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#82476078Tuesday, November 20, 2012 1:40 PM GMT

-Information- This is a mythical medieval role playing thread, in it you choose a race and make your CS(Character Sheet).You may even be a wild animal/monster or a companion for a character.I am hoping to make this a series of role plays, but this is the first. -Introduction- The land has fallen into chaos, demonic creatures roam the lands always followed by death, you will be lucky to see the next dawn.All whom survive this are either lucky or a legend. -History- The land was at peace until one traitor -a human mage- let all the nether creatures into the land, he wanted complete control over the creatures -he of course failed- and now the nether creatures rule the land. -Rules- 1)No godmodding. 2)No instant kills. 3)Do not take control. 4)Use grammar at all times please. 5)You may create NPCs. 6)Character max is six. 7)Wait for an admin or I to accept you before posting. 8)Put "Legendary" in the "Other" section of your character sheet. -Suggestions, Complaints and Questions- Suggestions: Please PM me your suggestions, please do not post them here I would be glad to hear them. Complaints: Please PM me your complaints if you do I shall be grateful and might fix the complaint. Questions: Please PM me your questions and I shall reply. -Races- Human: The most useless of all races in magic they are quite intelligent but lack in magic and use to the land. Elf: A human with pointed ears, slim faces and are faster, stronger and better at magic.They look after all wild creatures and plants. Drow: A dark elf.They look like elves but have greyish skin and black eyes.They can do dark magic. Dwarf: A tiny human that are battle strong, they can live from 200-600 years.They protect the mountains and undergrowth. Shade: A partly visible grey, faceless human they normally wear black cloaks. Gryffin: A hybrid Eagle Lion(look up Gryffin for appearance).They are quite intelligent and can make great companions but you don't want one as an enemy. Ghost: A dead human, they are pale partly visible humans.They unlike humans are great at magic and look after the nether but when all the creatures escaped they came to help fend the land. Treeant: A humanoid tree the size of a two story house.They are spirits of nature, they now help fend the land.They are great at magic. Golem: A human made of rocks with gems as eyes the size of a one story building.They are spirits of under dwelling animals.They defended the dwarfs before the nether creatures broke through.They are great fighters and can control earth. Dryad: A human made of sticks and vines. Centaur: The body of a horse attached to the body of a man.(Look it up for full appearance)They usually smart and great with a bow. Minotaur: The body of a man and the head of a bull.They are very strong. Demonic human: A human with black eyes, grey skin, claws and demonic wings.They use dark magic. Demon: Like a demonic human but a tail and more animal like.They are very good at dark magic. Tormented soul: A black ghost that is grate at dark magic. Phoenix: A giant bird made of fire, they protect nature.They are grate at pyromancy. Dragon: A giant lizard That come in many colors.They can do a but of magic and breath fire. Water spirit: A blue ghost always dripping water, they protect the seas.They are grate at aquamancy. Dark water spirit: The same as a water spirit but dark water and uses water to destroy the land.They are grate at aquamancy and dark magic. Serpent man: A human wit scales, a tail, a snake head. Aqua human: A human or elf with gills, webbed fingers and toes and can see underwater.They can usually do aquamancy. -Types of magic- (If you have magic you may only have one type and try choose one that involves your race) Necromancy: Controlling the dead. Aquamancy: Controlling water. Pyromancy: Controlling fire. Geomancy: Controlling rocks and earth. Biomancy: Controlling plants and nature. Dark magic: Controlling darkness. Light magic: Controlling light. -Character sheet- Name: @ge: Gender: Race: Appearance: Personality: Clothes: Bio: Weapons: Items: Type of magic:(Optional) Against nether:(Yes or no if no you are a nether creature) Other: Animal/Wild monster sheet Name:(Optional if you are wild) @ge: Gender: Race/type of animal: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Owner:(Optional) Type of magic:(Optional) Nether creature: Other:
#82480214Tuesday, November 20, 2012 4:05 PM GMT

#82545647Wednesday, November 21, 2012 10:22 AM GMT

(Bump? Please?)
#82545855Wednesday, November 21, 2012 10:43 AM GMT

Name: Darikinth @ge: 147 Gender: Male Race: Minotaur Appearance: A minotaur with white fur (very rare), one of the horns is broken off about half way. Personality: To be seen throughout the RP. Clothes: Molten armor, enchanted a real lot. Bio: Confidential Weapons: A sword with no special powers, but it is ornately decorated. Items: Many, but they are not on his person at the current moment. Type of magic: Dark Magic Against nether: Yes, but against most players. Other: Legendary
#82545883Wednesday, November 21, 2012 10:45 AM GMT

(Sorry for dragons didn't explain properly but you know what they are right?) "AGH the words above me are going to crush me!"--Dead Siggy
#82545911Wednesday, November 21, 2012 10:47 AM GMT

(Accepted and admin) "AGH the words above me are going to crush me!"--Dead Siggy
#82546121Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:01 AM GMT

Name:Lorand @ge:230 Gender:Male Race:Elf Appearance:An elf with silver hair, white skin and silver eyes Personality:Quiet, calm and strategic Clothes:A white robe with a silver breastplate, silver boots, silver wrist band and a gold ring with a saphire gem in it. Bio:To be discovered. Weapons:Silver sword, black bow and 30 Elven arrows. Items:Leather waterskin, silver necklace depicting a dragon. Type of magic:Biomancy Against nether:Yes Other:Legendary Name:Jerud @ge:60 Gender:Male Race:Aqua human Appearance:A black haired, white skinned man with a scar going across his chest. Personality:Strategic and hot headed Clothes:Black leather suit. Bio:Unknown Weapons:Silver dagger, siler sword and a aqua sword(A sword made of water) Items:Water skin Type of magic:Aquamancy Against nether:Yes Other:Legendary, he is friends with Lorand Name:Ando @ge:35 Gender:Female Race/type of animal:Gryffin Appearance:A normal gryffin with blue eyes Personality:Wise, bruteish Bio:He was found by Lorand when he was an egg Lorand has kept and cared for him scince Owner:Lorand Type of magic:Biomancy Nether creature:No Other:Legendary
#82546193Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:06 AM GMT

(staring at 3 members maybe? Dex might join.)
#82546248Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:10 AM GMT

(Ok) "AGH the words above me are going to crush me!"--Dead Siggy
#82546472Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:28 AM GMT

(Maybe we should just start now.)
#82546531Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:33 AM GMT

Name: Cortexil @ge: 48 Gender: Male Race/type of animal: Pheonix Appearance: A slightly larger than normal pheonix, with a fireprof saddle. Personality: To be seen thruoghout the RP. Bio: As an egg, stolen from a pheonix nursery by darikinth. He was used as a method of transportation by darikinth. Owner: Darikinth Type of magic: N/A Nether creature: No Other: Legendary
#82546622Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:40 AM GMT

(You admin so you instantly accepted :P) Lorand I create a vine full of blue berries and pick them, I then eat some and jump to an inhuman hight.I communicate to Ando asking him to come to the elven hideout to pick me up, I land on a land of wood. Ando I chew on a rabbit and get a message from Lorand and say to him with my mind "Coming." I then flap my wings three times and take off leaving my rabbit for later.I land next to him.
#82546658Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:43 AM GMT

Darikinth I land Cortexil outside of the inn, which was called "The Three Rings". He would stay here for a while, before moving on. After all, he had to find someone who was willing to assist him with his job.
#82546769Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:53 AM GMT

Jerud I put on black gloves, and shoes, I cover my gills up with a leather scarf an head in to "The Three Rings". I see a Minotaur and ready my dagger in case.I also communicate Lorand for him to come now. Lorand I get a message in my mind that Jerud needed help at The Three Rings.I tell Ando and we head off.When we arrive we see a pheonix outside the inn and warn Jerud."The only good news is there's no nether creatures" I say to myself.
#82546779Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:54 AM GMT

this is minecraft
#82546794Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:55 AM GMT

Darikinth I look around, and see someone watching me. "Don't worry, I won't bite. Unless provoked." I say, before halfway unsheathing my blade and then putting it back in the scabbard.
#82546806Wednesday, November 21, 2012 11:56 AM GMT

(No the nether creatures only come at night and the nether isn't made by minecraft so...) "AGH the words above me are going to crush me!"--Dead Siggy
#82546867Wednesday, November 21, 2012 12:00 PM GMT

Lorand I enter the inn and look at the minotaur "Well you best not attack me and my friend here... or else" I say moving my head so he could see I was an Elf."And tell you'r pheonix not to mess with Ando the Gryffin"I warn him.
#82546917Wednesday, November 21, 2012 12:03 PM GMT

(Sorry your not you are :3) "AGH the words above me are going to crush me!"--Dead Siggy
#82546929Wednesday, November 21, 2012 12:04 PM GMT

Darikinth I walk inside the inn, and go up to the bartender. "I'd like to rent a room, please. And make it one with a large bed." I put some coins on the table, then add "Also, some mead. In a large cup."
#82546980Wednesday, November 21, 2012 12:07 PM GMT

Lorand "Are you ignoreing me?!"I ask makeing a vine from one of the cracks in the wall snare his foot. Jerud A make some water and splash the Minotaur.
#82547118Wednesday, November 21, 2012 12:14 PM GMT

Darikinth "If you want to die, continue splashing me. If you wanted conversation, just start talking to me. If you want to kill me, clearly a failed attampt." I say, drinking the mead.
#82547287Wednesday, November 21, 2012 12:23 PM GMT

Lorand "You do realize im an Elf right?Because if you don'y I would stop"I say picking up an anvil with ease and throwing it at his feet.
#82549999Wednesday, November 21, 2012 2:12 PM GMT

Name: Roran @ge: 13 Gender: Male Race: Elf Appearance: green tunic, thick, black hair. Brown boots and a red sheath on my back. Personality: Adventurous, lax, and brave Clothes: Green tunic, white pants, brown boots Bio: N/A Weapons:A wooden bow, arrown, and a red bladed longsword with an emerald in the hilt. Items: rope, some flit and steel, and a wooden flute. Type of magic:(Optional) Biomancy Against nether:(Yes or no if no you are a nether creature) yes Other: Legendary
#82555676Wednesday, November 21, 2012 4:06 PM GMT

(Accepted, Adminized and I like how you used Eragon :3) "AGH the words above me are going to crush me!"--Dead Siggy

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