#86892529Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:34 PM GMT

Lilla- "The ring?" I look down at it. "It's what's keeping me alive. If I give it to you I die."
#86892705Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:36 PM GMT

(1,000 replies! Congrats, Pick!)
#86892824Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:37 PM GMT

( NO! 1,002!)
#86892960Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:38 PM GMT

Tyler "Not the ring!" i shout, quite annoyed. "The healing stone! Didn't I give you one???"
#86902658Sunday, January 13, 2013 10:24 PM GMT

Lilla- "no."
#86906004Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:01 PM GMT

(srry my cp froze and I couldnt post for a while so I just logged out.) Jaylee I lead Emily up the stairs and listen in on Tyler, Lilla, and Brian's conversation. No lifestone, no magic, huh? SOunds like valuable information to me. I whisper the info to Emily and we start searching for that guy's lifestone. He will never get it back. Emily We look on the balcony first. Not there. Then we edge our way down to the ground, using the individual bricks as footholds. I see Tommy helping some kid up out of a pile of leaves. Truman sneaks up behind the new kid , climbs the tree... and drops down on his hair, which he licks for a good while.
#86906846Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:11 PM GMT

Tom I look at Jaylee's cat on his head. I smile, then start to giggle. In the end I burst out lAughing. When I stop laughing, I look up at jayllee and smile.
#86907559Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

Jaylee I laugh with him as Emily and I jump down to the ground and walk over to them. I lift Truman off of the boy's head. Truman growls at the boy. Then he looks at me with those cat eyes of his and purrs. I set him down and he stalks off to chew on the pile of leaves. Then he starts coughing really violently. he coughs alot, until finally, something comes out of his mouth. I stare at it. It's covered in cat saliva and ripped pieces of leaf, but could it be anything else? No. It is Tyler's lifestone.
#86907725Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:21 PM GMT

lucas- "Get off me you stupid snake!" The snake bites my arm. "Oh you better not be poisonous!" Lilla- I walk over to Lucas. "Die, or work for us." Lucas- So vunarable at so many times. "Fine." Lilla- "Kill Tommy. Or whoever you wish." ( ANYONE WANT TO DIE? )
#86908117Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

(UMM... NO, THANKS...)
#86908129Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

(You can kill Emily, but then Jaylee will be a mess. But whatever :3) Emily I laugh, glad to be alive. Somehow I feel like this happiness won't last long, so I savor it. Jaylee I pick up the stone and stick it deep into the pocket of my jacket. Tyler will NOT get it back. I don't care if I have to chainsaw it in half, he won't be using it any longer.
#86908345Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:29 PM GMT

Tom I watch as Jaylee shoves the pink stone into her pocket. "What was that?"
#86908566Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:31 PM GMT

Lucas- "Yes master." I walk outside. "Hey guys." I pull out a knife. "It's nice to know your still alive to kill." I got to get this venom out quick. jake- A vision. Blood, That is all I see. Lily- I walk over to where jake turned his head to.
#86908998Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:36 PM GMT

Jaylee "It's Tyler's lifestone," I say. I take it out of my pocket and hand it to him. "Destroy it." Then I pull out my knife, ready to battle. Then I realize it's Lucas... What? Why is HE trying to kill us?! "Lucas!" I say. "What's wrong with you? I mean, a lot of people hate me, but what's your reason?" Emily Ever since I heard Lucas' faint footsteps coming toward the door closest to us I knew I had to hide. I'm not a fighter. When Lucas came out I was already up a tree.
#86909414Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:41 PM GMT

Tom I take the stone and put it in my pocket. I slowly walk backwards. I bump into a tree, then get an idea. I rip some of the wood off of the tree and place it on the ground. I climb the tree and drop the stone onto the wood. It shatters into a thousand pieces. Tyler I clutch my heart. I am dying. So they found the lodestone and destroyed it. I collapse onto the bed and die.
#86909482Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:42 PM GMT

Erin- Erin quickly gets up out of the leaves and darts into the bushes, passing trees and plants before slowing down near a river, gasping for breath and he bent down onto his knees and put his shoulder bag down. He cupped his hands into the water, drinking it.
#86909914Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:47 PM GMT

Tom I scamper down the tree and rush into the castle. I burst into his room to tell him the news... But when I get there, he's dead. Wait... Killing the lifestone... Meant killing his ACTUAL life!?!?! I slowly back away from the castle and run back to Jaylee. "He's dead..." I tell her. I never wanted to be a murderer. I even though hunting was wrong. I mean, just because your killing the animal fo food, doesn't mean you not taking it's life away, right?
#86910066Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:49 PM GMT

Jaylee "What's up with him?" I ask no one in particular after the boy runs away. Emily I am only branches away from Tommy when he drops the stone. When it shatters, I feel horrible. I don't think it's right to steal some one's life and then shatter it into a million pieces. I have to find this Tyler guy. This isn't right. IF he dies, I want him to have a chance to change. I know it's risky, 'cause that guy, Lucas, is right by the door, but I have to do it. I jump down from the tree and run right towards the door... Jaylee I reach for her to pull her back, but she is too fast...
#86910541Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:54 PM GMT

Lucas- "NO!" I look at Tom. "Destroying that kills Tyler, which kills Lilla, Which kills me!" I run to Emily. She may be fast but I'm faster. I grab her by the neck. "I'm not going alone!" Lily- I look through some bushes to see a boy holding a little girl by the throat. "STOP!" I yell. I run to the boy and grab him. Jake- "Lily come back!"I run through the bushes. "Oh no." I look at Lucas. "I can tell. this is where the blood spills." Markus- I will die. That is what will happen. Draco- I bored.
#86910715Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:56 PM GMT

( srry I didnt see your post and I was talking about shawn when i said" after the boy runs away") (this is before Emily jumps down, but she is out of earshot) Jaylee "Oh no..." i say, torn between being sad and being relieved. Honestly, I feel neither. Then my sister jumps down from the tree... (you know what happens next.)
#86910807Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:57 PM GMT

(Ummm... You guys know he's already dead, right?)
#86910883Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:58 PM GMT

Jaylee I clap my hand over my mouth as Lucas grabs my sister by the neck. I want to scream, I want to aim my knfie at his heart, I want to do something... anything... but I am frozen in fear. Emily I can't breathe...
#86910947Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:59 PM GMT

(Emily didn't know)
#86910978Sunday, January 13, 2013 11:59 PM GMT

Erin- After he takes a long drink, he takes his chances and throws his bag over the river. It lands with a thump on the edge, he was lucky. He waded into the river, its deepest being in the middle, which was at his waist. He bent his knees to keep from being pulled by the rough current.
#86911368Monday, January 14, 2013 12:04 AM GMT

(Oh, kk :3) Tom I am shivering. Not because I'm cold. Nor because I'm scared. Because I killed someone...