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#83218029Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:45 AM GMT

Since I have been foruming for quite a while I thought that I would take my most successful Ideas and squish them into one LARGE thread. Here it goes. 1: Timer Reports Have you ever been in a friendly game, and some jerk shows up? So lets say the jerk walks up to you and starts calling you a bunch of bad things. Right after he says this he leaves. When you go to report his name, he is not on the list of players. My solution to this problem is, that when this happens you normally go to the report section. There will be a pull-down menu, that says Timer. When you click it, there will be 2 different setting. Those setting will be Present, and Past Five Minutes. If you click Present, then it means that they are still in-game with you. When you go to select the person, it will have the players in-game with you. If you click Past Five Minutes, then it means they had been there in the past 5 minutes. When you go to select the person, it will have the names of all the players who had been there in the past 5 minutes. 2: Search Friends When you have thousands of friends it can get hard to find someone when you have to look page after page. My idea is that instead of searching through your friends when you forgot their name, you could have somewhere on your friends page to search for them. Example:If you are looking for my name (Viver),but you cant remember my entire name (Lets say you know there's a "V" in the beginning) you simply type V and it will give you all your friends with the letter V in it. 3: Building/Foruming When ever you look at some ones profile, at the top it says what they are doing. The problem is you can only see if the person is playing the game. If they are foruming, partying, or building, then other people are unsure of what they're doing. So my idea is that if you are foruming it would say some thing like"Foruming in S&I".If you click on it then you will be taken to the S&I forums. If you were partying, on your profile, it would say "Partying with [player name/s]" If you were to start building at one of your places it would say "Building at [Name of Place]". 4: Hole Puncher Have you ever felt frustrated that you can't get a perfect hexagon, star, or other shape? This idea will allow you to make holes in the shape of stars, or make holes in the shape of hexagons on the brick. So, in studio there will be a new button. It will say "Hole Puncher" The hole puncher will basicly punch a hole in which ever brick you click. Which ever side you clicked, it will create a hole to the opposite side of said brick. The shapes that can be used are circle, oval, triangle, star, hexagon, square and rectangle. If you were to click the same side twice, the hole would be gone, replace by brick. You cannot make the shape of the hole bigger than the brick. You can walk through the holes if they were large enough, and bricks can drop through them. 5: Shape Changer Can't make that perfect circle? Tired from hours of C-Framing? The Shape Changer can solve both of these problems. Like the Hole Puncher you can turn bricks into other shapes rather than the boring square. In studio there will be a button next to the Hole Puncher called "Shape Changer". If you were to click a brick with it, then that brick would become a star. Only the you clicked and the opposite side would be flat. The shapes that can be used are circle, oval, triangle, star, and a hexagon. If you were to click the same side twice, it would be as if you had never clicked it. The shape cannot be larger than the brick. If you used the same shape for Hole Puncher and Shape Changer, you could fit the Shape Changer brick and the Hole Puncher brick together. Mesh's are harder to use, rather than just using a tool. 6.Exploit Solution Exploiting is a mighty big problem. To get more exploiters banned, I've thought of this. ROBLOX tends to check the chat to decide who gets banned. If they added a report system for hacking, when you click it, they check the workspace. Now, if ROBLOX mods notice many new bricks and models appearing, it'll seem pretty suspicious. If they find that there are no scripts are supposed to be doing that, the mods will suspect that the person who's reported is probably guilty. Now, if the chat seems to make so that one specific person is doing it, the mods should be able to put two and two together. If there is still not enough evidence, they investigate further. Say the same person is in a different server, and the same thing happens, it's obvious. The person will then ,for sure, should be banned. Please give constructive criticism for each suggestion and idea, if you have any to give.
#83218458Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:50 AM GMT

5: Shape Changer Can't make that perfect circle? Tired from hours of C-Framing? The Shape Changer can solve both of these problems. Like the Hole Puncher you can turn bricks into other shapes rather than the boring square. In studio there will be a button next to the Hole Puncher called "Shape Changer". If you were to click a brick with it, then that brick would become a star. Only the you clicked and the opposite side would be flat. The shapes that can be used are circle, oval, triangle, star, and a hexagon. If you were to click the same side twice, it would be as if you had never clicked it. The shape cannot be larger than the brick. If you used the same shape for Hole Puncher and Shape Changer, you could fit the Shape Changer brick and the Hole Puncher brick together. Mesh's are harder to use, rather than just using a tool. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is my idea. Allow users to merge, split and minipulate the individual vertices of the bricks. 7.) Improve texture quality, add decal z-index, and fix texture related glitches.
#83218585Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:52 AM GMT

8.)Add one player campaign games, dowloaded and run on each user's computer. Allow multiple in-game levels to be added and changed.
#83218800Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:54 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#83218847Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:55 AM GMT

@Rubik I never asked for your ideas. Plus 8 is being implemented soon.
#83247135Thursday, November 29, 2012 12:24 PM GMT

#83248431Thursday, November 29, 2012 1:32 PM GMT

"talks about mods investigating" LoL? Haven't you heard? Mods are dumb and lazy, they would never do that. Just report and they ban.
#83264598Thursday, November 29, 2012 9:49 PM GMT

@Pixel Ha, funny. We're talking about banning, and insulting moderators get YOU banned.

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