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#8216420Monday, May 04, 2009 9:53 PM GMT

Ok this is how to play, you rate the script above you from 1 to 10, 10 being the best, then you post your own script! Ill start it: bin = script.Parent tool = script.Parent player = tool.Parent.Parent seedType = "Bomb" seedsLeft = bin.seedsLeft tool.Name = seedType.. " (".. tostring(seedsLeft.Value).. ")" seed = game.Lighting:findFirstChild(seedType):clone() function getOwner(ownedObject) local ob = ownedObject local maxDepth = 10 local depth = 0 while ob.Name ~= "Factory" do ob = ob.Parent depth = depth + 1 if depth > maxDepth then print("Maximum Depth Exceded") return "" end if ob == game.Workspace then print("Owner Not Found") return "" end end return ob.OwnerName.Value end function click(mouse) local targ = mouse.Target local pos = mouse.Hit.p if targ.Name == "ground" then if getOwner(targ) == player.Name then local useable = targ:findFirstChild("useable") if useable ~= nil then if useable.Value == true then useable.Value = false local s = seed:clone() s.Position = targ.Position + Vector3.new(0, 1, 0) s.Parent = targ.Parent seedsLeft.Value = seedsLeft.Value - 1 tool.Name = seedType.. " (".. tostring(seedsLeft.Value).. ")" local creator = s:findFirstChild("creator") if creator ~= nil then if creator.className == "StringValue" then creator.Value = player.Name elseif creator.className == "ObjectValue" then creator.Value = player end end local soil = s:findFirstChild("soil") if soil ~= nil then if soil.className == "ObjectValue" then soil.Value = targ end end end end end end print(seedsLeft.Value) if seedsLeft.Value == 0 then script.Parent:remove() end end function keyDown(key) key = string.lower(key) end function onSelected(mouse) mouse.Button1Down:connect(function () click(mouse) end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(keyDown) end tool.Selected:connect(onSelected)
#8216782Monday, May 04, 2009 9:59 PM GMT

it is a 7/10
#13359975Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:18 AM GMT

#13359977Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:18 AM GMT

#13359982Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:18 AM GMT

-_-' weres the floodcheck when you need it? FLOODCHECK:1
#13360117Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:35 AM GMT

...Weren't you meant to like... Post a script, not just give a rating?... while true do wait(1) if (script.Parent.Value == 0) then if (game.Workspace.Mestrue.Value ~= true) then local mes = Instance.new("Message") game.Workspace.Mestrue.Value = true mes.Parent = game.Workspace mes.Text = "Stop! Thats The Game!" game.Workspace.Ball.Anchored = true wait(2.5) if (game.Workspace.RedScore.Value > game.Workspace.BlueScore.Value) then winners = "The Winner Is The Red Team!" elseif (game.Workspace.RedScore.Value < game.Workspace.BlueScore.Value) then winners = "The Winner Is The Blue Team!" elseif (game.Workspace.RedScore.Value == game.Workspace.BlueScore.Value) then winners = "Its A Tie!" end mes.Text = ""..winners.."" wait(2.5) mes.Text = "Restarting Game..." game.Workspace.Ball.Position = game.Workspace.StartPoint.Position game.Workspace.BlueScore.Value = 0 game.Workspace.RedScore.Value = 0 game.Workspace.GameTime.Value= 300 wait(2.5) game.Workspace.Ball.Anchored = false mes.Text = "Start!" wait(2.5) game.Workspace.Mestrue.Value = false mes.Parent = nil else print("waiting for game to end") end end end Its part of my soccer game. It sees if the game time is 0, then starts a new game. :P Not very advanced, but now we're back on topic.

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