#82244255Saturday, November 17, 2012 2:07 PM GMT

Makiah~ I rub my eyes. I walk over to the boy that was attacked by the bear. "I don't think we've met. I'm Makiah." I say, and I examine his wounds carefully.
#82244928Saturday, November 17, 2012 2:22 PM GMT

(Oh and Maddie...) Madison-Lily~ I continue building walls of the shack until it's a tall enough. I start taking the large leaves, weaving them together as a flat surface, maybe three foot I in width and six feet tall. "I made a door." I chime. I fit a vine through the side of the door at height in the middle, then at the top, and at the bottom(like hinges on an actual door.) I connect it to one wall where I left the gap for the door. Next I go into the forest a little bit and find the plant I want. I take it gently by the stem, and peel away one of its long arm-like leaves. Inside of those leaves are a sappy substance. I smile, taking the leaf. I also take a few more but I don't open them. I go back I my shack-thing and rub the sticky liquid between the wall logs. I dries quickly, and now our walls are stable an we have a door. "Who knows how to make a proper roof?" I ask.
#82245947Saturday, November 17, 2012 2:43 PM GMT

Meygan I looked up at the trees, hoping there was something to eat up there.
#82246281Saturday, November 17, 2012 2:49 PM GMT

CHARACTER SHEET= NAME First: Leonardo (Leo, if you want.) Last: Gryphon A.GE(required, 14-19): 16 GENDER: Male APPEARANCE Hair Color/Length: He has black hair, that droops down over his forehead. Eye Color: His eyes are a pale, crystalline blue. Facial Features: He has acne smeared over his face, (And on his back, but that's a secret of his, shhh!) Skin Complexion: Pale, pale, pale from staying inside. Articles of Clothing: He wears dress shoes and black pants,a black and white checkered sweater-vest over a white dress shirt(Sleeves rolled) and a bow tie. He wears thick wayfarer glasses from ray-ban(Prescription, not just decoration). He wears black Chuck Taylor shoes. Other: Nananana blahblah i am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the walrus, kookookachookachoo. PERSONALITY/TALENTS(optional)... Personality: He is very quiet and shy. Intelligent, but physically weak. Talents: (Blah, it's optional and he's not very talented.) LIFE STORY(optional. 1 sentence min, 10 max): Grew up a normal life, but got made fun of a lot. Blah blah blah. Finished.
#82246323Saturday, November 17, 2012 2:50 PM GMT

Madison-Lily~ "Meygan, be a doll and go fetch those berries I saw a little into the forest." I say.
#82246543Saturday, November 17, 2012 2:55 PM GMT

Jefferson "Jefferson Scott." I pull out my backpack. "I have food!" I yell. I had a first aid in my backpack. "Thank you over protective mom" I whisper. I put alcohol on my hurt arm. I put some bandages on. "I've got 2 sandwich, all cut in half, and some lays chips. I also have Gatorade and water."
#82246711Saturday, November 17, 2012 2:58 PM GMT

Meygan I looked over. "Maybe we could rashen and look for other foods for when we run out."
#82250008Saturday, November 17, 2012 3:56 PM GMT

(Accepted. Hah, I had a few laughs!) Madison-Lily~ I nod. "Please do ration. I don't want any of us to starve." I say dully, and gather long, sturdy sticks. "Can someone pick up this big rock and move it beside the shack, so I can make the roof?" I ask, glancing around. "Jack? Mac? You two willing to?" I ask them, gesturing towards the large rock. Makiah- I smile to myself, turning from Jef. I look out at the water, and see just above the trees at the other side, the sun is rising. I close my eyes, curling my numb fingers then hugging myself.
#82250293Saturday, November 17, 2012 4:00 PM GMT

Mac~ I shrug. Finnally, something to do that wasn't punching up leaves. I put my arms around it and pushed. Blood was already oozing out of my wounds, and it was hard, but eventually I had a grip and it was by the shack. I looked back. there was a lot of blood in the sand. I silently curse.
#82251352Saturday, November 17, 2012 4:18 PM GMT

Makiah- I wordlessly go over to Mac, holding soft leaves I had gathered. I press them against his wounds. "Hope you feel better." I murmur then step back, and turn to watch the other side of the lake. Madison-Lily~ I step on the rock, and having picked up the long, tough sticks I place them. One end of the side rest on either side of the shack. I continue laying them down, crisscrossing. I get smaller stocks, making the roof thicker. I finally smear mud on and let it dry.
#82251832Saturday, November 17, 2012 4:26 PM GMT

Mac- "I will." I tell her.
#82252048Saturday, November 17, 2012 4:30 PM GMT

Leo I look around, finding myself useless as always, people needed medical attention, and help moving things. I wasn't good at either of those things. I scratched my head, sighing. "Well, this sucks," I mutter.
#82252657Saturday, November 17, 2012 4:38 PM GMT

Storm~ "What should I do" I ask
#82253079Saturday, November 17, 2012 4:46 PM GMT

Madison-Lily~ I loom at Leo and Storm. "You two gather soft leaves and sticks, we need to make beds inside the shelter." I say, looking at the sky. Was it me or was it darkening already? Probably just some passing clouds. Makiah- I bite my lower lip and get some small stones and sticks. I arrange the stones in a circle and form the sticks I to a mini teepee. I look around. I sprinkle dead grass and dry moss on the teepee. I dig for a bit then pull some flint out, and I get the dry dirt off I it. I scrape the flint on a rock and create a spark. I keep going and soon we have a nice fire.
#82253378Saturday, November 17, 2012 4:51 PM GMT

Storm~ "Alrighty!" I say and grab as much leaves and many branches and stick "Here this good?"
#82254565Saturday, November 17, 2012 5:10 PM GMT

Leo I start gathering.
#82254624Saturday, November 17, 2012 5:10 PM GMT

Madison-Lily~ I nod. "Just put sticks down in the shape of small beds then put layers of leaves on the sticks." I say. Makiah- I sit around the fire, rubbing my hands together. I sneeze.
#82255205Saturday, November 17, 2012 5:19 PM GMT

Mac- I sit by the fire, right next to Makiah. I nod to her.
#82255611Saturday, November 17, 2012 5:25 PM GMT

Makiah- I smile meekly. I glance at him curiously hen turn my attention to the fire. The flames mildly kept, licking at the wood.
#82255809Saturday, November 17, 2012 5:27 PM GMT

Storm~ " 'Kay,will do" I say as I try to find the perfect spot for the beds "Aha!I'll put them right here" I neatly lay everything down and get making the beds
#82255843Saturday, November 17, 2012 5:27 PM GMT

Leo I begin setting up the beds, I sighed.
#82256561Saturday, November 17, 2012 5:37 PM GMT

Madison-Lily~ I go over I Leo. "Leo, do you think we'll have a storm tonight?" I whisper, slightly indicating towards the sky.
#82257442Saturday, November 17, 2012 5:50 PM GMT

Beds? Mac- I smile weakly back to her.
#82257700Saturday, November 17, 2012 5:53 PM GMT

We need to sleep in comfort. Little piles of neat leaves will work...!) Makiah~ I start fiddling with my bracelet. "So... You're Mac, right? Crappy birthday." I say. Madison-Lily~ I wait for his answer, growing more and more anxious.
#82258659Saturday, November 17, 2012 6:06 PM GMT

Doesn't everyone know him? It was his birthday, right? Mac- "Yup, I think this takes the cake of crappy birthdays." I say, chuckling at my joke. But it was true.