#83390161Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:17 PM GMT

Sam: I yawn. Lunch. I go into the cafeteria, and grab a drink and a small sandwich. I don't sit down, though, and I walk over to a corner of the room, and lean against the wall, before starting to eat my sandwich. It was nice, but not great. I slowly eat through it, in my own thoughts, leaning against the brown bricks.
#83390266Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:20 PM GMT

-Sarah- I end up sitting next to Sam. No space, no time to think. I need to eat. I expected him to talk, but he didn't. I really didn't care what the exact food I had in the bag, all I cared at the moment was if it tasted at least adequate and stopped my stomach from rumbling. And then my foot began to hurt. (IT BEGINS)
#83390406Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:25 PM GMT

Sam: I suddenly feel a pulse of pain smash through my chest. I grasp it, suddenly winded. I start falling down the wall, slumping onto the ground as the spike turns into a wall.
#83390606Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:31 PM GMT

-Simon- All around me, I see people...what the hell are they doing? Then I thought about it. And then...ITSHAPPENINGITSHAPPENING. Yeah. I kinda flipped out, you see, and then I began transforming into a creature. Well, there was no mirrors, so I couldn't see it. Blame the nearly destroyed area. -Sarah- I felt cold. Colder than a winter's day. I felt like I could just die, and go up into the sky like all the other people up there. But I didn't. The pain continued during the mass confusion, and I suddenly realized that I couldn't speak anything. When I tried, I made some sort of high pitched noise. It reminded me of a bird.
#83390743Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:34 PM GMT

Sam: I see the world seem to grow around me... What...? The pain slashes through me, seemingly pushing into me. I slowly drag my head down to look at my legs. They're floating. The pain is still smashing into my body, and now I think I've gone mad when I see similar things happening to everyone else. My body feels... it feels... I can't describe it. Like anything could happen. I can't see myself, there's no mirrors. I try to shout in pain. A weird sound comes out, an alien and unknown sound.
#83390971Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:40 PM GMT

-Sarah- Sam. Where's Sam? I see a creature, but no Sam. I see no one. Only creatures, possibly out to kill me. I try to protect myself, but I can't. Everyone is attacking, killing. I'm afraid. I try to get Simon over here. -Simon- There is no remains of the table that I sat in. I believe I can see every element...all because of that explosion. I can't believe I wasn't first, everyone just kind of did it. Except the adults. I think they might be dead in all the ruckus. I here some noises form a bird thing. I think it wants me over. So, I try to get over but I get smashed by another creature.
#83391164Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:44 PM GMT

Sam: I feel my body rupture, and then I seemingly hover over to a window, the pain still pulsing but ebbing away. My jaw drops, before it gets smashed by a rock. I get flung over to a wall, and smash into it, so hard that the wall actually cracks from pressure. I see monsters everywhere. W-what's going on? Why am I a- I get punched and winded before I can answer, and cry out again for help.
#83391510Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:53 PM GMT

-Simon- I need to get out of here. I find out that my new body allows me to control wind. Just thinking about it, I can make the room snow. Odd, but it will work for now. I continue on to the bird. -Sarah- Finally, my body allows me to blurt something out. "S-Sam?" Sam? Why would I say Sam? I should be looking for Simon. Well, apparently, a different creature comes up to me. He doesn't attack me. Instead, he says something. "Are you Sarah?" So it is Simon. "Yes. How are we talking? I couldn't talk a minute ago." "We must be special in some way." Sure, Simon. I bet everyone else can talk, just that they are too stupid at the moment. I hear an explosion from the place the lunch women would work at. It almost blew my ears off, if I even have ears. I felt my everything, then noticed I had wings. Wings. I could fly out of here. "Simon, the explosion will allow us to get out of here." He nodded, and somehow, we got out of the area. We aren't the only ones, however. Really, everyone is going out. So, we run for a bit, hide, and stay put.
#83391774Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:59 PM GMT

Sam: I'm winded, and stuck in a wall. Not good. I hear an explosion, but it seems... dulled, somehow. I hear someone shout my name. I don't know why anyone would worry about me, the loner. My ears ring as another explosion sets off, and creatures run left and right, blowing up walls and exiting the building. I look at my bleeding arm, and try to gasp, but cough violently instead. Black blood dripped out of the wound. I don't have any strength to move, and just stay still, my body pulsing with the old and the new pain.
#83392095Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:05 PM GMT

-Sarah- I should get someone. Maybe Sam, maybe the exchange student, maybe long tongue guy. But first, I need to get out of this. I signal Simon, count to 3..and..poof. We're back to normal. I think we are, because I actually have arms and legs now. Simon's okay, but seems like he doesn't have his glasses.
#83392421Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:12 PM GMT

Sam: I'm stuck. I can't move my limbs. My whole body feels cold, and rock-hard. Like it's ice. When I look down, I realize that's what has happened. I've been frozen from neck down. Ooohhh... not good. The chill starts to freeze even my blood, and I still feel immense pain smashing into my body. I cry out once more, before my mouth gets too cold to move.
#83392638Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:17 PM GMT

-Simon- Oh god. The little spec of hair was right. My father was right. He was the insane laughter. Whatever he was, I don't care. All I want to do now is stop this rampage. I foolishly ran back into what remains, when suddenly I get information. Then I stay still. I'm stuck. Not for long, as once I am out, I run for Sam.
#83392715Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:19 PM GMT

Sam: I see someone run towards me. I look up at them, my eyes filled with pain, but not all from physical. Something else is in my eyes, something like... grief. Well, at least, before I shut my eyes and faint, lying limp in the ice.
#83392914Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:23 PM GMT

-Simon- By this time, most of the "people" are gone. I try to think of some way of getting Sam out of this ice. He is in bad condition, possibly even dead. I get Sarah over here, and we chip away at the ice. The problem doing this is that we specialize in these kinds of things, so the whole time, I feel like I'm making it worse. Eventually, the ice is away, after about a hour or two of work. I sit down, exhausted.
#83393006Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:24 PM GMT

Sam: My whole body has small chips of ice on it. Frozen, black blood lies on my leg, arm and chest. My eyes are shut, but my heart is still beating, barely. My body falls flat onto the floor, still, but alive. I'm in a bad condition. I need medical attention quickly, or I'm going to get hypothermia or die from blood loss.
#83393209Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:28 PM GMT

-Sarah- I cuss. Not like anyone is around. I don't know anything about healing medical wounds. We could find something, but I doubt there would be any treatment for something like this. 911? We could, but we have no money to save him. What should we do? I guess I could do something from Health. So, I do. I feel stupid.
#83393396Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:31 PM GMT

Sam: I gasp as air fills my lungs. My body seems to blur, and turn back into a human shape. My teeth chatter as my chest suddenly moves up. I look around quickly, and notice the ruined hall. I look around in utter confusion. "W-where? Wh-h-at?" I say, teeth clanging together.
#83393691Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:36 PM GMT

-Simon- "..Are you alright?" I tried to explain what happened, but honestly, I didn't know that much. I'm possibly more confused then him. Then I told him everything before this, and why this exactly happened. Then I waited for him to speak.
#83394069Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:43 PM GMT

(Can't believe we are the only ones doing actions. :p)
#83394254Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:45 PM GMT

(Lol) (brb 1 sec)
#83394350Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:47 PM GMT

(Okay. Maybe by the time the afternoon starts people will start RPing with us :l)
#83394427Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:48 PM GMT

Sam: I look at him, but for some reason, not saying what he said was impossible. "If that was a Mew hair..." I seem to think about something, before snapping back into reality. "I-I'm fr-e-e-zin-g..." I murmur, shivering violently. "C-ca-n we g-g-get outs-i-i-de?"
#83395322Saturday, December 01, 2012 3:02 PM GMT

-Sarah- "Okay, we'll take you outside. Also, ignore what Simon is saying. He's having a hard time, and he doesn't remember much." We take Sam outside. It's a generic spring day, so it's a little cold, but it is good enough for now.
#83395624Saturday, December 01, 2012 3:06 PM GMT

Sam: I lay down on the cold ground. Well, cold to them, warm to me, who was stuck in freezing ice for hours. Black blood still trickles down my body, but less than before. I gasp in the warmer air, but my muscles are barely responding, still pulsing with pain. Parts of my body seem to transform then turn back in an instant - it's obvious I currently have no control over my body. Parts of me spasm as I try to gain some air into my lungs. The grass is pushed side to side in a gentle breeze, but I'm still struggling to get a grip. I clasp the wall, and lean against it, putting the hoodie over my eyes to hide the pain inside. I feebly ask "what shall we do?" in a chattering and small voice.
#83395797Saturday, December 01, 2012 3:09 PM GMT

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