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#829496Saturday, April 26, 2008 3:06 PM GMT

You make a character like this... Name: Alisha (any name with no numbers swearing OR jiberish) Gender: Female (male or female?) Birth Place: Hrate City (The city town born in, Hrate City, Montas Town, and Holm City Are birth places) Skin Tone: White (White,Black, or brown) Chapter met in: Prolouge ( 15 chapters pick 1!) Race: Human (or monsters) Alliance: Good (good, evil, crazed) Class: Archer (Begginer classes are: Rouge, Archer, Knight, and Slayer) Life Story: After her parents were killed by the evil Fodoncs, she swore revenge to slay the Fodoncs ruler, Daller... (This is why your here) Apperance: A shadowy female with black hair blue eyes, and a whole lot of black clothing (What your character looks like) Level:6 (Must start at level 1) XP:0/600 HP:400 +50 (HP lvl + bonuses give by armour + weaps) Atk:100 +30 (atk Power) Skl:160 (Skill in class) Spd:200 (how fast you are) Lck:190 (how good you are in killing. ie. locked on target, ect.) Def:100 +100 (defence) Res:20 +5 (Chances of being rezed) Move: 25 How far you can move) Weapons Long Bow(45/50)(50 Range, 10-30 Dam) 10000x Iron Arrows 20000x Steel Arrows Steel Long Bow(150/150)(200 Range, 40 - 50 Dam) Items 10x Exither 20x Healing Leaves Armour Black Leather Body(70/80)(+5 Health, +10 Def) Black Leather Legs(90/100)(+20 Atk, +20 Def) Heavy Black Leather Legs(150/150)(+50 Health, +5 Res, +50 Def) Heavy Black Leather Body(170/170)(+30 Atk, + 50 Def) Weapon/Armour level to use Bronze - level 1 Iron - level 5 Steel - level 6 Mithral - level 20 Amits - 30 Rune - 40 Dragon - 90 Prolouge:no name Chapter 1:no name Chapter 2:no name Chapter 3:no name Chapter 4:no name Chapter 5:no name Chapter 6:no name Chapter 7:no name Chapter 8:no name Chapter 9:no name Chapter 10:no name Chapter 11:no name Chapter 12:no name Chapter 13:no name Chapter 14:no name Chapter 15:no name Can you help me with names for chapters? Map: --C-FF---FF-K-FF---FFFFFF-^^^^ ----FFFFFF--FFFF--C--FFFFF--^^^^ HHHT-----K----GG----A----R^^^^ HHHH-------FFFF-----FFFF---^^^^ HHHT----K------RR----B---^^^^^^ ---------------FFFFFFFF---LOOOO -------C-----K-----G--R--OOOOO FFF-R-----C----GG-------LOOOOO ---FFFFF---FFFF----C--GG----FFFFF ---------MSMMMMS--FFFF--C-FFFF --FFF---MMMMMMM---GG--K---R-F --------SMMMMMMS---------FFFFFF A-Alisha B-Boss C-Calvary F-Forest G-Golm H-Hrate City K-Knight L-Holm City Entrance M-Montas City O-Holm City R-Archer S-Montas City Entrance T-Hrate City Entrance ^-Mountains Message me if you want to make a city and Ill change the map You fight like this: Golm Level:5 HP:200 Weapon:Iron Sword VS Alisha Level:6 Hp:450 (Include all Bonuses) Weapon:Steel Long Bow, 20000x Steel Arrows Alisha Hit Golm! 50 Dam Golm Hit Alisha! 20 Dam Golm HP:150 Alisha HP:430 Alisha Hit Golm! 30 Dam Golm Hit Alisha! 30 Dam Golm HP:120 Alisha HP:400 Alisha Hit Golm! 45 Dam Golm Hit Alisha! 50 Dam Golm HP:75 Alisha HP:350 Alisha Hit Golm! 60 Dam Golm Misses Alisha! Golm HP:15 Alisha HP:350 Alisha Hit Golm! 15 Dam Golm Dies! Alisha Gains 100XP(100/600) Alisha Gains 4 Steel Arrows Alisha Gains Iron Sword Alisha Gains 20 Silver Alisha Gains 5x Exither Alisha Gains 10x Healing Leaves *NEW STATS!* Level:6 (Must start at level 1) XP:100/600 HP:400 +50 (HP lvl + bonuses give by armour + weaps) Atk:100 +30 (atk Power) Skl:160 (Skill in class) Spd:200 (how fast you are) Lck:190 (how good you are in killing. ie. locked on target, ect.) Def:100 +100 (defence) Res:20 +5 (Chances of being rezed) Move: 25 How far you can move) *NEW ITEMS!* Weapons Long Bow(45/50)(50 Range, 10-30 Dam) 10000x Iron Arrows 20000x Steel Arrows Steel Long Bow(130/150)(200 Range, 40 - 50 Dam) Items 15x Exither 30x Healing Leaves Armour Black Leather Body(70/80)(+5 Health, +10 Def) Black Leather Legs(90/100)(+20 Atk, +20 Def) Heavy Black Leather Legs(120/150)(+50 Health, +5 Res, +50 Def) Heavy Black Leather Body(150/170)(+30 Atk, + 50 Def) Get it?
#829578Saturday, April 26, 2008 3:18 PM GMT

I see...Great Final-Fantasy kind of rpg but still i cant see what i have to fill i have to fill atk skl and such too?
#829731Saturday, April 26, 2008 3:40 PM GMT

actually that's Fire Emblem
#830274Saturday, April 26, 2008 4:40 PM GMT

bloxxbuilder: yes Kill2: no its not
#830302Saturday, April 26, 2008 4:46 PM GMT

Fire Emblem style Map!
#830333Saturday, April 26, 2008 4:50 PM GMT

WTH! thats alot i nearly died after reading the first post but nice
#830344Saturday, April 26, 2008 4:52 PM GMT

Kill2:WHAAAAA Shoker:lol soz gotta make it clear though right and ty
#830362Saturday, April 26, 2008 4:57 PM GMT

(from now on if your gonna talk about something thats not about the story or a complait put it in brakets plz!)
#835960Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:58 AM GMT

um... ! hi
#836096Sunday, April 27, 2008 12:18 PM GMT

(like i said if its sumat not bout the story or its a complaint write it in BRACKETS!!!!! cuase it RUINS the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz & ty)
#1179877Sunday, June 01, 2008 12:28 PM GMT

Come on! who wants me to make a char for em?
#1248398Friday, June 06, 2008 10:42 PM GMT

umm hermm HURRY UP!
#1248957Friday, June 06, 2008 11:12 PM GMT

Im almost done with mine but do we actually need to fill out the stats sheet? And what's the starting HP/other stats we have when we're level one?
#1248971Friday, June 06, 2008 11:14 PM GMT

it depends on wat u are
#1248997Friday, June 06, 2008 11:15 PM GMT

Rouge or however you spell it
#1249042Friday, June 06, 2008 11:18 PM GMT

Rouge lvl 1 stats Level:1 XP:0/200 HP:20 Atk: 40 Skl:30 Spd:30 Lck:20 Def:30 Res:5 Move: 6
#1249074Friday, June 06, 2008 11:21 PM GMT

W-what kinda RPG is that again? lol sorry too much time on my hands.
#1249110Friday, June 06, 2008 11:23 PM GMT

roll playing game
#1249140Friday, June 06, 2008 11:24 PM GMT

No, which Game?
#1249161Friday, June 06, 2008 11:26 PM GMT

Revenge of the Admins
#1249240Friday, June 06, 2008 11:33 PM GMT

Name: Dude Gender: Male Birth Place: Montas Town Skin Tone: White Chapter met in: 5… I guess? lol Race: Human Alliance: Good Class: Rouge all the way! Life Story: Raised by a group of thieves called Zodiac after his entire family was killed by Fodoncs; they taught Dude how to fend for himself with combat skills, thieving skills, and other useful talents Apperance: Wears a mask over his mouth and a bandana on his forehead, hair up in a ponytail, dressed in brown and red, traditional Zodiac colors Lvl:1 XP:0/200 HP:20 Atk: 40 Skl:30 Spd:30 Lck:20 Def:30 Res:5 Move: 6 Weapons Bronze Claws (25/30)(30 Melee, 5-15 Dam) 40 throwing knives 300 metal pins Items 5x Exither 10x Healing Leaves Armour Light Leather Body(50/70)(5+ Health, +10 Lck) Light Leather Legs(60/90)(+20 Spd, +10 Def) Whew. Tough. See if there's anything wrong, would ya?
#1249273Friday, June 06, 2008 11:37 PM GMT

what type of pins are they and wat about the throwing knifes? either then then that, UR IN!
#1249305Friday, June 06, 2008 11:39 PM GMT

umm lets see if we can get some names for the chapters shall we?
#1249337Friday, June 06, 2008 11:41 PM GMT

I guess the knives are iron and so are the pins. If I can't wield that, then, they're bronze. And I could help with the chapter names if I knew what they were about; it's kinda hard with no idea what the chapter's about.
#1249407Friday, June 06, 2008 11:47 PM GMT

Prolouge:Alisha Chapter 1:The War Chapter 2:The Sword of Life Chapter 3:Life and Pain Chapter 4:Montas City Chapter 5:The Rouge Chapter 6:Partying Up Chapter 7:Bossy? Chapter 8:The Dagger of Fire Chapter 9:The Sword of Frost Chapter 10:Double Time Chapter 11:Fire 'n' Frost Chapter 12:The Ship Chapter 13:Grounders Chapter 14:no name Chapter 15:no name

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