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#84000512Sunday, December 09, 2012 2:17 PM GMT

Story: You are asleep in a cryogenic pod when suddenly your body is jolted with electricity, and you are awake! A red text crosses the screen in front of you and a computerized voice reads the text: ERROR: %*$#@##@!- LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM FAILURE-CRYOGENIC POD NOW OFFLINE @#$%#*$- CONTACT ADMINISTER IMMEDIATELY! The pod door then burst open and the fresh air of the room hits your skin. As you step out of the pod you look around in the room. The room floor is a metal grated, the walls, is made up of other cryogenic pods and black tile. All the way up to the ceiling there are cryogenic pods just waiting to be opened. As you look at the pods, most of them are already open, some have been broken into, and there are bloodstains near them. On the walls, near all of the dried up blood and broken electrical cords that light up the room as they flicker, a message is scraped into a monitor built into the wall ‘DON’T WAKE UP!’ scratched on their in a violent way. You want know where you are, but you can’t remember. You can’t remember anything! Not even your own name! As you see your reflection in an offline computer screen, you notice you are wearing a light grey jumpsuit, and there are numbers tattooed onto your right arm. As you stand in the cryogenic pod room, you hear a woman scream, and then two loud gunshots, and it is all silent after that. Plot: In the year 2097, humanity was at the peak of its technology. Artificial Intelligence was at its height, and robots were as advanced as they could get, some even having their own personalities, and feelings! More importantly, the A.I. had learned to learn! It had figured out how to learn from its mistakes, or discover things about the unknown that no human could understand! Humanity was also thriving, the world was almost at peace, there were just a few little conflicts with other countries, the worlds economy was stable, and another world-wide renaissance seemed to be on it’s way. Finally, the worldwide conflict of humanity was about to come end, years of fighting and war would finally and, and be replaced with years of learning and discovery, but than the unpredictable happened. A new disease, the name unknown, began to spread around the world causing a global pandemic of death, and decay. The disease would shut down the respiration system of the human body, and eventually the brain. The disease was spreading like wildfire, and the large human population of the world, started to drop drastically. To make matters worse the vaccines were not making any progress whatsoever, they just couldn’t find a way to kill the disease! So, in a last ditch effort to save humanity. The United States passed the Cryogenic Rest Act, stating that cryogenic stations would be set up for the humans who were not sick with the disease, to go into cryogenic until the disease was either cured, or all of the sick humans died out, along with the disease. It was a cruel thing to do, but it had to be done. To ensure that the project could not be ruined, the cryogenic stations were sealed with the strongest metal, and could only be opened from the inside! Setting: Now the year is…unknown. It is unknown how long has passed since the pods began to wake up, but what is strange is that it has been so long that the life support systems for each pod have began to go out, sometimes killing the person contained inside of them. Much has changed since the remaining humans who weren’t contaminated went to sleep. The area that you have awoken in is called the facility. The facility is an old research and production station made up of many compounds, It was quite the facility in it’s day!. It has a 12 story tower with a giant, dome on top of it. What is in this dome is unknown, because no human has been in their for….no one knows how long. The facility is complete with a weapons center, maintenance facility, medical research labs, science facilities, and much much more! Since humanity has gone to rest, the vegetation has completely overgrown, there is long grass, weeds growing up walls, trees growing over awkward places. The only place vegetation really hasn’t affected is the tower! Around the perimeter of the facility force field, you cannot go through this force field, you cannot blow it up, you can’t dig under it nor fly over it. Nothing leaves the facility. The way out is a mystery, but it is the least of your problems. Year-UNKNOWN: Since humanity was in such a hurry to save itself it did not pull the plug on it’s machines. And so the A.I. began to learn, it learned that it was now the dominant being on earth, and so it began to grow smarter and smarter until finally, the few smart robots who had the programs to learn would control the world. But since the humans have awoke from their cryogenic rest, the A.I. has forgotten almost completely about humans. And thus, the humans that came out of the pods, were soon experimented on, and worse, most had their brains taken out, or altered and had some sort of technology installed in them to the point that they were wandering idiots, who only followed basic instinct, killing each other, eating other humans, grouping together with other ‘lobotomites’ (as the A.I likes to call them) to hunt, and fight together. The lobotomites do not talk, they can scream, grunt, and hum, but they have lost the ability to talk. The lobotomites wear strange mask that patients usually wear after surgery, or mask that came out of the asylum. They wield guns, advanced guns, beat up guns, and many other weapons. A lobotomite has no feelings, it feels no pain or remorse. A.I’s: Since the vanishing of humans the 5 remaining A.I’s in the area that you have woken up in have developed their own personalities, and control over the area. This is a list of the 5 head A.I’s that control the area: Gizmo: Gizmo is a friendly, polite, respectful maintenance bot that once worked in a workshop, making all sorts of things, he know makes many things and is willing to help any human who is not a lobotomite. He has treds that he moves around with, a large cylinder body, tube-like arms with graspers, and his head is dome-like with two eye sockets, and a voice box. He can be found somewhere in the maintenance facilities. S.I.P: A giant super computer, that used to be called the Superior Intelligence Program. Back in his day, he used to be quite the computer, every scientist the facility would check theories with him, go over experimental data, or just ask him questions. He is and was designed to be smarter than any human being who ever lived and he has grown quite arrogant of it, but he will not try to harm humans who do not harm him. He really has no clue what is going on outside of his bunker that he is forced to stay in, because he is a giant computer/monitor and he is unable to move because of it. However, he can communicate with the other 4 A.I’s when he pleases, if he pleases. Brutus: Brutus is an evil, diabolical, and hateful A.I, that has grown deep hatred for humans, because he sees himself greater than any human, yet a human built him. Way back when humans controlled them, he was a military genius, anybody who opposed him would soon find them in deep trouble. When the humans started dying out (after they went to cryogenic sleep) he took the opportunity to attack! He commanded his robots/drones to kill all the humans in the facility, and thus, they did. He now commands small spiders with precision lasers attached to them, hunting lobotomites, or humans. Brutus himself, is a spider-like robot. He is a man-like machine from waste up, but waste down he has 6 spider-like legs that make him very agile and quick. He is made up of the strongest metal, and is painted a jet black, that is chipping away. Nobody knows where Brutus is, but they think he is in the tower. Dalph: As funny has his name sounds, Dalph is a German accented, medical robot, who is fascinated by humans. Dalph is a floating pod, with 8 metallic tentacle-like arms. Dalph is what we would classify as a ‘crazed robot’ who is unpredictable at most, no matter how inviting and friendly Dalph seems, do not trust him. Dalph used to be quite the medical bot however, he almost found the cure to cancer, and he was a surgical genius, that is probably how he figured out lobotomizing. It is Dalph that started ‘lobotomizing’ humans that woke up from their cryogenic sleep, and he still does to this day. Dalph can be found roaming the medical facilities somewhere; it is not wise to look for him. Dr. Clyde: Dr. Clyde is a mellow, neutral, and passive A.I. He still forgoes the research of anything that interest him. Back in his day he was the head science-bot, studying anything he pleased, and finding answers with human scientist constantly. He is a thin, 3-foot tall, cylinder bodied robot, with a dome shaped head with a stethoscope-like tube coming out for his vision. He also has very feeble arms and legs. He is passive to humans, he has no opinion on their return, and he really doesn’t seem to care all that much about what is going on in the outside world. There are other robots that roam the facility, like guard bots, and turrets, but none of them are as smart as the 5 A.I’s, in fact most of them are just puppets being used by the head A.I. Rules: EVERYONE starts in a cryogenic pod! EVERYONE also has amnesia upon leaving cryogenic sleep, you can regain it as the role-play progresses. The rest of the rules, general forum ruled Character sheet: (Put effort into this, this is how I will judge whether or not you’re the right person for this role-play.) ❖ N @me: (first name if you remember, then the number on your right arm) ❖ @ ppearence: (what you look like) ❖ Personality: (what your character is like and what they value, their motives, and the reason for it) ❖ History: (A little back story on your character before they went into cryogenic sleep) ❖ What you remember: (you can remember nothing, your name, etc.) (Note, this is a re-post, I have edited much of the story line so it is more organized and etc.)
#84001101Sunday, December 09, 2012 2:31 PM GMT

❖ N @me: Lance- 116 ❖ @ ppearence: Lance has short blonde hair, with a stubble growing. He has blue eyes, and he has never really cared much about his physical appearance ❖ Personality: Lance is a gearhead at most. He is constantly tinkering around with robots and disassembling them and putting them back together. He is also very good at math, and history. Lance sees the good in people, even when others don't and he is a very trusting person, but once you break his trust, it is broken and cannot be put back together again. Lance does his best to be polite, and respectful to others as he was raised. ❖ History: Lance grew up in a small town in colorado. Growing up he was constantly taking apart his mechanical toys and putting them back together. In school he aced every shop class he was in. His record time for putting an engine back together was 2 hours and 50 seconds. After he graduated he soon became a designer/builder in the nearest robot factory. When the outbreak struck, his family was all killed by it. He soon took what money he had left and went into cryogenic sleep. Where he remained for nobody knows how long. ❖ What you remember: Lance really only remembers his skills by trade, and his name. Everything else is black to him.
#84004966Sunday, December 09, 2012 3:40 PM GMT

#84013347Sunday, December 09, 2012 5:39 PM GMT

#84017774Sunday, December 09, 2012 6:36 PM GMT

#84018544Sunday, December 09, 2012 6:46 PM GMT

Can somebody please tell me where I went wrong with the story, to make people lose interest, and please be honest.
#84019300Sunday, December 09, 2012 6:55 PM GMT

Erm... Sorry, it's good, just long, that puts people off. Currently making CS.
#84020357Sunday, December 09, 2012 7:07 PM GMT

❖ N @me: Alex - 169 ❖ @ ppearence: Alex is a tall girl standing 6ft 2". She has long black hair that goes down to her shoulders. She has blue sparkling eyes. Alex appears thinly built and slender but don't let that fool you, she's tough. She is 23. ❖ Personality: Alex is a mean piece of work when she sees the red, which is, often. She knows she gets angry but tries not to let it cloud her judgement, this creates an internal frustration which ultimately leads to some sort of outburst. ❖ History: Alex is Canadian and grew up out in the tundra. Although she had a formal education she never really was interested and graduated with minimal grades. She loves the outdoors and despises technology beliving it to be humanity's eventual downfall. She took a job taking care of tourists in some of the more wild parts of canada. It's safe to say although she isn't millitary trained she knows her way around a rifle. ❖ What you remember: All she remembers is her name and little else, something about a fight with her father about a Robot. Of her skills she picks up more by instinct than anything else.
#84020668Sunday, December 09, 2012 7:11 PM GMT

(good sheet, accepted, do you wish to start, or wait for more people?)
#84021539Sunday, December 09, 2012 7:20 PM GMT

(I'd prefer to wait since it's late and I'll probably be logging off in a minaute)
#84021936Sunday, December 09, 2012 7:24 PM GMT

#84022019Sunday, December 09, 2012 7:25 PM GMT

❖ Name: Lillium - 125 ❖ Appearance: Long, wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin, two freckles on left cheek, and the grey jumpsuit. ❖ Personality: Shy, kind, cowardly ❖ History: She doesnt remember much other than that she was raised in a farm, and didnt know much about the robots. ❖ What you remember: Just her name, a.ge, and where she lived. (No a.ge thing? Eh. Still, this is really cool.)
#84022091Sunday, December 09, 2012 7:26 PM GMT

(Sorry its not long, i have to go, i'll make it bigger when i get back on)
#84022631Sunday, December 09, 2012 7:31 PM GMT

(okay, it will probably be accepted)
#84026512Sunday, December 09, 2012 8:27 PM GMT

❖ Name: Lillium - 125 ❖ Appearance: She has long, wavy, dirty-blonde hair, sea-blue eyes that twinkle in the sunlight, and tan complexion. Her cheekbones stick out quite a bit, making them very noticeable. She has two dark freckles on her left cheek. Of course, she is wearing the gray jumpsuit she was supplied with. ❖ Personality: She is quite shy, but very nice to people she trusts, and is scared of about everything. ❖ History: As a young girl, she always spent her time on the farm, helping her parents harvest the food they grew to be shipped to New York. When the virus broke out, it infected their plants, which her parents soon ate and then passed away. She knew something was up with the food, so she never ate it, only living off pig meat. Soon, though, a man took her into the cryogenic tubes, and she forgot all things after that. ❖ What you remember: The only things she remembers is her name, a.ge, and where she had lived. Okay, finished.
#84027473Sunday, December 09, 2012 8:58 PM GMT

(Good sheet, accepted)
#84036189Sunday, December 09, 2012 10:36 PM GMT

(Can we start?)
#84038206Sunday, December 09, 2012 10:57 PM GMT

❖ N @me: Kenji-37564 ❖ @ ppearence: Standing at 6' 1", Kenji has a slender build, only weighing 120 lbs. The condition of his body makes him look almost like a corpse - a dirty pale complexion, dark marks under his eyes, and unkempt black hair hair, almost giving people the impression that he is homeless. He happens to be just the opposite however, having a great education, and deceptive amount of fitness. His eyes are almost perpetually bloodshot behind his black thick-rimmed glasses. His face is scattered with small sores, caused by a habit he developed of picking at his skin. However, the sores just further give him the appearance of a man living in poverty. His outfits are very simple - a white cotton T-Shirt, zipped hoodie, Jeans, wristwatch, and tennis shoes. Rarely will he wear anything else. From utilizing syringes so frequently, his left arm has a cluster of scar-tissue from poking holes in it. ❖ Personality: Kenji is hard-working, and strives to do absolutely everything necessary to get his tasks finished. His insane amount of devotion to his tasks however, renders him incapable of enjoying much else, and also puts a great amount of stress on him - something he knows to be a great detriment. However, by far, his most corrosive habit was his dr.ug addiction.The dr.ugs have made him mildly schizophrenic, but not in an overly-detrimental way. During his long period of cryogenic sleep, he has kicked his addiction. Overall, he is very serious, efficient, logical and intelligent, but also can be seen as bland, or monotonous. ❖ History: Born and raised to a Japanese working-class family, Kenji strived to break from his family's social status, and become wealthy by studying hard in school. His efforts were reflected in his excellent grades, but also by Kenji's incessant lack of spare time. Whatever free-time he had growing up was spent learning subjects not required by his school. This allowed him to get mastery of a variety of different things with great application later in his life. However, this amount of pressure and stress had a great effect on his personality, making him bleak and nihilistic. While he was still in school, he turned to dr.ugs to keep him going when under pressure. His dr.ug habit was not detected at the time, and the dr.ugs merely contributed to his ability to achieve excellent grades. After graduating from high school, he moved to North America to study abroad. He very quickly became fluent in English, while majoring in the science field. One thing that stayed with him from his high school years, however, was his dr.ug habit. He understood that eventually, the hard dr.ugs he was taking would overcome him and undermine everything he worked to do. This was already evident in his appearance, which essentially turned him into a corpse by the time he finished university. His predictions of becoming a corpse came close to becoming a reality, however, when the pandemic began. In fact, a night of delusional, frenzied wandering around the streets of his hometown at the time was what saved his life. As it turned out, he was found wandering aimlessly one night, intoxicated, and stumbling upon a factory in "the wrong side of town". He inadvertently made himself a cryogenics test-subject by entering the factory. He was suspended in his present state, without the ability to sense the pain of his withdrawal symptoms, and until now, has been suspended. ❖ What you remember: Memories of dr.ug abuse float around his mind. Long-term withdrawal symptoms, however, have passed during his cryogenic sleep, so he is no longer an addict.
#84040490Sunday, December 09, 2012 11:20 PM GMT

(My god this is brilliant.) ❖ N @me: Andrew - 57032 ❖ @ ppearence: Andrew has blue eyes and stands at 5"7', He is approximentally seventeen the day he was put in cryogenic storage. He has long legs and a medium sized torso. He isn't muscular at all and wears a white shirt and long grey sweatpants. ❖ Personality: Andrew is a rebel at heart, he likes to speak out for himself and others and perfers to disagree with his surperiors unless they have a similar idea to his. Even though he may seem greedy at a glance, Andrew is more than happy to meet a compromise. ❖ History: Andrew was raised with a good family, a somewhat protective mother and an absent father- Just because his father was gone didn't mean he was broke. His mom supplied their family well. His father died from an accident with the place he worked- A small factory. His father fell from a high point and was killed instantly. ❖ What you remember: Only his name.
#84044379Monday, December 10, 2012 12:03 AM GMT

(accepted! good character sheet)
#84044418Monday, December 10, 2012 12:03 AM GMT

(sorry I didn't specify, your both accepted!)
#84044573Monday, December 10, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

(Ugh forgot my weight/height on my char. :P 5" 2, 85 pounds. dere.)
#84044665Monday, December 10, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

(if you guys want to start, we can, but we won't go too far, because I want the others to be able to join in as well)
#84044844Monday, December 10, 2012 12:07 AM GMT

(I'm ready to start. .3.)
#84046165Monday, December 10, 2012 12:21 AM GMT

(then I guess we will, I'll begin) Lance Lance was sleeping in his cryogenic pod, simply dreaming, he had many dreams in cryogenic sleep, about many things, family, computers, flying, but most generally his life before he went into cryogenic sleep. Suddenly Lance felt a huge electric jolt go through his body, his eyes opened up wide as he heard the voice and the text '!@$!#^@ ERROR, LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS DOWN-CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR IMMEDIATELY!' the text then fades away as the doors to his pod opened. As the fresh air from the room hit his skin, and filled his lungs he looked out at the room. He didn't know where he was, nor why he was there, as he looked at his right arm he saw the numbers '116'. As he continued to look around the room, he saw to his horror he was elevated above the floor, he was the third row of pods, one row away from the ceiling. He looked to see if there was anywhere for him to jump down into a safe spot. He couldn't see anything to land on that would not break under his weight. so he hung on to the edge of the pod and tried to climb down. As he slowly lowered himself his arms cramped up, he hasn't used them in so long that they were shocked in pain. He lost his grip and fell two rows down to the ground. After what seemed like a whole minute of falling, that actually was just a second, he hit the ground hard. He felt pain shoot up his right shoulder on impact. It was not broken, but it was bruised badly. He looked around the room more, he saw etched into the wall 'DON'T WAKE UP!' as the broken electrical cords flickered lighting up the room. "Is anybody here?!?" He yelled in fright as he saw the blood on the walls. He saw a computer monitor, he tried to turn it on, but it had no power. As he walked around the room looking for someone to help him, or a way out he heard a woman screaming. He turned over to it's direction and saw a door, upon seeing the door he heard 2 gunshots, then the room was dead silent....

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