#81906279Sunday, November 11, 2012 9:41 PM GMT

Vlad I eat a burger and watch her read the notebook.
#81911431Sunday, November 11, 2012 10:45 PM GMT

Carrie "You must be his girlfriend.... Or you 99% friendzoned him..." The card said. "How the heck do you know what a friendzone is?" I asked. "I'm life. I know alot of stuff.... And Love knows what it means too...." It replied.
#81912806Sunday, November 11, 2012 11:02 PM GMT

I just repeatedly hit my head off my table, over and over. I couldn't remember exactly what I asked my card, but now it just kept yelling out "Fire!", or "Misery!" or "Death!", and sometimes even "KILL KILL KILL!" and a few others things like 'Hell' and 'Burning', just too much. It's been going on like this for the last five minutes. I was ready to light the next person who came to talk to me on fire.
#81912976Sunday, November 11, 2012 11:05 PM GMT

Raven finishes the page she was reading, and then slowly closes the book.
#81913579Sunday, November 11, 2012 11:13 PM GMT

"Shutup." I said to my card after each thunk off the table, but the thing was on a roll. "FIRE!" It hissed, "KILL THEM ALL!". Thunk, "Shutup.." "SHOW NO MERCY!" It yelled at me. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.
#81915800Sunday, November 11, 2012 11:45 PM GMT

Nathaniel I took a bite from my burger and did my best to ignore the thoughts.
#81916825Monday, November 12, 2012 12:00 AM GMT

Elesa "Speak."
#81919702Monday, November 12, 2012 12:36 AM GMT

"Well, I was mostly curious about what your card was saying to you; what its voice sounded like, its personality, etc. I wanted to see if there were any similarities between yours and mine. You see, I had thought that our cards were the most alike, they both had to do with space. But Knowledge guy over there tells me that we're opposites and enemies. So I suppose what I want to know is, what your card say about the sun?"
#81919875Monday, November 12, 2012 12:38 AM GMT

Elesa I pulled out my card and it said, "He is right, he is right. You ARE enemies. One is light, one is dark. The dark is you. Mysterious and dark. You are the moon. He is your opposite."
#81921814Monday, November 12, 2012 1:07 AM GMT

Raven gets up, and heads over to the table with the food. She glances over the table until she finds what she was looking for, a bag of potato chips. (( Ohhh yeahh. ))
#81922468Monday, November 12, 2012 1:16 AM GMT

I look at my card. Its response: "I'm sorry. The sun sheds its light on much. But the moon does not follow the sun. It is only loyal to the earth. It will hide from the sun behind the planet, where you cannot see. You can never hope, as the sun, to truly understand the moon. She is your opposite." I look back at her, her expressionless face impossible to judge. "I...sorry for bothering you, I guess." With a thousand different thoughts going through my head, I walk away to go get some food.
#81924402Monday, November 12, 2012 1:40 AM GMT

Nathaniel I crushed the burger I was eating in my hands. They kept coming with these thoughts. I should ask the mystic how to make it stop.
#81938110Monday, November 12, 2012 4:33 AM GMT

Vlad I continue eating my burger, and thinking.
#81938667Monday, November 12, 2012 4:46 AM GMT

Jefferson I eat my burger. Then I put it down and opin it up. I notice there is mayo in it. "Sh-- I'm allergic to mayo!" I yelp as my throat starts closing up.
#81974629Monday, November 12, 2012 10:03 PM GMT

Vlad I walk over to the line where Raven is and grab a bag of chips. "Hey, you ok?" I ask her
#81975092Monday, November 12, 2012 10:09 PM GMT

Nathaniel I run over to Jefferson. "ARE YOU CHOKING?!" I quickly asked.
#81975942Monday, November 12, 2012 10:19 PM GMT

"I'm thinking." She says, nomming on the chips.
#81976548Monday, November 12, 2012 10:26 PM GMT

Vlad "Can I think with you?" I ask her.
#81977879Monday, November 12, 2012 10:42 PM GMT

"Um?" She says.
#81978054Monday, November 12, 2012 10:44 PM GMT

"Well, tell me what's up, I might be able to help you figure it out." I say.
#81978210Monday, November 12, 2012 10:46 PM GMT

"Hmmph. I don't wanna talk." She says.
#81978295Monday, November 12, 2012 10:47 PM GMT

Jefferson It gets hard to breath "i'm- al-allergic to mayo---"
#81978439Monday, November 12, 2012 10:49 PM GMT

Vlad "Ok." I say as I go back to the table we were at.
#81978536Monday, November 12, 2012 10:50 PM GMT

Raven follows, and sits in the same spot as before.
#81978597Monday, November 12, 2012 10:51 PM GMT

Nathaniel I waved Carrie to come over quickly. Carrie I run over to Nathaniel and Jefferson. Nathaniel told me it was a allergic reaction. I placed my hand on his throat and began to ease the tension the reaction was giving on his throat, so he could breath.