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#82268626Saturday, November 17, 2012 8:24 PM GMT

DNA and RNA. The Double Helix and the Hairpin Loop. The Building Blocks of all organic life. In theory, We could alter it to speed up the natural process of Evolution, To make ourselves smarter, faster, and stronger. Of course, this got most militaries interested, and while the United Nations forbade any and all genetic engineering due to pressure from religious groups and fears for its own safety, in private, any countries that could afford the huge costs of genetic experimentation set up huge laboratories deep underground, away from private eyes, free to twist human genetic matter as a cat plays with a ball of string, and nowhere was this more prevalent than the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London, Exeter, Aberdeen and countless other cities were hollowed out and undermined, all to make way for huge complexes devoted to the tantalizing and forbidden secrets of the human genome. And, with most tantalizing and forbidden sciences, inevitably something goes wrong, and gone horribly wrong it has. Meet subject 27. caucasian, pale, and thin to the point of being nearly emaciated, with a life support system mounted on his back and a robotic right arm, left leg and right eye. And a hatred for all other humans. Gone are the glass walls that held him in. Gone are those disgusting men in white labcoats who silently study him, dragging pens across paper, recording everything about him, his metal claws raking their chests and faces into ribbons. With the entirety of the DNX-05 research facility placed under lockdown, all of its inhabitants killed, and a dangerous psychopath equipped with the best of humanities genetics potentially on the loose, the British government is putting together a team of the best trained operatives and special forces agents in the world. Navy SEALS, the British SAS, the Russian Spetsnaz, and more. Their unique skills and combat experience will right the wrong man has wrought upon the earth, and put this genetic genie back into his bottle. This team is Sigma 5. Rules: 1: no god modding, and no mary sues. If you do not know what a mary sue is, google is your friend. 2: you can die, but only after sustaining sufficient injury. For example, if I (subject 27) wounds you, you will not be killed in one post, but may bleed out over the course of several posts if you do not recieve first aid from yourself or squad members, and if you are attacked again. 3: if your character dies and you wish to carry on playing, your new character will be sent down as a reinforcement to the original sigma-5 team. 4: respect other players. 5: while i personally have to problem with swearing or gore, try to tone it down in case someone who is not as old as you or me wanders across this thread. 6: periodically, i may allow players to have a new character in the form on another scaped subject. this will typically be limited to one or two, and can be accepted or declined like normal charatcer applications. I will post the experiment bio after the sigma-5 bio for you to use if and when i decide to let players have an experiment character. Sigma 5 Bio: Callsign: gender: special forces: (E.G. SAS, SEALS etc) appearance: primary weapon: (rifles, shotguns, SMG's, Flamethrowers, etc) secondary weapon: (pistols, melee weapons) special equipment: (E.G. grenades, sonic trip wires, etc) miscellanious equipment: (2-way radio, lockpicks, hand-held radar, etc) character backgrounds are not required, but you are welcome to insert one if you wish. ADVICE: be descriptive! it makes the RP a more fun experience! stay together! i, subject 27, will pick off any stragglers without hesitation. check your fire! some weapons such as grenades and flamethrowers can do more harm than good in an enclosed environment, especially to your squadmates! lock your doors! subject 27 is at a disadvantage if forced to enter a room which only has one entrance, so try to find a space within which to camp out and barricade yourself into for a short amount of time to even the odds- be careful,though, he can utilize ventilation systems to move throughout the facility! scavenge! you will have limited supplies going in, so find what you need inside the facility! don't forget to recharge! each squad member will have a rechargable torch and 3 MRE's going in. make sure to recharge the torch and recharge yourself by eating the MRE's! the following experiment bio is to be used only with my permission, and will be the template i will be using for subject 27. Experiment Bio: number designation: appearance: melee weapon 1: melee weapon 2: tendencies: (most experiments will be mentally unstable in some way.many will develop OCD-like tendencies.) again, backgrounds are not required but you are welcome to insert one. Here is my subject 27 bio: number designation: 27 appearance: 6'2, caucasian. pale, and thin, to the point of being near emaciated. melee weapon 1: Kabar melee weapon 2: Glass shiv tendencies: cannibalistic urges The RP will start when there are enough people signed up. until then, feel free to ask me any questions! also, please forgive me for my accident in wrongly titling my last thread as i was goingto make a standard god roleplay when this idea hit me, and i forgot to change the title.
#82271606Saturday, November 17, 2012 9:05 PM GMT

#82272213Saturday, November 17, 2012 9:14 PM GMT

there seems to be a glitch with my computer at the moment. darkx100, if you are reading this, whatever you have posted, my computer is not displaying for some reason. i'll reply to whatever you said when it shows up.
#82273510Saturday, November 17, 2012 9:30 PM GMT

I know it blocked my post for some reason. The content I put on it showed nothing offensive...unless they hate Military t.ac.lite p.ants .-. .
#82273652Saturday, November 17, 2012 9:31 PM GMT

Ok yup they have a problem with the pants I put. Let me repost it.
#82274540Saturday, November 17, 2012 9:44 PM GMT

would you like to make a sigma 5 bio for when the RP starts after we get a few players?
#82277182Saturday, November 17, 2012 10:17 PM GMT

I might consider it.
#82282409Saturday, November 17, 2012 11:21 PM GMT

Callsign:Preacher gender:Male special forces: SEALS appearance:Military Pants,Pistol holster,Ammo Pouch Belt,Combat vest with Ammo pouches,Gloves,Helmet,tactical glasses,Coyote Backpack. primary weapon: M4A1 Eotech Holographic x4 Silenced. secondary weapon: Colt M1911 Silenced special equipment:3 Grenades, 1 Tripwire, 3 C4. miscellanious equipment: 2-way radio, lockpicks, hand-held radar.GPS,Map,Binos
#82320743Sunday, November 18, 2012 9:37 AM GMT

#82355170Sunday, November 18, 2012 8:43 PM GMT


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