#88237966Friday, February 01, 2013 2:32 PM GMT

we live in trees and HOW DO YOU EVEN REMOTELY LIKE THE IDEA OF PET WORMS!? Also note our wars are with vile worms and giant birds all we can use them for is bait!
#88251807Friday, February 01, 2013 8:39 PM GMT

(they're bigger than you think) VOTES supermariomonkey 1 Me (tigerath) 2 I win I'll make a post in a few seconds. -Removed Builderman
#88252841Friday, February 01, 2013 8:55 PM GMT

B wins. You send messengers inside the vehicles that the townspeople like to call "carriages". They split into three groups, one getting the Dancor, one getting the Varur, and one getting the mudcrab people. They say that the Brexull is holding a union meeting inside the forest. The leaders of each race come to the meeting at first there is silence, the Dancor are first to speak. "Why did you call us to this meeting?" he asks. "Our people need further development in knowledge, we need ideas does anyone have any?" The Dancor nod their heads. so everyone turns to their leader. "We've seen something underwater in our lake, and we're not sure what it is. If we can make something to either let us see underwater, swim faster, or breath longer maybe we could see what it is, or even take it if it's valuable." The Dancor finishes his sentence. The Varur are next to speak. "We have noticed a species of large birds at the top of the mountain, they have chosen to take our kind as prey when we leave our caves at night to find food. I think we should eliminate the threat before we advance ourselves in any other way." The Varur finishes his sentence. The Mudcrab-people speak up. "I've noticed that the Triggs have disappeared recently, I think that instead of advancing we should be focusing on finding them." The mudcrab-people finish their sentence. You are left with a set of choices here. A: Agree with the Dancor and find what is in that lake. B: Agree with the Varur and work on fending off the large birds. C: Agree with the Mudcrab-people and forfeit advancing in science. D: Go back and agree with none of them and choose your own thing. E: Ask the Brexull citizens what they think would be best. F: Other. -Removed Builderman
#88300675Saturday, February 02, 2013 8:30 AM GMT

@Netprobe: I think the question is: why DON'T you like the idea of pet worms?
#88325732Saturday, February 02, 2013 5:47 PM GMT

I hate worms and I know they are the size of buses. I choose we defeat the birds because aerial combat tech is gonna be useful.
#88327582Saturday, February 02, 2013 6:11 PM GMT

Obviously E.
#88333034Saturday, February 02, 2013 7:13 PM GMT

E appeals to me most. I don't love it but I don't hate it either. I guess it's the first step towards a democracy, if that's what we're going for. Ooh, ya hear that, lads? He says we'll blunt the knives!
#88354690Saturday, February 02, 2013 11:16 PM GMT

The Brexull leader gives it some thought and finishes. "Thank you for your time, and for the support in ideas you have given us." The leader takes a small bow (if you can imagine squirrels bowing) and heads back into the forest. He stands at the top of the highest tree inside Brexull territory. Citizens, give me your attention! The leader shouts so that the citizens can hear. Luckily, Brexull territory being as small as it is, the shout was loud enough to get everyone's attention. "I have thought hard and long, and have decided that we need to increase our knowledge. My thoughts are that it would be best to ask of the citizens thoughts on what to increase on." Most of the Brexull look surprised, and their looks change to most of them being happy that the government seems to care about public thoughts. The rest think that the government should take care of their own problems and not involve the citizens. It seems though that half of the Brexull want more room because of the population increasing and the small space that we have. a quarter says that we need protected from the large flying animals, and the other quarter want things to stay the same. A: Expand your territory. B: Get protection ready in case of assault from the large birds. C: Don't increase knowledge. D: Help Dancor find what's in the lake. E: Help Mudcrab-people find the Trigg. F: Help Varur with attacking the large birds. G: Other. -Removed Builderman
#88359388Sunday, February 03, 2013 12:04 AM GMT

Honestly, I thought tigeraths' threads would be more organized with that, but I guess we'll just have to work with what we got, and the choices do seem interesting. I'll just have a look through these sometime and then make my choice. @Netprobe: I'm honestly starting to think that you're just trolling us. But on that note, I ask, why do you hate worms so much? Is it because their small and creepy, because their slimy, or do you just hate all insects in general?
#88402274Sunday, February 03, 2013 11:24 AM GMT

I'd probably go for a mix of A and getting defenses against large birds - make the new huts with aerial defenses!
#88409163Sunday, February 03, 2013 2:23 PM GMT

I'd say G, which would be a mix of A and B, and a building I'd like to be included in B would be a barracks to actually train soldiers instead of giving them a weapon and saying "Throw this at that big fat bird.", if that's allowed. Maybe something like an arrow development later on so we can fight from a distance without using weapons primarily designed for melee damage. Ooh, ya hear that, lads? He says we'll blunt the knives!
#88446976Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:22 PM GMT

I'm sorry I have strong opinions. worms freak me out becaus they are scuirmy and creepy and icky. I say we find the triggs because this seems the most immeatiate issues.
#88449536Sunday, February 03, 2013 9:47 PM GMT

The birds threaten all of us, but they also took the Trigg. Development would be best, but it's running a risky business whether we choose to search for the Trigg or not. Ooh, ya hear that, lads? He says we'll blunt the knives!
#88466311Monday, February 04, 2013 12:46 AM GMT

we have a large population so why can't we send troops to find the triggs AND defend ourselves AND develop? its gotta take like 20 troops at most right? How big is our pop?
#88467698Monday, February 04, 2013 12:59 AM GMT

(not that much, about 70 I'd say.) G wins, Mixing A and B. The tribe expands through the treetops, but they also start making defenses for the aerial predators. They make houses by hollowing out parts of the tree, but they also put leaves in front of the entrance for camouflage. Also, while walking along the treetops one of the Brexull hit their head on a branch, but instead of it snappy off it bent at the middle where her head hit. After she tells her friends about what happened Some of the people hear about it and examine the branch. They think this might lead to a discovery, but they're not sure what the discovery will be of yet. A Dancor man comes charging into the village shouting for help. Many Brexull come by him. The Dancor takes a second to catch his breath. "We tried to make something to dive into the pond, we ended up making something and our leader said that he wanted to try first. He put it on and dove in and he hasn't come up yet! Please, you have to save him!" The Dancor man cries. A: Help the Dancor. B: Don't help the Dancor. (wow complicated choices huh?) -Removed Builderman
#88469855Monday, February 04, 2013 1:17 AM GMT

(CHOICES. SUCH A HARD DECISION. MAINTAIN ALLIANCE OR SHATTER ALLIANCE?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!1/1/1/1/1/1) A Ooh, ya hear that, lads? He says we'll blunt the knives!
#88522159Monday, February 04, 2013 9:49 PM GMT

we'll just need a few more people to vote. -Removed Builderman
#88581063Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:19 PM GMT

#88582121Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:48 PM GMT

#88582173Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:49 PM GMT

#88593465Tuesday, February 05, 2013 10:43 PM GMT

A! I mean guys! why is there even a "don't help the dancor" even if they werent our allies we still should help! Plus this is perfect chance for us to invent subs and scuba suits
#88593924Tuesday, February 05, 2013 10:49 PM GMT

who is twisted enough to vote B?
#88613297Wednesday, February 06, 2013 2:29 AM GMT

Not me.
#88631384Wednesday, February 06, 2013 12:15 PM GMT

Again, Netprobe just astounds me with how much "Don't do this because were the I want to be the good guys and i hate bad stuff !!!1!11!!1!" in his words. I still don't know what I'm voting for, but I'll still go for (A)
#88707596Thursday, February 07, 2013 8:37 PM GMT

(sorry for being so inactive.) The Brexull say that they will help and a squad of the scribes group follows them, some of the fast group comes too. The Dancor explain more on where they saw it happen and the part of the lake it was, they aren't sure how deep it is, and all the Dancor are afraid to go in. You now need to find out a way to get in there and save the Dancor leader. The Dancor aren't providing much help on how to do it either. A: ask the union for help. B: Try to make a deep-sea vehicle. C: Try to make a shallow water breathing system. D: Try to make mid-ocean level breathing tanks. -Removed Builderman