#88360057Sunday, February 03, 2013 12:11 AM GMT

[NAME OF COUNTRY]: The German Empire. [POPULATION]: 220 million. [LOCATION]: Western Europe. [SIZE OF MILITARY]: 55 million after annexations. [MAIN BRANCHES OF MILITARY]: The Raichwehrmacht. Reichsarmee Reichsmarine Reichsluftwaffe [MINOR BRANCHES]: Gestapo, SS, Agentur von Sternschweinswalen (Agency of Stellar Porpoises. You'll see...) [TYPE OF GOVERNMENT]: Imperial Communism (a literal communism). [PRIMARY IMPORTS]: Clothing, iron, steel, engines. [PRIMARY EXPORTS]: Weaponry, ammunition, manufactured goods, vehicles, nuclear weaponry (rarely). [ALLIES]: Hungary (sort of), parts of the Chinese government. (Any others?) [ENEMIES]: USSR, British Commonwealth, Italy (though in a cease-fire), Pro-USSR China. [OTHER]: I am not posting no, as this is just a notification. Woops. 'An educated people can be easily governed.'--Frederick The Great
#88361847Sunday, February 03, 2013 12:30 AM GMT

(Anybody going to POST?) 'An educated people can be easily governed.'--Frederick The Great
#88415036Sunday, February 03, 2013 3:46 PM GMT

(I gotta say, REPOST!)
#88415601Sunday, February 03, 2013 3:54 PM GMT

(sup. how bout we make a bomb to destroy russia 4 ever.)
#88415788Sunday, February 03, 2013 3:57 PM GMT

(Can't. Look at that one agency's name...
#88587406Tuesday, February 05, 2013 9:25 PM GMT

(Gais?) 'An educated people can be easily governed.'--Frederick The Great
#88651311Wednesday, February 06, 2013 9:43 PM GMT

Operation Blitzkrieg, a three step plan, begins Phase I: Imperial forces in the Soviet Union mobilise completely; aircraft move forward to destroy/damage Russian militias in order to lower the amount of time it takes to get to Volgograd. In Spain, the Naval forces move to Gibraltar whilst the Imperial forces storm it, and prepare to invade Morocco. Once the ships are there, they fire at Morocco and the 10 million Germans board and cross the STROG to invade Morocco. In China, pro-German citizens are armed with better weapons and led across China to take the nation; some are lead to the Chinese capital building to take it. 'An educated people can be easily governed.'--Frederick The Great
#88675677Thursday, February 07, 2013 2:20 AM GMT

Kingdom of Italy Italian peacekeeping forces in China want a compromise. The KMT will occupy most of northern and western china, including Manchuria, while the communists will form a seperate government with the southern and eastern parts of china.
#88717234Thursday, February 07, 2013 10:48 PM GMT

(What?) Forces continue their advances. The troops in Gibraltar board their ships and sail to Morocco. Five million of the Homeland Defence units go to the Iberian Peninsula. The fifteen million soldiers that came with the annexed states begin training. 'An educated people can be easily governed.'--Frederick The Great
#88718466Thursday, February 07, 2013 11:04 PM GMT

[.] Kingdom of Italy Italian forces prepare for another all-out war with the German empire. Peking is guarded by approximately 147,000 Chinese and 36,000 Italian troops. In the Italian peninsula, Troops are well trained and weapons are designed to counter new german innovations in military technology. Missiles and bombs containing deadly viruses designed to cause epidemics in enemy territory are stockpiled, in safe locations where it cannot be reached easily. Vaccines and new medicines are produced in large numbers. Members of the Segreto Polizia are trained to "hack", or gain access of enemy databases.
#88720131Thursday, February 07, 2013 11:23 PM GMT

Canada Military We are now ready to close the trap and still forces are arriving. The leader of Canadian forces asks the Italians if they are ready. 2 divisions ship out to front lines in Hungary. Canadair HC-01A Grizzly Gunship Program 4/7 Toronto Class Carrier 4/6 Quebec Class Destroyer 4/6
#88721029Thursday, February 07, 2013 11:33 PM GMT

[Ready for what?]
#88723760Friday, February 08, 2013 12:02 AM GMT

(To finish off the attack on Greenland. Oh wait my bad wrong country.)
#88735695Friday, February 08, 2013 2:20 AM GMT

Dragons teeth, mines and other traps are set up on the frontlines as soldiers retreat one mile back.
#88737427Friday, February 08, 2013 2:40 AM GMT

Kingdom of Italy The final and last offensive annihilates enemy forces. Approximately a third of Greenland is under Italian occupation. The advance is halted, as allied forces are granted permission [Not really] to seize remaining territories. Casualties and other information about the situation in Greenland are reported to the Italian General Staff. ITALIAN- [CLASSIFIED] Approx. 5,000 dead, mainly due to climate and cold temp. None captured according to current intel Approx. 540 missing -- None found -- Search parties being conducted 50,000 deployed back to Italian peninsula -- due to possible war and defense purposes GREENLAND- [CLASSIFIED] Approx. 23,500 dead 2,000 Captured -- being interrogated According to captured intel, 560 are missing -- A minor search party being conducted
#88737844Friday, February 08, 2013 2:44 AM GMT

Kingdom of Italy A message is sent to Italian general staff from the italian base in Greenland regarding more information about italian and enemy losses. [CLASSIFIED - SECRET] 5 ITALIAN TANKS DESTROYED 12 TANKS DAMAGED APPROX. 3 AIRCRAFT DESTROYED BY ENEMY ACTION APPROX. 5 AIRCRAFT DAMAGED 1 SHIP SUNK DUE TO MALFUNCTION 2 SHIPS DAMAGED ------------------------------------------------ GREENLAND 7 TANKS DESTROYED 0 DAMAGED [They only had -- 7 -- tanks] ABOUT 12 AIRCRAFT DESTROYED [According to intel, the planes were on ground] 0 SHIPS SUNK 2 SHIPS CAPTURED
#88777247Friday, February 08, 2013 8:50 PM GMT

-Romania- Approx. 7,000 Dead. Approx. 10,000 Killed.
#88777323Friday, February 08, 2013 8:51 PM GMT

(Ugh forgot to add some parts.) -Romania- North-East Greenland is taken, but we lose many troops. Only 3,000 of our 10,000 troops remain and we stop our advance.
#88793393Saturday, February 09, 2013 12:09 AM GMT

The new jet is finished. Pilots (such as Hartmann) begin training with it. Expected force: 1000 elite pilots in elite jets. 'An educated people can be easily governed.'--Frederick The Great
#88809145Saturday, February 09, 2013 2:46 AM GMT

Kingdom of Italy People fit enough for military service, [Approx. 45,067,349 out of 94,092,041] are trained to hold weapons, and fight against an invasion if necessary.
#88884573Saturday, February 09, 2013 10:51 PM GMT

Finnish forces begin to set up sniper- and ambush-positions in their territory. Volgograd is reached and surrounded by the Imperial forces, who begin to take up positions. Morocco, having been taken by surprise, is easily overrun by the coast. Imperial forces fortify their holdings. The Chinese capitol building is taken, and the Chinese government is forced to surrender to the pro-German citizens, pro-German government, and Germans. Meanwhile, forces continue to expand throughout the Chinese country-side. 'An educated people can be easily governed.'--Frederick The Great
#88885054Saturday, February 09, 2013 10:56 PM GMT

[Ummm... 1) I own Morocco, you are free to purchase it, however... 2) Yeah, my forces didn't do anything in the Chinese capital when they saw those german helmets and uniforms trying to take the city...]
#88885484Saturday, February 09, 2013 11:01 PM GMT

(Well, you didn't reply and, news doesn't travel across continents THAT fast. And they were supported by an angry mass of well[ish] armed people. So, the Italian forces would be mowed down. And we're already at war, so why would I buy land I attacked to spark the war?) 'An educated people can be easily governed.'--Frederick The Great
#88885849Saturday, February 09, 2013 11:05 PM GMT

Kingdom of Italy New and more accurate data replaces the old data: The Italo-Albanian War: A war between Italy and Albania -- Italian strategic victory. 21,000 casualties 30,000 wounded The Greco-Italian War: A war involving the countries Italy, Great Britain, Hungary, and Albania against Greece. Greek defeat. 49,000 dead 56,000 wounded The First European War: The first, great war, involving the use of nuclear weapons, and heavy fighting. [Italy, Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, and America versus Germany, and later conquered Hungary] Undecided. 1.5 million dead 2.3 million wounded The Second European War: The Second war. It mainly was a duel between Italy and Germany. Undecided. 370,000 dead 700,000 wounded The Franco-Italian war: A major war between Pro-Germany France and anti-communist Italy. Italian victory. 97,000 dead 125,000 wounded The "Oil" Wars: A war between Hungary, supported by Germany, versus Romania, supported by Italy. It was not called a victory to Italy, but the objective was complete and Romania stayed independent. 11,000 dead 9,000 wounded The Winter War: A war including the powers of Canada, Italy, and Romania battling against Greenland. [Deaths and wounded are still being investigated] NOTE: THESE ARE ONLY ITALIAN LOSSES AND INJURED SOLDIERS AND CIVILIANS.
#88886252Saturday, February 09, 2013 11:09 PM GMT

[Lol..I believe I requested a peace treaty and you accepted... THIS IS WAR!!!] Kingdom of Italy Now stronger than ever, Italy declares war on Germany in response to the German invasion of Morocco. Approximately 2,000,000 men are mobilized for an offensive to open the Frederick line and seize German territories. War materials are beginning to start to be mass produced. Skilled and experienced pilots from earlier wars take to the skies. Generals, whom are not new, command entire armies that have acquired the knowledge of German tactics.