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#83875693Saturday, December 08, 2012 3:27 AM GMT

"Wheeeee! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Wheeeeeee! AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH," Fox and Tippy yelled at the top of their lungs. They were going through a vortex... Heading to the past. How long ago, you ask? I don't know. Like...Uh... Just keep reading and stop bugging me with questions!!! They made a perfect landing. They were in...cave-people times. "Whoa... How did we...?" Fox said. "I have no idea..." said Tippy. They both heard a voice in their heads saying, "This is to show you what your task is... Except this is in olden times." Then it was interupted with, "I brought you here... FOR YOUR DEATH. Mwahahahahah! I love explosions..." They looked each other in the eye and cocked their eyebrows. "Let's go. Follow me. I THINK I know where I'm going... Hey is that...?" Fox said. "Moo, moo, I am a cavelady!" exclaimed a exact copy of Tippy, except in cavelady form. They stared at her.  "What?" she said. "Uhh... What's your name?" said Fox. "Tippy. What you and you friend name?" cave-Tippy asked. "I am Fox. This is ...Tippy..." she said. Tippy and cave-Tippy stared at eachother. "TIPPY! TIPPY! It time for foo- WHO ARE THEY PEOPLE?!" yelled a strangely familiar voice. A girl who looked exactly like Fox came running up beside cave-Tippy. "I'm Tippy. That's Fox," said Tippy. Fox and Fox 'n' Tippy and Tippy stared at eachother for a long time. "Moo, moo we're cave ladies," said Tippy and Tippy. Fox and Fox laughed. "So... You hungry?" asked cave-Tippy. "Yes!" Fox and Tippy said. "Follow me," the cave-thems said. Tippy and Fox followed them. They ate some meat. Don't ask what kind, you'd barf. They thanked the cave ladies.  "We should... Go. Bye," Tippy said. Then the girls left. They made camp and a fire. Fox pulled out a telescope and binoculars. She handed the telescope to Tippy and looked through her binoculars towards the girls' house. Fox gasped. "Tippy..." "Yeah?" "Uhh... It looks like... Chaos at our copy's house... There's people in black robes and hoods and masks and they're fighting them. You are zooming around knocking them unconscious and I am throwing heavy stuff that I didn't know could be lifted... You just turned invisible and are whacking bad guys and I'm shape shifting into a Fox- OH NO!! They got us and threw us into a bag... They're walking out now..." said Fox. "Whoa... We have to save us! Do those people look... Familiar?" said Tippy. "Yeah sorta-" said Fox. "THE THIEVES OF DEATH!" they screamed,  panicked. "This is what'll happen to you someday, fools," said the evil voice in their head. "This is what you'll defeat, girls. I know you will. Keep training," they heard Jam say in their head. While they got tele'd back, they  got knocked unconscious. The last thing they heard was the cave people and themselves screaming at the top of their lungs and the evil guy laughing his evil laugh. [ To be Continued... ]
#83908964Saturday, December 08, 2012 3:19 PM GMT

*Jaw drop*
#83917179Saturday, December 08, 2012 4:55 PM GMT

#84034500Sunday, December 09, 2012 10:19 PM GMT

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Spoiler alert, spoiler alert! xD
#84250873Thursday, December 13, 2012 4:11 AM GMT

The next Tippy story will come out sometime between Christmas (Eve) - Next Year. Enjoy the suspense! :)
#85403320Thursday, December 27, 2012 1:48 PM GMT

Meeeeeeeeeehhhh! POST IT D:< c:
#85618396Saturday, December 29, 2012 7:02 PM GMT

#85985153Wednesday, January 02, 2013 12:23 PM GMT

#85992563Wednesday, January 02, 2013 3:35 PM GMT

AMAZING. I love how the author interacts with the audience.
#88065299Tuesday, January 29, 2013 6:47 PM GMT

Thanks. Epic Tippytips deserve epic Tippytip stories. :3
#116316079Thursday, October 24, 2013 1:38 PM GMT

I finished the series, but it's scattered throughout different storage systems.. So I have no clue where it is.
#116316097Thursday, October 24, 2013 1:39 PM GMT

By the way, I'm INL101. New username. Look me up if you don't believe me.

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