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#83386076Saturday, December 01, 2012 10:29 AM GMT

A great galleon sails restlessly underneath your feet, sodden from the rain; much like the rest of you, although from your own working and moving, your feet are main thing that screams in pain of this moment - your arms and legs, stiff from exhertion, are not far behind. I can say this safely because as much as everyone of the sailors on The Red Hand has their different personalities, their different hair color and eye color, and face shape, every one of them is working. Not only for safety under the scrutinising eye of the vicious captain, but also because you must. You have been ordered to sail through this veil of god's breath, and so you will. The fog extends out in front of the ship, only ten feet of solid black ocean visible before white, endless white sea drifts, and perhaps the tiniest squiggle of black on the faintest northen horizon, like some giant tendril of a terrifying, eldritch monstrosity. This is where you head, your captain has told you. It's name is the Lightning Fork, for the unnaturally thin mountain that resides at it's center, a huge formation of natural stone up into the clouds, like some higher being's weapon thrust in anger into the ground, and left to petrify on this expanse of land, that now lies so far away. Or not. The Lightning Fork is notorious for it's tricks, so notorious it has become a modern tale told from mother to daughters and sons, notorious for it's use of the fog to delude men that they are so far away, until they crash upon the ferocious maw of the island's coral reefs, and drown or are otherwise stranded upon the sandy beaches of the Lightning Fork. Your captain was aware that this might happen to his ship, and so he was brought a prison barge, with a crew of the ghosts of the mighty city you have sailed from; forgettable men and women, dragged from bars and the homeless from the streets, convicts, doom-sayers and bible bashers. The unnoticed, and now, the slaves of the Red Hand. And soon, the victims of the Mists of the Lightning Fork. _________________________________________________________________________ NOTES This roleplay takes place in a fictional world, where the technology and culture is similar to that of the British 1200-ish period. Other things will be added, including some things of the supernatural, but if you want to reference places in the world in your character sheets or general posts, it would be great if you could run them by me first in PM, before you say it. I'd really rather not have something I don't want in the world, especially something that could damage the gameplay. Thanks. As a secondary note, the start of the roleplay will start on the Red Hand, a rather basic two sail galleon, with all you can expect from your average ship of that era; galley, 'dungeons', captains quarters, living quarters etc. We will land on the Lightning Fork when I tell you it happens, and no sooner. This will occur when we have the optimum amount of players ready to reply. RULES. No godmodding, ubering, or anything of the sort. This includes autohitting in fights, or 'bunnying', doing things that exceed your characters physique or generally, doing the impossible without the means to do so. Romance is allowed, as long as you're sensible, and know when to censor it for the sake of other players. I will tell you if you are going too far - and I'm sure other players will too. Please read the story, and notes. If not, you won't be aware that your character can't be someone who people would have noticed had left, and you may put your character in clothes that do not fit the period. If you do, your character will not be accepted, and you will have to make a new one. Other rules may be added, depending on what I deem 'wrong' or 'bad' in the roleplay. CHARACTER SHEET. Name: A.ge: ((Please be aware, weaker people and children would not have been put in hard labour. They may have been washers of clothes, or working in the kitchens.)) Gender: Appearance: ((Again, as said in the rules, read the notes. Your character is not going to have pink hair.)) Clothing: ((You are not given a uniform. The clothes that you had on you when you were stolen away are the clothes you still have.)) Personality: Job on Ship: ((You are no rank. You are the fodder of the ship, and therefore jobs cannot be things like 'Quartermaster', and 'Lieutenant.' Things like 'Deck Labour', and 'Chef' are allowed.)) Bio: ((It would be nice if you at least did a few sentences of where your character was stolen from, and maybe a bit of their previous lives.))
#83386529Saturday, December 01, 2012 10:48 AM GMT

Name: Edward Sallows A.ge: 39 Gender: Male Appearance: Edward Sallows has the look of a man who attempts to use all he has to his advantage; even, and perhaps to some people, especially in appearance. His face, whilst with an attractive hard jaw line, has skin verging on an unhealthy yellow from his time at sea, and constant sea sickness, his green eyes ringed with dark circles from restless nights, and a mouth set in a permanent tight working frown. However, using grease from previous meals, he has managed to sweep his coal black hair into a long wave of folicles down to his shoulder blades in a comely, if slightly disgusting, fashion. Edward stands at about 5'11, and has a thin, wiry appearance of a man used for his counting abilities, and not his strength. His muscles have only been used recently, and still covered with a layer of fat, although definition has begun to appear. His hands are long and spindly, five fingers on his right hand moving constantly by his side in a slow, methodical tapping, and the ones on his left are what is left of an amputation, cleanly healed by some kind master. His fingers, excluding the thumb on the left are only half of what they used to be, but still drum ceaselessly at his other side. His fingernails, and toenails, are ruthlessly clean, and short, made so by an even more systematic nibbling with strangely white teeth, clearly done not for habit, but for the purpose of looking good. Clothing: Edward Sallows wears an offwhite tunic that comes down to his knees, tightened around the waist by a black band of cloth. Underneath his are trousers, green in color and favored by Edward as his favorite peice of clothing for their color. Over his tunic he wears a large, yet incredibly thin fur, of which he had stolen from his master and now proudly wears, although he is unsure of what animal it once was. On his feet he wears leather shoes, squarish and formless, with loose stitching from his travels on the deck. Personality: Edward Sallows is a bitter man, who enjoys the possession of material wealth. He does however, keep this all under cloak, instead preferring appearing to be a courteous and gentle man, quiet, and kind when talked to. At the moment however, he is struggling to keep his cold demanour under check. Job on Ship: Edward cleans the Captains clothes. He is unsure whether this is to spite him, or just by chance. Bio: Edward once lived in a large dock city, from where the Red Hand usually resides. There, he lived as something of an accountant for a busy and, quite simply, lackwitted rich individual. Here, he counted the earnings of the individual, suffering insults to his own skill, and lack of anything else, until he was caught one day pretending to be his master, and wearing the fur he now wears. Instead of being taken to prison as he expected, however, he was taken away to the Red Hand, where, much to the frustration of his previous master, no-one seemed to notice that the fur was not his.
#83387514Saturday, December 01, 2012 11:41 AM GMT

#83388238Saturday, December 01, 2012 12:16 PM GMT

I think the name might have fooled people into thinking maybe it was a troll post. -The Ubertastic Gorilla-
#83388288Saturday, December 01, 2012 12:18 PM GMT

(( Why :?))
#83388324Saturday, December 01, 2012 12:19 PM GMT

"Lightning Fork"
#83388441Saturday, December 01, 2012 12:24 PM GMT

((Not entirely sure why that = troll thread, but okay. Would you like to join?))
#83388635Saturday, December 01, 2012 12:31 PM GMT

Party chat with me
#83388792Saturday, December 01, 2012 12:37 PM GMT

((I can't. It says you're in another party.))
#83388847Saturday, December 01, 2012 12:38 PM GMT

Try again.
#83392202Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:08 PM GMT

(I think he might of thought it looked like a troll post due to the "fork" part. Forks are super duper silly fun fun. I think.)
#83392210Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:08 PM GMT

Name: Margaret 'Meggie' Markson A.ge: 24 Gender: Female Appearance: Meggie is a lot stronger than she looks. She appears frail, but she is the opposite of that. Her hair, once long, was cut off for convenience and looks slightly masculine. Her hands are hard from working, as she has worked her entire life. They can get red and cracked in the cold. Her skin is tanned from being out in the sun for hours in summer, working on fields. Her nails are kept short and are brittle, her eyes are brown and appear larger than they should be because of weight loss. She has large, dark bags beneath her eyes. She has defined ankles, knees, elbows, collarbones, ribs and bone structure in her face from under-eating. She sometimes gets unsightly rashes on the backs of her calves, from vitamin deficiency. Her skin is often dry, usually on her hands, but also in other places due to malnutrition. She has a series of scars on her body - one a few inches long, going from the middle of her right cheek to just below her jawline, another longer one across her stomach and several shorter ones littering her arms. These scars are from her nights on street corners, usually inflicted by drunk men who expected her to be over-joyed by their presence. Clothing: When she was on land, Meggie's clothing was exactly the same as the girl next to hers - a long, dirty white dress with a belt and long sleeves, made of an uncomfortable fabric that could last for years if you patched up holes, a sleeveless brown surcoat and leather shoes. Since working on the ship, Meggie has adjusted this. She ripped off the sleeves of her dress from the elbow down, as well as ripping her skirt to just below her knees, to make it easier for her to work. No longer dirty white, the dress is almost completely grey. She has abandoned the surcoat, but still wears the belt and shoes. Personality: Meggie is mentally strong. She is able to start working and carry on without complaint until it is done. She does not act like a lady should. Part of this is deliberate - with her short hair and altered clothes, she is often grouped with the men. In fact, it is largely forgotten she is female - which suits her just fine. She is extremely quiet, only speaking when spoken to (and avoiding that if she can) or whether she feels it hugely necessary. She doesn't agree with anyone getting anything for free, instead bargaining harshly. However, there are times when she will slip and agree to do extra work in goodwill. Meggie exudes bad vibes to put people off making conversation with her. These are accompanied with glares around at anyone near her. She doesn't take any rubbish, and will argue and fight dirty if it comes to it. Job on Ship: Deck labour Bio: Meggie was born into a poor country family, and has been working in fields since she was six. At sixteen, when her parents died, Meggie would travel into the city in winter and when there were no crops growing. Every year for a few months, Meggie could be found hovering on street corners, doing things that she has never forgiven herself for. She would do anything to get money, and job opportunities were slim. This is the main reason she is glad that, on the ship, she is rarely remembered as female. She would return to the country in spring to work in fields, and so on, every year until she was stolen in the winter. As one of many, she was not missed when working on the fields, and after a few weeks, very few remembered the woman who had loitered on street corners.
#83392709Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:19 PM GMT

((This is a prime example of what I'm expecting from a character sheet. Accepted absolutely :D))
#83392923Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:23 PM GMT

((If you don't mind, we'll wait for some other people.))
#83393015Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:25 PM GMT

(I couldn't write that big of an appearance unless I had an hour or two to think. I feel so stupid D:)
#83393909Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:40 PM GMT

(It took me about two hours to write the sheet, so I guess it's just normal. I'm fine with waiting for more people, but you might have to start without me unless it starts in the next three(ish) hours. I'll be able to slip in easily enough though, and I'll be back tomorrow, so hopefully I won't have missed too much. Thanks for accepting me :3)
#83394745Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:53 PM GMT

CHARACTER SHEET. Name: Jasper Moriarty A.ge: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: Jasper is a very quaint man, standing tall and proper, yet lithe and slender. He is a tall man, and looks like he was born into being a man of class. His face is plain. His eyes are a light blue. He likes to keep his black hair tidy and on his head. He has no muscle definition, and has skinny arms. His hands are long and his fingers are skinny. He keeps his personal appearance neat in between his work. Clothing: Since he was scooped away as a tailor, he wears an impractical formal wear, that he keeps clean with all of his heart, which is a black jacket that fits his form perfectly, and amazingly tailored black pants. He had shined black shoes, which have since degraded into dull and hole ridden shoes. Personality: He is a fancy man, who is often considered cocky and posh. He believes that he must maintain his higher image so he's not considered one of the deck laborers. He is very kind if he enjoys a person, but mostly does not like to spend time with other people. Job on Ship: Since he was originally a tailor, he's been given the job to make constant repairs and upgrades to the sails. Bio: Jasper was born into a family of working men, but soon realized his talent when he was tasked with repairing his father's clothes. He, since then, has become a very famous tailor, with a bit of a living behind him. His suits and dresses are adorned with the word 'Jasper' inside them, and it's very common that people of higher standing are wearing his formal-wear.
#83402590Saturday, December 01, 2012 4:33 PM GMT

((Not accepted. As said, your character would not be a famous tailor, as people would have noticed he'd left.))
#83498515Sunday, December 02, 2012 3:46 PM GMT

((Bumping this up.))
#83498959Sunday, December 02, 2012 3:53 PM GMT

I love the title. Lightning Fork
#83498982Sunday, December 02, 2012 3:53 PM GMT

((Thank you. Are you going to join?))
#83500686Sunday, December 02, 2012 4:18 PM GMT

((Bump, again.))
#83525681Sunday, December 02, 2012 8:59 PM GMT

(This is how role-play works. They whine and whine and whine about how there are hardly any original role-plays, and then as soon as one pops up they ignore it and let it die.)
#84430576Saturday, December 15, 2012 9:15 PM GMT

#86025626Wednesday, January 02, 2013 10:24 PM GMT

(Bump again?)

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