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#82191338Friday, November 16, 2012 9:36 PM GMT

The first humans to settle on the Tigris–Euphrates had birthed the concept of civilization. By the end of the millennium, Mesopotamia would go down in history as one of the most prominent societies in the BC era. That was 5,000 years ago. At that same time, 500 years' worth of light speed away, at a far-away planet tucked away in the goldilocks zone behind an unimpressive star, a single creature cast out from the womb was born with a defect; a mathematical mistake of genetics and would have been thrown away by the family if not for its near-sentient qualities. By the time Khufu's pyramid was erected in his name, a shambled collective of life forms from every corner of the alien planet had discovered the concept of groups and stone tools. When the three Chinese Kingdoms took to arms, the fledgling sentients, having evolved to self-awareness simultaneously by some miracle of probability, were chipping away at caves and wood carvings to create the foundations of culture. Then, on the same year that Columbus first stepped onto the New World, the milieu of aliens discovered the revelation of fire for the first time. After the steam engine heralded the Industrial Revolution, the alien planet was home to a menagerie of intelligent organisms composed of nomads, solitary hunters, tribes, and scattered cultures. The Soviet Union's founding saw the alien planet blossom into an arms race of dominance. The end of the second world war alone saw hundreds of races extinguished or assimilated into other species. It was until now that humans had only comprehended the idea of extraterrestrial life. On the day that Neil Armstrong set the greatest milestone of modern man on a barren rock in the sky and watched the Earth rise as a blue marble, his eyes betrayed no astonishment when he saw a single star. Hovering above the facade of the cradle of man, parallel to its progress as the unknown planet in the lone star's orbit had already harboured a thousand stories to tell of its children. Armstrong, let alone humanity, would never know about the happenings on the star across the cold void; The races that forged themselves from animals into mighty cultures, their own progresses and milestones, and the gift of self-awareness whose gravity could be felt even on a planet so far away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terra Firma is a pseudo-civilization style role-play where you control a sentient species as it goes from tribes to the stars. Gameplay is largely sandbox-style via controlling your species as factions (Starting out as tribes/nomads) and moving on to governments, with the note that controlling individuals are just as important as the big picture of commanding your entire race. Standard rules which I don't need to repeat still apply, but there's extra things to look out for: ANY humanoid species is frowned on badly. A race which looks like us kills the idea of an alien planet altogether; On a like basis, adding something like wings or horns onto a humanoid creature doesn't deviate it into something alien either. It's not completely abolished, but discouraged to the max. Don't regress the role-play into 5 pages of research sheets (WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY 5/20 HURRRRRR). On that same thought, get rid of the research system altogether. The role-play is largely unstructured for the sake of creativity, and I don't like the concept of standardizing every single advancement of your species to a fraction. The rest of the regular deal with keeping the playing field fair, enough description in sheets, etc, etc, all the things that keep a thread together. If there's anything lost in translation I need to repeat, either reply to me or send a PM if it's not worth posting on here to make things clear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Detail when writing the sheets is as encouraged as can be./ SPECIES SHEET: Name: Natural Habitat/Climate Region: Appearance: Physiology (Skeleton, organs, etc): Typical life span (Less than 100): Average personality: History (Optional): TRIBAL/NOMADIC SHEET; Name: Chieftain/De-facto leader (If any): Population (Less than 1,000): Species: Inhabited region: Currency system (If any): Agriculturally capable?: Culture (If any): Religion/Deities worshipped (If any): History (If any up to this point):
#82191446Friday, November 16, 2012 9:37 PM GMT

(So basically spore? Interesting. I'll join, I guess.) ⊂=-҉Ξ҉-=⊃ Just look at me now before I walk away. ⊂=-҉Ξ҉-=⊃
#82191672Friday, November 16, 2012 9:41 PM GMT

(Basically, it's the same idea as Spore's tribal stage(Ish), except it's not as shallow in terms of gameplay)
#82193114Friday, November 16, 2012 10:01 PM GMT

>no replies in the past 2 minutes :c
#82194206Friday, November 16, 2012 10:14 PM GMT

>no replies in the past half hour :C
#82195187Friday, November 16, 2012 10:26 PM GMT

>thread kept on life support :CC
#82196258Friday, November 16, 2012 10:38 PM GMT

>no replies for 1 hour :CcC
#82200137Friday, November 16, 2012 11:20 PM GMT

>no replies after session of Battlefield: 1942 :CcCcCcCcC
#82200173Friday, November 16, 2012 11:20 PM GMT

#82200549Friday, November 16, 2012 11:25 PM GMT

holy crap this is my favorite era and place in world history ~ desukawaiidesudesudesukawaiikawaiitouhouponiesdesudesudesu ~
#82200961Friday, November 16, 2012 11:30 PM GMT

>replies yaaaaaaaaaay So Are you joining Y/N?
#82201502Friday, November 16, 2012 11:37 PM GMT

When I work for the courage to write another C.S. I just finished two. ~ desukawaiidesudesudesukawaiikawaiitouhouponiesdesudesudesu ~
#82201577Friday, November 16, 2012 11:38 PM GMT

bubububuubut i waited hours for someone firecake left me here and i don't see anyone for another 5 miles out whhyyy
#82202176Friday, November 16, 2012 11:45 PM GMT

Name: No specific name, typically avoids it. Most call them Le-at. 'Loners' Natural Habitat/Climate Region: They are very versatile, and can live anywhere. However the temperature must be at least four Fahrenheit to sixty. However, for most, the temperature is typically around thirty degrees. Appearance: They are wolf like beings, which can stand on two feet and use their front two for like hands. However, its very painful to be like that, so over time they started using their hands for tools. Their hair is mostly black, with two strikes of blue on both sides. On the top of the head is a star. Physiology (Skeleton, organs, etc): ...confused Typical life span (Less than 100): Typically sixty years, few reports of eighty. Average personality: They are very different, however, most are centralized around being a loner. They will group up, however, but mostly they stick to themselves. History (Optional): Not a whole lot. TRIBAL/NOMADIC SHEET; Name: A'wre 'Fountain of Water' Chieftain/De-facto leader (If any): No real ruler, but there is a council like thing. Population (Less than 1,000): About one hundred and fifty, maybe two hundred. Species: Mostly Le-at, but the occasional wanderer will stop by. Inhabited region: A forest which echos into a roaring river, which stops at a pond in the middle of the.. tribe? Currency system (If any): Tools. The stronger they are, the more it is. On the occasion food will be transported. Agriculturally capable?: Very. Culture (If any): mehh Religion/Deities worshipped (If any): Nothing. History (If any up to this point):
#82202563Friday, November 16, 2012 11:50 PM GMT

(Accepted Ish If you write the physiology part, that'd be good Physiology just means specific organs (IE, lungs, etc), digestive systems, number of eyes, so on and so forth Basically just appearance in the sense that it's something you wouldn't be able to see at first glance)
Top 100 Poster
#82202570Friday, November 16, 2012 11:50 PM GMT

Name: Scellaxis Natural Habitat/Climate Region: Tropical/Humid Appearance: Scellaxis are bipedal in nature, sitting on 2 rather broad 4 digit feet that each harness gripping claws, less as a weapon and more as a utility. The legs are very angled, the kneecap sits at a 45 degree angle making the legs very springy, as for the rest of the body its unusually curved, not hunched but it has a significant arch to it. The head is longer than it is wide, the back of the head thins out into a spare bit of skin that resembles a tail, the eyes sit largely towards the sides and area lime green with black pupils, eyelids close horizontally rather than vertically. The nose is no more than 2 holes in the front of the face, as for ears this is very much the same, but more to the rear. The mouth is compromised of 2 large jaws that are attached by a visible muscle that locks in and out of place, inside is a set of razor sharp plates that can cut flesh instantly. The skin is a very rough and scaly cover for most of the body, however the head is less rough and retains a wet feel due to the Scellaxis needs for moisture, skin is normally a brownish colour, however grey, blue and green are also possible. Physiology: Solid Skeleton. 4 major organs, Heart, Brain, Liver and Intestines, 2 minor Bladder and a Moisture Regulator. Typical life span: 77 Average personality: Religious, Pack based orientation. History (Optional): Forged by millennia of evolving in murky swamps, its ancestors were gecko like creatures that fed on prey such as birds and small animals. TRIBAL/NOMADIC SHEET; Name: Scellaxia Chieftain/De-facto leader (If any): U-Duro Al' Muchat. Population (Less than 1,000): 600 Species: Scellaxis Inhabited region: Tropical Jungle, Swampland. Currency system (If any): None at the moment. Agriculturally capable?: Livestock mainly, fruit and other food are hunted. Culture (If any): Tribal based. Religion/Deities worshipped (If any): The Great Atsuro, a god believed to be responsible for their creation. History (If any up to this point): Forged from many minor tribes forming together in the name of Atsuro.
#82202830Friday, November 16, 2012 11:53 PM GMT

(Zoozooba is accepted; I should probably be typing on my own CS in a few minutes given that I have badminton lessons in about an hour You can start role-playing if you want; Start by describing your tribe's location if you can (Because of the fact that this is a really open-ended role-play and things like physical features/continents can be made up on the spot))
Top 100 Poster
#82203178Friday, November 16, 2012 11:58 PM GMT

(yay :D) The Scellaxia lived and arboreal lifestyle, houses, food stores and the healers were all located in a linked network of bridges and walkways in the trees, building formed around the massive trunks of trees. Even farms were located high up in the treetops, away from the lurking predators and disease below. The city, Mio-Uno was the largest, housing 300 Scellaxis within wide reach over hundreds of trees and the centre housed the great temple, which is where its believed the first Scallixis was created.
#82203398Saturday, November 17, 2012 12:01 AM GMT

I feel like I just read a history novel. ._.
#82203736Saturday, November 17, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

Psyiology- They have a heart, lungs, reproductive and waste organs, oh and blood. The only way from them to eat is to tear at their food with their teeth, which absorbs the necessary nutrients for them to live on. They have six senses, sight, hearing, touch, taste, smelling, and then a sort of sixth eye kind of sense. They can see brief glimpses of the future during their dreams, like a day before it happens. However, this is very rare, and only about six out of the whole population has it.
#82203984Saturday, November 17, 2012 12:08 AM GMT

(All right, you're golden. Halfway done my own sheet, bear with me for a sec)
#82213321Saturday, November 17, 2012 2:08 AM GMT

(Oh my god, can this thread not live without me giving it life support 24/7)
#82214595Saturday, November 17, 2012 2:21 AM GMT

(I might as well dump my CS and go for another 1942 session; As if someone was actually going to reply to this while I'm gone) Name: I'roqiou (Eerah-qwah) Natural Habitat/Climate Region: Clustered around the humid transition zone between the equatorial rainforests and the sea. Temperatures here range from 30 to 60 degrees Centigrade with humidex factor considered. This belt of marsh-swampland is covered with gourd-like trees and other vegetation, and experiences the same climate year-round. Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/1-item?id=97758596 The I'roqiou are a marvel of halfway-evolution, with features extremely resemblant to that of Earth's octopi. Their tentacle-span is about 10 feet at full stretch. http://www.roblox.com/Skid-sucker-item?id=97757698 Four tentacles are extremely dexterous and suited for grabbing, swinging, and the like. Four of their other tentacles have evolved into something resembling pseudopods, allowing them to skid across mud with relative ease or dangle from branches sturdy enough to support their weight. Their eyes are advanced; Quick to spot movement, especially within the murky water in which it usually fishes for aquatic animals. Physiology (Skeleton, organs, etc): They are boneless, save for their beaks which are used to hack into stronger prey items like shellfish. The I'roqiou's defensive mechanism is a venomous bite, which varies in potency among individuals. They are unaffected by the poison themselves. Though this was originally intended to be a last-ditch resort against large predators, sentience has given them a new use. A common I'roqiou hunting tactic is to spit the toxins onto a spearhead, which is then hurled at enemies to stun them, impair movement by paralysis or killing them outright. http://www.roblox.com/Out-of-water-item?id=97768566 They are amphibious in the sense that they can leave the water for nearly 4 days. Their 'lungs' are body cavities on either side of their mantle (http://www.roblox.com/Lung-cavity-item?id=97757675) which are rich in blood vessels and capillaries. These are efficient at raking oxygen from air, given that there is at least a bit of moisture within it. Having evolved from the oceans, they are natural swimmers, which can go up to 15 miles per hour in the water if they are moving downstream. Typical life span (Less than 100): 50-60 years Average personality: Evasive of creatures other than itself, they are active omnivores. The ability to hunt agile prey like small fish give them sharpened senses and a natural I'roqiou are hunters in the shadow. Should there be a conflict, their fighting style is an indirect, ranged guerilla-style that focuses on mobility and agility while enemies are picked off without the opponents having ever seen them in the first place. History (Optional):
#82216579Saturday, November 17, 2012 2:41 AM GMT

>views: 125 >before i left: 120 :c
#82218792Saturday, November 17, 2012 3:04 AM GMT

:c ~ desukawaiidesudesudesukawaiikawaiitouhouponiesdesudesudesu ~

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