT

Johnny "Whoa..." "Nice job everyone. Everything seems clear, but keep an eye out for any stragglers." "Start searching for equipment. We need guns, food, just about everything you can find could be useful." Johnny starts looking around and finds a decently sized school backpack on one of the dead zombies. Johnny breaks off the arms of the zombie with his fire ax and takes the dirty backpack and finds basic medical supplies and a 3 cans of soda. "If you find any small useful items, just let me know so I can put it in my new backpack!" It is 9:50 AM
#84288520Thursday, December 13, 2012 11:55 PM GMT

Eddy I took out an antiseptic wipe from my backbag and then using it I removed my pocketknife from the zombie skull and started wiping it furiously from infected blood and brain goo, after making sure that not a single blood stain left I closed it and kept it in my pocket. I looked around the bar and saw an assortment of alcoholic beverages on the shelves "look Helsit your lifeblood!" I said with a smirk while pointing at the shelves, I soon started to looking around while the alcoholic attacked the poor bottles, I found a door at the back of the bar, I started opening it slowly and peaked inside, it was a small store room, I looked around and found some gassoline and some towels and then looked at the 3 dea-empty bottles that were kil-drunk by Helsit and I smirked as an idea formed in my head "guys, who likes BQQed Zombies?" I asked my new friends and then looked at Helsit "please drink as much as you can" I requested him as I saw the 3 empty bottles become 4. *what do u think my plan is XD*
#84308402Friday, December 14, 2012 3:39 AM GMT

*Back at the barn... Carl gently snoars,with a cup of coffee right next to him and himself covered in hay. A stray cat sleeps on his lap,with the dieing coals of the fire burning away. Outside a larger pile of zombies still burns. The book lies open right above the cat, and Carl hat tilts to the side. Zombies slowly thump the doors of the barn,with the barn doors barricade with alot of wood. A dead zombie with brains outside its skull lays right in the barn doors. *Ironic,right? I start off with a peaceful,then realility.
#84309335Friday, December 14, 2012 3:52 AM GMT

Johnny "My god..." Johnny thinks to himself as he puts together what Majido is thinking of. "Molotov Cocktails. Hell. Yeah. I'd wait on that plan for now. We might need that gasoline to help start up Shyan's car. But of course we could always just use the raw drink since alcohol is flammable. I'd save those towels too. You never know when we might get in a bloody situation where we would need some coagulation contraptions. If we ever get caught in a sticky situation, we'll know what to piece up." [Foreshadow] "Once we find everything we need here, I'll stash as much bottles as I can into the backpack."
#84312687Friday, December 14, 2012 5:04 AM GMT

Shyan I searched through cabinets and everything. I saw another door and opened it. A staircase was inside leading downstairs. Based on the way the staircase was made I could see the whole downstairs and went down. Searching everything I found some money and canned food. That's when I noticed a can of meat that had been bit open. Well if the door had been closed and it wasn't one of the zombies upstairs... I screamed as a zombie came from behind me and bit my shoulder. I elbowed it then kicked its legs tripping it. I then shot it in the head. I sat down holding my shoulder. (This is my way of introducing the fact that she is partially immune so she isn't infected in this case :3)
#84317047Friday, December 14, 2012 9:28 AM GMT

Eddy "hmm yes but we need a very strong alcoholic drink to substitute gasoline" I said and then I saw Helsit drinking a very strong Rum "Helsit give me that!" I said as I struggled to take the drink from him, when I succeeded I heard Shyan scream from downstairs "Shyan!" I shouted as I placed the rum on the counter and ran downstairs, when I reached downstairs I saw a zombie with a blasted head laying dead next to Shyan who was bleeding from her shoulders "guy Shyan is injured!" I shouted to the others upstairs.
#84318250Friday, December 14, 2012 11:27 AM GMT

Matthew limped over to the stairs, the butt of the rifle in his hands. he proceded to make his way down the steps, looking at the wound, then looking at the corpse, already knowing what happened. "Please tell me you cut yourself on a piece of rusty metal, tetnus I can handle, I'd rather not shoot a friend full of holes." he said somewhat scarcastically.
#84338676Friday, December 14, 2012 9:35 PM GMT

Shyan "I got bit, but don't shoot yet just look" I pulled my sleeve up revealing a scar from a bite right under this new one. "I have been bit before and I wasn't infected"
#84338751Friday, December 14, 2012 9:35 PM GMT

Helsit,since he drank so much...Is now passed out. Don't let him drink too much,guys!* Carl slowly sturs, and the book he was reading was suddenly covered in blood."Ah,what?!?" Carl yells,scaring the cat off him as he quickly stands up. Right then zombies breaki in."This...Is...IT!!!" Carl yells,raising his pitchfork to the ceiling and aiming his pistol at the zombies. He rushs at the zombies,stabbing and slashing. Zombies fall all around,but more keep coming."BURN!!" Carl taunts as he plunges his pitchfork into his fire and it comes out burning. He stabs it right into the leading zombie,and with all his strenght starts pushing that zombie and 2 others back outside the barn. All the meanwhile Carl wonders how his leg was healed. Carl fires his pistol again,only to get a dissapproving click. He pistol whips a nearby zombie,breaking bone and sending it crashing. Carl is however soon outmatchs as more come and is forced to go on top the barn. As he takes a breath, he sees a glint in his silo room. As he stumbles across the makeshift bridge. As he gets closer, He finds a note next to the item."Dear Carl. Don't ask questions,Don't ponder,Don't tell. No one will remeber this,and neither will you. Marot." Carl is puzzled,right before a man emerges."This is a dream...Now,Lets do this for real!" The man calmy speaks,right before pulling a gun and blowing Carl in the head. Carl soon wakes up,with no zombies,the book still clean and good,and a sleeping cat."But...What?..." Carl just mutters before going to sleep again.
#84347366Friday, December 14, 2012 11:09 PM GMT

Johnny "Guys, Helsit is passed out" e.e "Once we're ready to go someone help me carry him. We're going to go to Shyan's car next so we can place him there." "Shyan, if you start feeling sick, just tell us." "Let's start rapping up. Get what ever you can find and lets book it."
#84349836Friday, December 14, 2012 11:36 PM GMT

Shyan I nodded and got up. I proceeded up the stairs and out of the bar. (When you guys are ready Shyan will automatically lead you to the car)
#84356735Saturday, December 15, 2012 12:53 AM GMT

????- A man slowly walks down the ladder into the barn,being careful not to stir anyone."Now...You found my book....I help you with it,I will give you a gift." The man whispers into Carl's ear. Carl gently stirs,at the sight of a stranger in a black trench coat,with silver hair and a solid black ushanka."Wha...Who a-" Carl mumuers before he feels a needle and slumps over,unconcouis. Later,Carl awakes, to find the book closed at his side. His gaze strikes his foot and ankle,where fresh bandages lay on it."Hello? Helsit?...Coach?..." Carl looks around,but finds not a soul. He reopens the book,and finds a small trinket inside it. A cross lines the middle,looking like a Templar symbol. Carl slowly turns the cross,and a small click flips open it. There,is a perfect map of the barn and surronding area,with the greatest detail and the best of writing. Carl sees a red dot right outside the barn. Carl slowly gets up,and follows the compass trinket. As he opens the door,he sees but a brown,simple fedora with a ace in the brim,balancing on a short,iron sword. As he lifts it up,he feels the lightness,and the speed. However,has Carl heads back in,he notices his pitchfork and gun are agone,along with the radio. In place of radio is a note:'I took my pay,I payed my debts,be glad for gifts,coming yet.'. Carl ponders what happened while he was anapping while filling his cup with more coffee. (Carl has lost his old weapons and the radio equipment. But he has gained a short sword and a hat. I say fair trade)
#84361515Saturday, December 15, 2012 1:38 AM GMT

(Sword.... Want.... .-.) I proceeded to look around the room, nothing of intrest to me besides meaningless pocket change. I look at the rifle, much rather preferring a melee weapon. I shrugged as I followed Shyan.
#84375312Saturday, December 15, 2012 3:44 AM GMT

Johnny "Ok everyone ready to leave?" It is 11:00 AM
#84377865Saturday, December 15, 2012 4:14 AM GMT

Carl soons starts reading the book again,and finds a page labeled:'Only way...One way...' Carl starts reading the page,to find a complete list of small tricks,magics and potions."Fire from hands?...Rub coal and flint on hands...put near fire...Use fire? On what??" Carl chuckles before he realizes Helsit had a coal oven in the barn and some flint. After aquring the stuff,Carl follows the instructions and his hands become as black as the sky on a moonless night. Carl takes out his lighter and questions his insanity for a split second. Its too late,because Carl's hand suddenly catch on fire."GAAAAA-Wait...It...It doesn't hurt. Its quiet pleasant..." Carl laughs as he plays with his flaming hands. As he continues to mess around,he almost starts a stack of hay on fire."Wow...Fun times over..." Carl hastily gets water and puts out his hands."Now...Lets see what other tricks..." Carl continues his reading of the book. *Maybe The barn will burn down,maybe not. Lets see what Carl does >:D
#84392233Saturday, December 15, 2012 9:53 AM GMT

*Carl just this roleplay into a fiction now XD* Eddy After making sure that Shyan was Ok, I went back to my work and implemented Coach's idea of using strong alcoholic drinks instead of gasoline, after I finished my work we had 5 molotov cocktail ready for burning zombies to the afterlife, I noticed everyone was back in the bar's main room, I took one Molotov for me, gave 1 for Mathew, 1 for Shyan and 2 for Coach and made sure to give each a lighter too "give this to Helsit, when he wakes up from his siesta" I said but then I heard Helsit mumble something that sounded suspiciously like 'one more bottle please...' I turned back to Coach "forget that, keep them both with you..." I grumbled "also these are some extra towels left" I said while giving them to him and then I turned towards Shyan and gave her the gasoline tank "here you might need this for your vehicle" I said and then heard Coach asking if everyone was ready to leave, I did a mock salute and answered with a "Yes Sir!"
#84394799Saturday, December 15, 2012 12:07 PM GMT

Thomas (Sorry guys for being inactive.) Lets just say on one of the dead people we found 3 Mags for his FiveSeveN. "Okay, just one second." I say running over to the bar. I take a champagne bottle. "Lets go" I say
#84424629Saturday, December 15, 2012 8:01 PM GMT

Johnny "Ok, lets book it." Johnny picks up one half of Helsit while Eddy picks up the other. Johnny addresses Shyan, "About how far is your car anyway?" While everyone is leaving the building, Johnny picks up a small box filled with 5 AA batteries and puts it in his pocket while avoiding dropping Helsit. It is 11:10 AM