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#8360121Saturday, May 09, 2009 11:51 AM GMT

[Of Black Roses and Death Masques - School Ghost RP] Here’s the roleplay for school ghost, the title being, “Of Black Roses and Death Masques.” Basically, this RP just follows the basic “Phantom of the Opera” storyline with a dark, more sinister Leroux Erik in a Paris boarding-school setting. The theme is Romance/Horror, and the RP is SEMI-LITERATE, meaning no chat-speak outside of “OOC.” [Characters and their bios] Meg Rose - Age: 16 Hair Color: Very light (almost blonde) brown. Eye Color: Blue Personality: Very happy, a bit mischievous, and afraid of Erik. Other: A piano and singing prodigy. She is first kidnapped by Erik when she first falls asleep in her fourth period science class during a lockdown. In the first kidnapping, she ends up being shot in the foot by a pistol bullet. Erik Korvin - Age: 34 Hair Color: Except for the few strands of silver hair hanging from his deformed skull, he has none. Eye Color: Yellow/Gold Personality: Cruel, insane, and evil. Other: He’s very deformed, much like a “living corpse.” Erik is trying to convince Meg that he is her new “tutor,” but she insists that he tells her his name. He doesn’t until she finally tears off his white, full-face mask. Nellie Jamie - Age: 17 Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Green Personality: Cheerful, hyper, doesn’t know about Meg’s “problem.” Other: Mrs. Jamie’s daughter and Meg’s best friend. Mrs. Jamie - Age: 37 Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Green Personality: Strict and caring Other: The only one who knows of Erik’s deformity and all of his secrets. William Illiad - Age: 17 Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Brown Personality: Arrogant, pompous, in love with Meg. Other: Knows nothing about Erik until Meg tells him, and then is knocked out with a candelabra with Erik discovers he’s hiding in Erik’s lair trying to “save” Meg. Phillipe Vourhee - Age: 17 Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown Personality: Troublesome, loud, annoying Other: Likes Meg in a sick sort of way. Trades Meg [to Erik] for his motorcycle’s safety. (When Erik threatened to destroy the bike if he didn’t bring Meg to him at the dance.) Keri Valentin - Age: 17 Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Personality: Pompous, talent-less, popular Other: A talent-less girl who thinks she can sing, and hates Meg for her talent. Erik ends up scaring the heck out of Keri when she disrupts Meg’s performance. [Setting] The setting is a modern-day Paris boarding (high) school. The roleplay starts during the lock down where Meg falls asleep in science and is kidnapped by Erik. [Finally,] Okay, this is a private RP, so if you’ve not been invited, your posts won’t be noticed--they’ll be simply ignored. Until the rest get here, I’ll be RP’ing as multi-characters. ^~^
#8360129Saturday, May 09, 2009 11:52 AM GMT

Meg Rose - TalliaDragonpaws/AlextheWerepyre/MegRose Erik - ArkticWolf (rest coming soon)
#8360183Saturday, May 09, 2009 11:57 AM GMT

[The Start] Here is the first chapter of School Ghost, where we leave off and start the RP is Meg Rose in Erik's lair reaching for his mask, and obviously Erik won't hear of it! ___________________________________________________________________ Ugh, Science. The most boring subject ever! I sighed and put my head on my arms. “Science is so boring,” I groaned. A brat named Keri turned around and said, “You’re a bore!” I raised my head and replied with a false smile, “And you’re a loser!” Keri’s smile disappeared and she shouted out, “Mr. Driver! Meg called me a loser!” The class laughed and Mr. Driver frowned. Keri turned red and stuck her nose back up in the air with a loud, “Humph!” After a few more giggles, Mr. Driver continued the lesson about cells. Cells were one reason I hated science. They were so icky! I mean, who wants to learn about dots that make up living things? That’s gross! I heard nothing but nonsense coming from Mr. Driver. Yawning, I closed my eyes and dropped my head again. Before I knew it, I was asleep. ( Continued in Nellie’s POV ) Ahh, Science! My favorite subject. I really don’t know why Meg hates it so much. I mean, Science is an easy A! We’re learning about cells, which is really fun. Come on, tiny things that make up just about everything? Meg can be so confusing. What was she doing right now, anyway? Usually she’d be fighting with Keri, tapping her pencil, or writing funny stories about the legendary ghost rumored to be roaming our school. When Mr. Driver turned his head, I turned mine toward Meg. Oh, my, gosh! She was sleeping! Now, if this had been Math or any other subject, I would’ve let her sleep, but this was Science, and she wasn’t any good at it. I stifled a cough, hoping it’d be enough to get her awake. No luck! It wasn’t good, but I had to wake her up, so I threw an eraser at her head. All she did was turn. Meg was so stubborn and frustrating sometimes… When the other students and I (besides Meg) started working on our assignment, a crackle escaped Mr. Driver’s radio. He looked up from his work and grabbed it. I put my pencil down and stared. A horrified look came from Mr. Driver’s smug face, and he abruptly stood up and started locking and closing the windows, shutting the blinds, locking the doors, and after he shut off the lights, the rest of the class started to notice. Before anyone could shout or ask questions, Mr. Driver hoarsely said, “Class, get down and against the wall. This is not a drill.” With the scraping of a few chairs against the glossy tile floor, everyone except poor Meg noisily stood up and walked to the windows. Mr. Driver looked irritated and he was sweating. Obviously he wasn’t calm. “Everyone! Be quiet! We’re on lockdown, and this is NOT A DRILL!” Everyone gasped and was silent for a minute, and then a cute boy named William sneezed. The class let out muffled laughs, and then Keri asked, “What is going on?” She didn’t whisper, in fact, she said it quite loud. I punched her in the gut. “Stop fighting you two,” Mr. Driver said in a raised whisper. He continued, “The reason we’re in lockdown, is because the principal, said she saw three pudgy men in black carrying guns sneaking around on school grounds. They supposedly shot at the school’s walls a couple of times, and the police are on their way. The men haven’t entered the building yet, so we can quietly move to the gym, one class at a time. Starting with us.” The class silently formed a single-file line in front of the door, and after Mr. Driver unlocked the door, Keri hurriedly rushed up to the front of the line and walked out. After we reached the gym and sat down, Mr. Driver began to take role. “William?” “Here!” “George?” “Yes.” “Keri?” “Yes sir, I’m here!” Mr. Driver smiled. Ugh. I hate when Keri does that. The rest of the names were called, until finally, “Nellie?” “Yup.” “Meg?” No answer. Once more, “Meg?” No Meg. Mr. Driver had the same worried look on his face as he muttered, “Darn it, Meg..” I walked up to him. “Um, Mr. Driver, I’m not afraid of anything,” I lied. “And if Meg dies or something else happens to her, I’ll die too. So please let me go. Please!” Mr. Driver was the stupidest teacher, and of course he let me go. “Wish me luck,” I thought. I crashed through the doors and raced down the halls. All of the other classes and staff were packed in our huge gym, so they wouldn’t notice if I ran. I finally reached the science room at the end of the school, and tried bashing through the door like a hero. All I did was hurt my hips. “Ow!” I yelled. The door was locked! “Darn it!” I yelled again. Meg was either being silly or else she was kidnapped. But wait… Maybe the rumored School Ghost wasn’t a lie at all. Meg was very talented when it came to music. She could sing, play the piano well, and she only listened to “good” music. And by that, I mean she only liked classical music. This is very bad. I searched around the hall trying to find something to open the door. I finally found a paper clip dropped in the corner. I hastily picked it up and jammed it in the lock. After fiddling around with it for what seemed liked hours, I finally heard a “click!” and the door swung open. It was freezing cold! I looked around the room, and the giant vent was open. The vent went past the dorms on the second floor, and then they lead to the attic. Nobody was allowed in the attic or the basement, because Mrs. Jamie, my mother, said it was unsafe. “Meg! Oh my God, Meg?” She wasn’t there! An angry tear rolled down my cheek, but that was it. I wasn’t very emotional, but I’ve known Meg for three years. Ever since she moved from America to Paris, she’s been my best friend. “Meg, don’t worry! I’ll save you!” I rushed back to the gym and after I burst through the door and the doors slammed shut, the room turned silent and everyone stared. I walked back to my class, and Mr. Driver asked me, “Well?” I raised an eyebrow. “Well what?” Mr. Driver rolled his eyes. “Meg? Where is she? Don’t play games.” He swallowed and I remembered. Duh! “Oh… Meg’s not here. Oh, and when I went to the lab, the door was locked and she wasn’t there, either!” Dozens of ‘gasps!’ filled the air. About four policemen filed out of the gymnasium and the chattering continued. Mrs. Jamie had to remind everyone to quiet down. ( Continued in Meg’s POV ) When I woke up, it was dark. What a strange dream… I remember the fire alarm, running. Then I heard gunshots, and everything was black and silent. Soon after, I heard the walls move, and an odious stench--like death--filled the room. Perhaps I was dead? No, it couldn’t be. I was in pain. My foot… I sat up to look, and a cold hand calmly pushed me back into a resting position. “Hey! Who’s there?” No answer. Angrier, I shouted, “Answer me! Who’s ther-,” The same icy, gloved hand quickly covered my face, immediately stopping me. “Hush, child. They will hear you…” I jerked back and it let go. I couldn’t move my foot, but I sat up anyway. Calmly, I asked again, “Who are you? Answer me!” I didn’t know who he was. For all I know, he could’ve been the one who shot me! Maybe I wasn’t even at my school! “Don’t demand your elders. My name isn’t important, but you can call me ‘teacher.’” I let out a smirky laugh. “And why would I want to do that? I don’t even know what you look like. Maybe you’re just a voice in my head. Prove that you’re real!” The trick worked, and the man stepped in front of me and knelt. Oh, he was real alright, and his face was covered. He wore a black, dusty outfit. Nothing else. “Nice suit, dude. Where are you goin’? Prom?” I lied back down with a huge grin on my face, I shut my eyes and rested my head on my hands. Moments later, my kidnapper leaned over my and was inches from my face. I opened my eyes at the smell of road kill. Glowing gold eyes and a twisted frown met my frightened face. “Whoa whoa…” I jumped back and scooted back in a flash. The gold-eyed man stepped back. “Uh… sorry.” The suit he wore did make him look like he was going to a dance, though. Or at least something fancy. “What’s that?” I reached for his mask and he backed away with a growl. “Never… Never touch my mask.” [Yes, "loser" was gonna be a word that started with a "b," but the forum wouldn't let me.] ___________________________________________________________________
#8360210Saturday, May 09, 2009 11:59 AM GMT

*stands up* But monsieur, I mean you no harm. What /honest/ man hides his face?
#8360230Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:00 PM GMT

"Never... Never touch my mask, child."
#8360252Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:02 PM GMT

"Sit down!" *Pushes Meg back* "I am no honest man. A lie is easier to tell than the truth, child."
#8360255Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:02 PM GMT

*huffs and stands up* Fine. So, the dance is in a few weeks. Are you gonna let me return, or am I gonna have to make you let me go? Huh? *bawls her hands into fists*
#8360266Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:03 PM GMT

"There is no time for that. I am your new tutor. You will obey me without question. Is that understood, child?"
#8360283Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:04 PM GMT

No! Of course not! *jumps up infront of you and threatens to punch you in the shouder*
#8360301Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:05 PM GMT

"You wish to assault me? Me? Your tutor? I do not fear a small child." *Pushes Meg back into her seat again.* "If you do not wish to have two injured feet, I suggest you stay down."
#8360321Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:06 PM GMT

*crosses her arms* I don't care about my /right/ foot. It was a small bullet. *pretends not to care* But William and I promised eachother we'd meet at the dance.
#8360326Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:07 PM GMT

* A thin smile spreads across Erik's face, unseen by Meg.* "You have a lover? This may change matters."
#8360333Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:08 PM GMT

*scowls* No, monsieur. We're just friends.
#8360340Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:09 PM GMT

"If you fear for the safety of your "friend", then you will obey me."
#8360375Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:10 PM GMT

I cannot obey a man who I don't know! You won't even show your face, darnit! *jumps up with fingers outstretched*
#8360383Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:10 PM GMT

*Retreats back into the shadow, and then appears again, a thick rope in his hands. It was tied like a noose.*
#8360392Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:11 PM GMT

*Grabs Meg with one hand.* "YOU FOOL!"
#8360403Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:11 PM GMT

*clenches fingers again and sneers* Heh! What're you gonna do with that? Hang me? *starts laughing*
#8360520Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:18 PM GMT

"I'm considering it.." *Erik stares at Meg with his ember eyes, almost intoxicating her.* "Now, listen to me..."
#8360548Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:19 PM GMT

*swallows* Uhh. *dumbly* Yeah?
#8360578Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:20 PM GMT

"If you are not loyal, your friends will suffer for it." *Erik sighed* "I have shown myself to them. They fear me... If it comes to their life, or yours, they would rather save themselves."
#8360595Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:21 PM GMT

*doesn't understand a word you're saying* What?
#8360610Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:22 PM GMT

*Comes closer to Meg, his icy breath chilling her.* "THEY WILL DIE IF YOU DO NOT OBEY ME!"
#8360660Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:24 PM GMT

*snaps out of the slight trance and pushes the man away* YOU LAY A SINGLE, NASTY FINGER ON WILLIAM, AND I SWEAR I'LL...
#8360661Saturday, May 09, 2009 12:24 PM GMT

"I.. have heard that you play an instrument."

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