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#82404867Monday, November 19, 2012 8:50 AM GMT

[ List of New Bugs ] Game: * Roblox Studio freezing bug is worse now. * Lag is way worse now. A game that had 30 FPS, now has 16 or even 8 FPS. (On a decent 2GHz Dual Core computer.) * Servers/Games can crash if 1 client freezes while that player is loading. * Servers/Games crash randomly during tool use. (Drag, Model Drag, Copy, Delete.) * The chat is buggy. It don't always post the chat. The word wrap don't always work. (It cuts off the end of your message.) It will block sentences that have nothing wrong in it. [ List of Old Bugs that are still here (2011 to now)] Game: * Roblox Studio randomly freezes/locks-up when doing normal stuff. (Move, Copy, Cut, Past, Insert, Delete) Site: * Joining a specific server. It says its full where there is 1 or more slots open. (There can be 29 open slots and it'll say its full. (Yes I refreshed the list & then the page.)) * Sets: There are no Subscribe & Unsubscribe buttons anymore. [ Other ] I know Roblox has more major bugs that ever now. Even small bugs too. It seems to be heading to unplayable stage at the rate it going. (I've seen that coming from as far back as 2011.) (Sorry for any typos.) Did I leave anything out?

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