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#82445462Tuesday, November 20, 2012 12:54 AM GMT

Emily Robinson. She was a normal 6th grader until now. Her brother that had autism landed in all of the subjects with her, and she knew it would be a embarrassing year of bullying. My best friend wyatt has autism, and his sister is the most popular girl in the seven grade. She used to bully me way back in 5th. Funny thing, all three of us landed in the same classes. I was getting tired of her behavior, and annoyed. She would stop calling me a brat, idiot, ect. Today was the 1st day of seventh grade. Landed in some classes with Wyatt's sister... atleast not Science. She wouldn't stop talking about the "chemistry" she had with Charles... one of the cutest guys in 8th grade. It was stupid... Besides from that, and my brother, I think my life was pretty normal. Just like any regular person. Emily POV I slowly sat up from my bed. The clock was beeping loudly, I turned over to it and saw the numbers 6.49 in red neon. "Henry! Wake up!" I shouted from my room. In case you didn't know, Henry is my brother. He has autism and it's kind of embarrassing. I remember this one time he had thrown himself in the middle of Target and had a fit. Everyone glared at him, calling him crude words. "Brat," An old woman shouted. "Misbehave" A little kid pointed at him. I was thrown on the floor, crying. I couldn't stand seeing him like that. And it would be worse if Margaret was there. There were even worse things. We got kicked out of a ride in Disneyland because he wouldn't quit rocking on the floor and crying. I walked over to the bathroom and took my toothbrush, adding a pea-sized amount of mint toothpaste. Maybe Henry was busy sleeping. He never really did like being interrupted while he had his beauty sleep. Besides, he would be in the bathroom I was using by now. After finishing brushing my teeth, I skipped out of the bathroom wearing my school clothes. A plaid skirt with a plaid jacket and a black shirt. So boring. I would have of looked better if it weren't for the evil PLAID. By the time I sprayed myself with a quick bit of perfume, it was already 7. I ran down the stairs, trying to get my hair as neat as possible. As quick as I could, I grabbed the piece of toast my mum left at the counter and ran out of the house with my bookbag. Henry POV After I knew Emily was gone for good, I sat up from my bed and walked over to the closet. I took out a large bundle of clothes and set them on the bed. "Wearing this today, tomorrow I'm wearing this." I pulled out a gray shirt and beige pants and set them aside. I organized the rest in a single row then slipped into the uniform, brushed my hair and teeth and ran down the stairs. Wyatt POV I was aleady walking on my way to school, hands in pockets. There wasn't any noise in the streets. My sister, Margaret, ran up to me. "Ready to annoy your stupid girl friend? I haven't talked to her in months... probably got alot to tell me." She siled evily. I hook my head and continued walking. Margaret ran straight down the sidewalk and into the school. Emily POV I ran straight to class and sat down in the first row, next to Melinda, A.K.A. "Booger girl". Big mistake. She would rub her snot-covered finger all over my desk... I decided taking a quick glance at my classmates would clear that thought out of my mind. But it got worse when I noticed Henry walking in. He instantly covered his ears when he heard everyone chit-chatting. "This can't me happening..." I muttered. "Oh yes it is," Margaret smiled evily. She was sitting next to me, which made it even worse. My head dropped to the table and I pretended to cry. Henry POV I started scratching and pulling on my hand in rage, growling. I couldn't understand what was going on, it was just a bunch of high-pitched squeaks being shoved down my ear. I dropped to the floor and started screaming, rolling back and forth. The talking instantly ended and all that could be heard were my sobs of agony and confusion. (just a preview c:)
#82447095Tuesday, November 20, 2012 1:11 AM GMT

This is better than twilight.
#82447279Tuesday, November 20, 2012 1:13 AM GMT

This is better than twilight.
#82447364Tuesday, November 20, 2012 1:14 AM GMT

I helped him make it.
#82447529Tuesday, November 20, 2012 1:15 AM GMT

orlly `table flip
#82454701Tuesday, November 20, 2012 2:25 AM GMT

So it's good? :3 Btw it's just a preview...

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