#84244397Thursday, December 13, 2012 2:49 AM GMT

#84333994Friday, December 14, 2012 8:27 PM GMT

Violette spotted foods all around her in this train, but she knew it was a disguised trick. Of course, most of the districts never got to eat properly, so this was a miracle, to be presented with such a range of delicases. Of course, it would make everyone gain weight, and therefore making their senses blurred. She would stick to her usual diet. Running her hand through her knotty and greasy-hair, she realised she needed a wash. When she was at the Capitol she would... Violette sighed. What was she turning into? Some sort of trash? The Hunger Games were trash, anyway. She'd just have to win using her stealth, wit, and skill.
#84348393Friday, December 14, 2012 11:20 PM GMT

Wish others would post on this. Come on, we can't let it die. §
#84348842Friday, December 14, 2012 11:25 PM GMT

I'm waiting to see if Daniel will wake up before I post for Amanda and Molly I am posting with Amanda's next post.
#84349107Friday, December 14, 2012 11:27 PM GMT

Daniel~ I open my eyes softly. §
#84359005Saturday, December 15, 2012 1:14 AM GMT

Amanda- I see Daniels eyes open a little. "Get some some sleep? I found your and mine room but I didn't feel like going into mine." I tell him. Molly- I finish my food and dismiss my self to find my room to lay down. After a long days of reaping and my saving my best friend from the arena, I am tired. I need to win for her. I am going to give doubt to myself because I am pretty weak but agile.
#84362393Saturday, December 15, 2012 1:47 AM GMT

Daniel- I yawn, nodding.
#84398904Saturday, December 15, 2012 1:54 PM GMT

Ellen got up and walked away. (Can we be at the capital now?) ~TheRockyStudioz~
#84405447Saturday, December 15, 2012 3:55 PM GMT

Daniel, Jack, Mac- I look outside. I spot the Capitol. We're almost there. I scowl. A bit closer to my death...
#84417259Saturday, December 15, 2012 6:29 PM GMT

He, This might make no sense to ya'll Amanda I follow Daniels gaze to the window. Molly & Amanda We are almost there. (Both) I get up and walk to gather my very very few things I got here. Amanda- I look back at Daniel before I walk out the room.
#84417643Saturday, December 15, 2012 6:34 PM GMT

It makes sense. Daniel, Jack, and Mac~ I grab my few items and get ready to get off of the train. A couple steps towards my doom. §
#84418564Saturday, December 15, 2012 6:47 PM GMT

Okay thanks Amanda I go into my room and grabbed the dress I wore for the reaping. Molly- I go into the room and grab my token, a ring that has a peice of cloth from my mothers reaping dress under some glass. A way to stay connected of home. Amanda & Molly- I walk out the room and go back to the dining room from last night. (Both) I couldn't sleep at all last night so when my stylist sees me be will put on that yucky capitol makeup.
#84424363Saturday, December 15, 2012 7:58 PM GMT

Ellen sighs and sees the capital. She walks over to Mac, "We still allies?" She ask. Jefferson looks out and sees the capital. His eyes open wide. "We're here." He tells his partner. Paul looks out the window and spits out food. Whitney saw the capital she got up to tell Jeremy, but he already knew, he was crying. ~TheRockyStudioz~
#84470979Sunday, December 16, 2012 4:46 AM GMT

Jordan I walk over to my room and fall asleep hoping I'll feel better by tomorrow. I wake up and look out the window, spotting the capitol. I groan and get ready for the day.(who's the district 1 male???) I walk out my room and head towards the dining cart feeling refreshed. I sit at the end of the table and have a light breakfast of oatmeal and Orange juice. I feel a chill down my spine that the capitol will h@te me when I'm on the chariot. I think of Kat begging me to go to the market and look at foods for fun. I finish up the last of my food and think of how my Appearance would be,after multiple failure ideas a good idea rushes through my head. I'll look weak,than in the arena I'll show my stuff and hopefully make it to the top 10. I get up from my seat and walk to my room, I slide open the doors and plop down on my bed and I stare out the window in amazement as I look at the capitol.
#84471136Sunday, December 16, 2012 4:48 AM GMT

Daniel~ I clutch the small coin from some country long ago. It was worth a lot, but a family medalion. I put it in my pocket. Mac~ I nod. "Yup, still allies." Jack~ I knock on Erica's door. "We're here." I announce. §
#84472379Sunday, December 16, 2012 5:03 AM GMT

(When will the train stop,or has it stopped?)
#84472914Sunday, December 16, 2012 5:10 AM GMT

Hasn't stopped. almost though.
#84475651Sunday, December 16, 2012 5:50 AM GMT

(Okay.) Jordan I think of Kat nonstop and curl into a ball on my bed. I run my fingers through my hair and I brush out the tangles. I sigh and think of Kat smiling and I'm glad she's just 10. If she gets chosen at the reaping one day I'll volunteer,even it includes death. I wish I was NEVER chosen. I sulk and wait for the train to stop.
#84495589Sunday, December 16, 2012 3:06 PM GMT

the train has stopped. Mac~ I wait for Ellen at the exit. Jack~ "Erica, come on. It's time to go." I whisper softly, and step off the train. woah. The capitol is so... huge! Daniel~ "Come on, Amadna." I say, and step off the train. §
#84498532Sunday, December 16, 2012 3:49 PM GMT

Jordan "Time to look soft..." I groan. I get out of the bed and see somebody waiting at the exit, I give them a friendly smile and a small wave hoping he will notice me. I step off the train. I keep looking down,but suddenly I look up and gasp as I see how crowded the capitol looks HUGE!!! "WOAH!THAT'S A BIG CITY!!!" I shout. I sound like a tourist and I shrug. I see a group of people and my hands are shaking,questions are rushing through my head if I should join them or not. I stand there,staring at them. I don't know what to do with my feet,It's like there glued to the floor.I'm shaking like a wind-up toy that can't dance and I stumble backwards a little bit.
#84498610Sunday, December 16, 2012 3:50 PM GMT

#84500358Sunday, December 16, 2012 4:15 PM GMT

(Too much?)
#84501752Sunday, December 16, 2012 4:33 PM GMT

(God dang it, my internet sucks! I have to rewrite this now...) Ellen walked over to him and held his hand. She walked outside, holding Mac's hand, she pulled her hand up, pulling up Mac's to. Whitney wiped of Jeremy's tears and pushed him to the door. She hugged him then walked outside, Jeremy next to her. Jefferson walked outside, he looked at his partner (Florah I think the name was), then at the capital. "For the win!" He yelled as he put his left fist out and the crowd cheered. Ellen and Whitney looked at him. Then Whitney looked back at Jeremy, then the capital. Ellen grinned. She looked at Mac and kissed his cheek. The crowd cheered. Paul walked outside and the crowd laughed. ~TheRockyStudioz~
#84501854Sunday, December 16, 2012 4:35 PM GMT

Amanda- I rush over to the door with my few things and follow Daniel. I don't trust anyone but him. Molly- I feel the train stop so I go over and nervously step off. I will never make it. I am as good as dead. I stare into the crowd and don't move.
#84502753Sunday, December 16, 2012 4:45 PM GMT

Daniel was feeling anxious, and was nervous too. Mac was blushing because of holding Ellen's hand. Jack was walking out, alone, because Erica was still in her room.