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#82621527Thursday, November 22, 2012 5:39 AM GMT

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#82621841Thursday, November 22, 2012 5:45 AM GMT

Also, to quote WNTS: "• Ban groups for religion/racial minorities/LGBT. (Roblox is a welcoming place and we allow anyone with the means to create a group about their interests, so long as that group is not spreading hate or trying to convert others.)" Or, namely, "Roblox is a welcoming place and we allow anyone with the means to create a group about their interests, so long as that group is not spreading hate or trying to convert others." What they're saying is they don't want to seem like an unwelcoming place. But by not allowing people to say that they're g4y, they do in fact seem like they're shutting out people who are already frowned upon enough by pop culture. They state clearly that they are in fact welcome to people who aren't straight; they just need to get their act together and act like it.
#82621974Thursday, November 22, 2012 5:47 AM GMT

I agree with you. But unfortunately, people these days use the word g4y as a way to express something being "bad". if it was allowed on ROBLOX children would use it for the wrong purposes and greatly offend numerous people. It would probably create a large incline in cyberbullying. As you probably know, many males get 'picked on' for being in a same gender relatsionship. Whos to say that wont happen on ROBLOX? If someone hurt themselves offline; ROBLOX would be held liableLIABLE for ROBLOX not filtering the word on a website meant for children. Ergo, its very upsetting that this generation of people treat same gender relatsionships so poorly to the point when a user friendly website has to remove the word. I do not blame ROBLOX for not allowing the word.
#82622138Thursday, November 22, 2012 5:51 AM GMT

Sorry, I said "..some males". I should of said some people, because females exist in same gender relatsionships as well. My apologies.
#82622710Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:03 AM GMT

Naw, don't be sorry. G4y does mean two guys that love each other. Two girls would be l3sbian, which is probably banned as well. Anyways.. That's part of my point. Basically, what you're saying is that the word could cause flame wars and insults. But that's already banned on Roblox, and the site does allow people to state other things about theirselves that could cause flame wars. Such as religion, for example. If I said I was atheist (which I'm not verifying, as I don't like to give away such information,) someone would probably get all offended and tell me they hate me because I don't believe in God. But ROBLOX doesn't block the word "atheist," does it? No, in fact. They're not only blocking the word g4y because it could start flame wars, but because they know that the word isn't accepted in modern society. Which, as it turns out, only strengthens the fear that LGBT people have walking around in public, whether with their boyfriend or girlfriend or without. Because they know they're different, and that anyone who knows their secret could threaten to steal their belongings or beat them up. I think allowing the word g4y would really make a difference in the world. Sure it might start flame wars, but the people who bullied others would be banned, as they already are. It would tell the world that loving differently than others is nothing to be ashamed of. It would cause unrest, but all great things do at first. Like that little black girl who decided to go to a white school back when African Americans were frowned upon as g4y people are. At first it may be frowned upon by some persnickety parents, but I think in the end, it would really make a positive difference in the world.
#82622795Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:04 AM GMT

Unfortunately, as abbycat00 explained also, the word in question is typically not used properly especially among youth (which primarily make up Roblox). I agree with your (OP) opinion, but there are too many ways it could be used negatively to hurt or offend others.
#82624035Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:28 AM GMT

Support, and welcome to the forums, your firstish post is also a good one! I praise you :D
#82624321Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:34 AM GMT

This actually isn't my firstish post, I just posted it on my alt in anticipation of ROBLOX banning whatever account I use for discussing "inappropriate topics." And basically, for those of you who are afraid of the ways it could be use to harm someone, what you're saying is you're afraid of change. The only reason LGBT people are frowned upon is because other people tell us we should. My logic is maybe, if more popular websites opened up to the idea of LGBT, it wouldn't demote g4y rights, but promote it. Rather than telling people that being g4y is bad, they'd be telling them it's good. And besides, let's be honest- there's a lot of younger children on this site. Maybe if we told them that being g4y makes you no less of a person than if you were straight, they'd open up to LGBT before the rest of the world could tell them that being g4y makes you evil or whatever it is h0mophobes feed to children these days.
#82624415Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:36 AM GMT

Huh, I knew that it couldn't have been your firstish post, your posts remind me of someone...
#82624734Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:43 AM GMT

I'm sure all reasonable people would enjoy a world where the use of the word in question was proper and where there was no discrimination in the gender you are attracted to. I do believe that over the course of time there has been less discrimination and with your idea although it sounds like it should work, I think that a relatively high amount of parents would not approve of the use of the word. Remember, it is much more difficult to sway the mind of a grown adult (parent) that may not want their child exposed to new ideas on gender attraction.
#82626390Thursday, November 22, 2012 7:19 AM GMT

It's used as an insult in most cases, besides we're kids.
#82626453Thursday, November 22, 2012 7:21 AM GMT

In older versions of English, sure, it's plenty appropriate. But, in today's day and age, it's never used for something positive. There are many words that are titled vulgar that actually have completely different meanings.
#82626880Thursday, November 22, 2012 7:33 AM GMT

I just reported him, and 5 minutes later the post was removed. Who says the reporting system doesn't work?

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