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#83390336Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:23 PM GMT

Intro: My feature which I have been working on for 5 months is finally ready for open eyes. Now its not the best nor its not the worst. We ought to have some courtesy. Feature: The feature I would like to upload to roblox is the Ro-Bot. The Ro-Bot [RB] Is a portable gear to games, It can be your friend, and more. When you wear the item, in your change character you will be able to have a little box for the RB. It can wear all sorts of stuff, The RB can come in multiple different sizes such as Small Medium or Large, Please consider this offer as I will post more about it below TEHEEEE
#83390386Saturday, December 01, 2012 1:24 PM GMT

I forgot to mention you can add a torso/morph

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