#85892068Tuesday, January 01, 2013 3:03 PM GMT

(oh look, I thought you were Bebi) (derp) -Simon- " not care." Whatever was inside of me is not actually there. I'm just a human. Like everyone else. I do not want to be special. Just rid me of this place. Infact, I just wait. -Sarah- "Simon.." He didn't care that he was going to die, as I would expect, he would be up and ready again in a second. I tried my hardest to protect myself with the shield. "I'll help you." The shield somehow becomes more powerful than it was before. Yet, I still doubt it could take even a poke from Sam. Sigh. Why couldn't we all be Sam?
#85892126Tuesday, January 01, 2013 3:04 PM GMT

X: "INITIATING TRANSFORMATION." Suddenly, the needle turns into the same thing that transformed Tom, and quickly stabs through the shield, going closer and closer towards Simon.
#85892469Tuesday, January 01, 2013 3:12 PM GMT

-Simon- Oh, look! They are going to take me over. I wait for it. "Just do it already!" I yell. "Just do it, you timebomb." -Sarah- ..and I bet I'm next. Well, I can't teleport, and I'm stuck in a 6 feet high and 6 feet long ice dome which should protect me, I think. Speaking of thinking, what will I do again three people taken over? Of course, give up, but I'm no wuss. Maybe... I could just kill Sam. Once and for all. And Tom. And Simon. Then, I will run. Run away from this horrible place, into the unknown.
#85892597Tuesday, January 01, 2013 3:15 PM GMT

Tom: And now I'm teleporting. Great. I see the wafts of energy cover me. Greeeat. Oh, look. My hand has turned into a takeover needle. Hooray. I don't know why I'm not positive. This machine... taking over my emotions... X: The needle nearly hits Simon. But it stops. In mid air, it just stops. The robot completly freezes. "Mental error. M-m-m-mental error." The needle retracts. "ERROR! CRITICAL ERR-"
#85892664Tuesday, January 01, 2013 3:16 PM GMT

-Simon- Oh my god, Sam..seriously? When all fails and I just don't care anymore, you need to end it all? You, you have a mental error!
#85892773Tuesday, January 01, 2013 3:19 PM GMT

X: A small light seems to come out of the robot's chest. It's forming a hologram. And this time, it's actually of Sam. Tom: I watch in astonishment as the robot projects Sam like a hologram in front of Simon.
#85893273Tuesday, January 01, 2013 3:29 PM GMT

-Simon- Oh, look, he's trying to say something to me. Go away, shoo.
#85893556Tuesday, January 01, 2013 3:35 PM GMT

Sam: The hologram shakes its head. "Simon." It simply says. "Simon. You cannot give up. This is what will happen, to anyone who meets the organization. Are you going to let this happen to your friends? Your family?" The hologram quickly turns to Tom, who's right behind Sarah after his teleport, eyes wide with fright. It shoots a beam, which smashes apart the metallic growths on Tom, as he falls to the ground, unconscious. "If you truly feel sorry for me, protect others from this fate. Do not let anyone else have to go through the pain I did. No matter what." It turns back to Simon. "Everyone needs you. Especially me. You say you have no powers. Well. Now you do." The hologram smashes into your chest, hard. The metallic body slowly crumbles, into a black dust on the floor. "Fulfill my last will. Stop the organization, and bring justice." The hologram fades and spreads inside of you, filling you with energy.
#86134304Friday, January 04, 2013 1:27 AM GMT

-Simon- And of course, I get energy, again. See, when you face the unstoppable, Sam, you just don't run into it and kill yourself. And ONE person will totally make a difference. And look, I don't know what they are doing, and why. Maybe, just maybe, there is a reason for this. But then, maybe.. "Hey, are you there?" "..." "Hello?" Yawn. Anyways, it would be kind of funny with everyone being robots. BEEP BEEP! Ahh, I'm stupid. Out of anger, I punch the freaken robot in the face, as swift as I can. Not really realizing at the moment of the speed powers, I end up going a little too fast and I feel like that I made a dent or something.
#86168271Friday, January 04, 2013 10:51 AM GMT

Sam wasn't there. But you feel the familiar rush of psychic energy, except... except, uncontrolled. He might not be there, but his power... his power, definitely was. Tom: "Sam...? Sam...!? Sam!? Where's my brother!" Tom yells, frantically looking around the robot.
#86230967Saturday, January 05, 2013 2:02 AM GMT

-Simon- Well, looks like I still have that feeling. -Sarah- "Your brother?" My ice dome by this time is already gone. "Oh, over there?" I pointed to Simon and the Sam robot. "He's still screwed. Don't know if alive or not. Simon must of done something."
#86336872Sunday, January 06, 2013 2:57 AM GMT

(Well, too late for me to join back in. I'm impressed, 40 pages in 2 months.)
#86366720Sunday, January 06, 2013 11:10 AM GMT

Tom: My heart shatters. Not quite literally, but I wish it was that way. My brother. The whole reason I came through my troubles. Gone. Gone. Simon feels a rush of energy reach his fingertips. Sam gave his power to Simon, whilst still controlling the Mew.
#86370405Sunday, January 06, 2013 1:21 PM GMT

-Simon- God, get this feeling off me. It' annoying. I feel like I should just waste it off. But then I see Tom, and he's completely heart-broken. See, I would never have these feelings with Sarah. Elise is gone, most likely searching for others as a unit again. Yet, I'm not even related to Sarah. Where am I getting to with this? -Sarah- " alright?" I look over again to see dead Sam. Or is he? Well, looks like we failed to protect him. Now we have Tom to protect. In a couple of days he will most likely be in the same condition. And it doesn't help that we are in a random grassy field by this time. It's not quiet, though. Sirens. Again.
#86376234Sunday, January 06, 2013 3:29 PM GMT

Tom: I take my head into my hands, and slowly sink to the ground, sobbing. Sam... gone...
#86386543Sunday, January 06, 2013 5:47 PM GMT

-Sarah- "Tom, this is no time to sit.." I try to poke Tom but it ends up as a rub. "Calm down, Tom."
#86386881Sunday, January 06, 2013 5:51 PM GMT

Tom: I hear the incoming choppers, but I don't care. Nothing matters anymore. I slowly get to my feet. The normally pink aura around me turns a shade of blood red. It's... the people who are coming... it's all their fault... "Go. I don't want you in the way when I attack." Even Tom's eyes have turned this eerie shade of red.
#86395412Sunday, January 06, 2013 7:24 PM GMT

(I'm going to focus on Sarah more for a bit again) -Sarah- "Fine, go on then. Get mad, kill everything, I don't care." Considering that I barely know this guy, I shouldn't have 100% respect for him.
#86395605Sunday, January 06, 2013 7:26 PM GMT

Tom: "I don't care what you think, either. If you don't want to die don't get in the way. I'm warning you simply because Sam idolized you, you know that? A normal life, when you were normal, and now actually not asleep or incapable half the time? That's the only reason I could care for you right now." I fly towards the sirens in the distance.
#86397387Sunday, January 06, 2013 7:44 PM GMT

-Sarah- Yawn. Tom is a ****, end of story. "Okay. Goodbye." I fly off, knowing that they would be more distracted by a Mew than an Articuno. He has a good point, though. And...Sam idolized me? I don't even know.
#86397723Sunday, January 06, 2013 7:48 PM GMT

Tom: I sigh. My brother was gone. Everyone was. There isn't really much left for me here. Sam would want me to do this. He was doing it all the time, I guess. Except not on this scale. A red aura surrounds me, slowly expanding as I fly towards the massive force arriving towards Simon and Sarah in the distance.
#86404089Sunday, January 06, 2013 8:51 PM GMT

(Simon's still in your area, but I guess he isn't now.) -Simon- Well, Tom is going to some massive force, and I'm just standing here. Sarah is going into some forest. Sam is dead, I think. Well, now what? And...a force is going to me too. Yay.
#86406235Sunday, January 06, 2013 9:11 PM GMT

Tom: I start yelling. "YOU KNOW WHICH MOVE HAS THE MOST BASE DAMAGE IN THE WHOOOOLE GAME?!" I yell, half crazed, half furious. Bullets and missiles whiz at me from all around, as the red aura grows and grows... Then suddenly sucks into me. "EXPLOSION!" The ground suddenly trembles. Massive cracks appear in the ground, and fire swoops out of the sky. It's about to blow.
#86423759Monday, January 07, 2013 12:21 AM GMT

-Sarah- "GUESS WHAT! I DON'T CARE!" I yell back. I'm still running, or more accurately flying, away.
#86451756Monday, January 07, 2013 7:51 AM GMT

(Uh, he was shouting it into the distance... :3) Ka-BOOOOOOM! The sky lights up in a shade of fiery red. The ground shakes and cracks. Massive shockwaves fly off and smash into friend and foe. And the explosion destroys everything around it in fire, fire, and fire.