#8863403Sunday, May 24, 2009 9:44 PM GMT

mike:hey whats your powers
#8863487Sunday, May 24, 2009 9:47 PM GMT

jarrody:electricity, water , ... and apperently earth(LOL)
#8863520Sunday, May 24, 2009 9:48 PM GMT

mike:cool so elemental powers*stares at jarrody*so name
#8863534Sunday, May 24, 2009 9:48 PM GMT

jarrody:jarrody : |
#8863660Sunday, May 24, 2009 9:52 PM GMT

mike:well see ya*teleports away*
#8863978Sunday, May 24, 2009 10:03 PM GMT

jarrody:well look at that, SELKO!!!! I NEED YOU selko:yeah jarrody:take his power away selko:... i can't he's too powerfull jarrody:WHAT!!!!
#8864048Sunday, May 24, 2009 10:06 PM GMT

mike:*hears*what the i guess his power is to steal or delete other powers might come in useful*ground rises up*thanks jarrody
#8873093Monday, May 25, 2009 2:22 AM GMT

Kingempoleon: I just had a plan! If Jarrody uses all of his power at once while Nicholas charges it,it might be so powerful that will create a black hole! Then we can attack Pterrox and charge him into the black hole!
#8885036Monday, May 25, 2009 2:01 PM GMT

jarrody:but if i do that we would all be killed.
#8887565Monday, May 25, 2009 3:15 PM GMT

Kingempoleon: That's right,the black hole will kill everybody,Prof. Ed is a mechanic,and he constructs ships,we can ask him to contact Star Fleet and save as much ROBLOXians as possible. (I watched Star Trek last night.)
#8892508Monday, May 25, 2009 5:09 PM GMT

no it won't work i control energy not light black holes are a light specailty.
#8894834Monday, May 25, 2009 6:09 PM GMT

mike:*ground falls just infront of jarrody*cmon light and dark are elements well kinda and if you dont try i will
#8915210Tuesday, May 26, 2009 2:17 AM GMT

jarrody:i probaly can cause an explosin to make selko absorb the power of it and maybe ... just maybe he could make one but i will do something my-self. dont try to do anything at the end(lol)
#8940636Tuesday, May 26, 2009 11:03 PM GMT

selko:WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY jarrody:no im a life saver*makes a huge explosin makeing the sun explosin turning the sun into a black hole*opps... GET OFF THE PLANET w8 i got an idea selko:i hate ur ideas jarrody:we sacrafice our powers to have the robloxians respawn but we will die...(its almost the end i just need everybody 2 say yes to that)
#8947737Wednesday, May 27, 2009 1:42 AM GMT

Kingempoleon: If it's to save the world...then yes. Elita: I can heal,but I can sacrifice it. Marina: The hole might evaporate my aquatic powers! *Random noob from island appears* Noob: Doh.......
#8956992Wednesday, May 27, 2009 12:42 PM GMT

mike:i could freeze time and save us but i might just use jarrodys powers*ground rises under mike*
#8981208Thursday, May 28, 2009 1:50 AM GMT

Bad News: I decided I shouldn't make my tycoon a Formator one or else the Heroes RPG threads will be spammed.
#8981978Thursday, May 28, 2009 2:13 AM GMT

jarrody:ok lets do this*everybody sacrafices their power*URGHHHH*everybody dies*DX
#8988581Thursday, May 28, 2009 11:52 AM GMT

mike:aahhhh*freezes time as hes dieing*now i need a healer aah quackki*stares at quakki*now time to heal*heals self*right get up you lot*heals everyone and starts time again*ow that hurt
#9004329Thursday, May 28, 2009 10:42 PM GMT

every body still dies ya uberish noob
#9044721Saturday, May 30, 2009 1:24 AM GMT

OMG sorry, I took a long break from ROBLOX, sorry.
#9044786Saturday, May 30, 2009 1:25 AM GMT

So, I guess Quacksta and Quackii are still in the portal?
#9052286Saturday, May 30, 2009 4:42 AM GMT

Not anymore. Oh and it's okay,it doesn't matter if you took a break. You still have good attendance ;)
#9066172Saturday, May 30, 2009 4:06 PM GMT

Then, I guess Quackii died with all the others, and Quacksta got left behind, so he is still in the portal? (I stopped controling him when we all got to the portal.) Oh yeah, and I forgot to control his army, too, so I guess they're still in the medival time. O_O
#9123761Sunday, May 31, 2009 11:23 PM GMT

there is a trick pterrox survies as a "Robloxain" in the season 3