#84872090Friday, December 21, 2012 3:36 PM GMT

Jefferson I continue drawing. ~TheRockyStudioz~
#84872732Friday, December 21, 2012 3:50 PM GMT

Melanie I yawn and stretch, how long is this ride? I look out of the window, there's a sign saying "Academy of the Arts 5 Miles" I grab my bag, get my ipod out, put viva la vida on and lean back in my seat.
#84873064Friday, December 21, 2012 3:55 PM GMT

(Hey can we end the ride yet? I'm so bored of it c:)
#84873317Friday, December 21, 2012 4:00 PM GMT

#84873495Friday, December 21, 2012 4:04 PM GMT

(Ok) Melanie I look out the window, there it is!!! I put my stuff away and sit at the edge of my seat. I grab my satchel when the bus comes to a stop and rush out.
#84873843Friday, December 21, 2012 4:11 PM GMT

Lucas I walk into the campus, and walk up onto the roof of the dorms, to see the view of everything. A bus is getting close, and then people get out. I walk to them.
#84874560Friday, December 21, 2012 4:27 PM GMT

Tasha I grab all of my bags and rush off the bus.
#84875081Friday, December 21, 2012 4:38 PM GMT

may I sling my skimpy bag over my shoulder and get up. I smile at Jefferson. " Excited?"
#84875154Friday, December 21, 2012 4:40 PM GMT

I walk over to a girl and a boy. (Sarhath and"Jefferson"). "Hey. You guys new, too?"
#84875204Friday, December 21, 2012 4:41 PM GMT

May I nod. " We all are. Cool school!"
#84875850Friday, December 21, 2012 4:52 PM GMT

Lucas "Yeah. I'm Lucas. Lucas Woods. You might know me as Xiax. A DJ. Probably not."
#84876063Friday, December 21, 2012 4:55 PM GMT

May " May. May D'archen. I'm a singer and an artist. A DJ, huh? That's cool."
#84876164Friday, December 21, 2012 4:57 PM GMT

Skye. I get up, and hold my guitar in one hand nervously. I stand behind a group talking about their talents and wait politely behind them.
#84876310Friday, December 21, 2012 4:59 PM GMT

Tasha Looks around, way to make first impressions . . .
#84879024Friday, December 21, 2012 5:38 PM GMT

(Back) Melanie I skip off the bus and look at my time table for the first time: ♫Schedule B♫ P1: Drawing P2: Singing P3: Painting P4: Dance LUNCH P6: Music P7: DJ Beats P8: Gym P9: Theater I go to the girl who was sat on the floor earlier and say "Hi."
#84880266Friday, December 21, 2012 5:52 PM GMT

Skye. "Oh um hey... Skye" I say, "You are?" I smile and strap my guitar onto my back.
#84880668Friday, December 21, 2012 5:56 PM GMT

CS~ Egi Eclatant Ag.e: She is twelve Grade: (7-12) Grade seven Grade Average: Egi usually earns an A- or a B+. Fe.male Major Artistic Talent (Painting, singing, etc. May choose up to 3): Egi isn't one for singing, and hasn't tried drama. She can paint, but her main talent lies in art. Her art is detailed and smooth, and she's put years into perfecting it. Her landscapes are often a little macabre and fantastic, while people are drawn in an anime-esque style, with sharp chins and large shining eyes. It's a more complex style, and she rarely does simple art, since it's too easy to make obvious mistakes (like drawing a circle well but having terrible limbs, shading, etc). (Her art style was inspired by these two artists, please look at their profiles: http://yuu and http://senyph Appearance: Egi is a little small for her a.g.e, barely five feet high with a thin build and pale skin tone. She has dark, chocolate-brown hair that goes down a little past her shoulders. It's kept in two ponytails by navy ribbons, and her bangs are mostly brushed to the left, barely scraping over her left eye. Finally, she has a navy ribbon she wears on the left side of her head with a velvet navy-rose. Her chin, nose, and fingertips are a little sharp and she has Heterochromania (her eyes are different colors). While the right is a vivid emerald, the left is a somber blue. She wears blue jeans almost going to her knees, and warm, knee-high socks with thick black and white stripes, as well as leather, simple shoes. She has a gray shirt with a row of small buttons, a large folding collar and cuffs, with a small pocket on the right side of her chest. Finally, she has a tan satchel she always wears on her right shoulder. Egi is ridiculously nearsighted and usually wears rectangular glasses with clean lenses and thin red frames. Nationality (Russian, Irish, etc.): American Items (You don't have to include clothes): Egi wears a tan satchel containing a thick, spiral-bound sketchpad with hard black covers, a thick leather journal of lined paper, a few more journal like that but larger, a small yet heavy pack of coloring pencils of all shades, a little pouch of her money, a book about mythical creatures, a handheld pencil sharpener, two art pens, and finally, a little artist's mannequin. She almost always has a pencil behind her ear. Fa.mily: Egi has her two parents, of course. She also has a twin brother named Clement and an elder brother named Alderic (I know three's pushing it, I'm sorry) Traits/Personality (May be typed in paragraph format or bullet point listing format.): Egi is certainly a more somber, quiet person than most her a.g.e upon first sight. She spends most her time writing stories, making art, or learning. Often she'll come to people asking for opinion on her work, but tries not to interfere and will wait for the right moment. She doesn't mind people, and she could easily talk to people, but Egi sometimes seems too calm, so some people don't bother talking to her. She loves art with vivid color, and enjoys rhythmic poetry. However, she also loves haunting, serious stories and complex worlds. She's often lost in thought, and sometimes will start sketching her ideas out. She loves drawing mythical creatures and fantastic, over-the-top cities and views. Egi often becomes philosophical, and wonders a lot about human morals and warfare. She loves talking walks at night, and often seeks solitude. Her favorite seasons are autumn and winter for their cold winds and quiet nights. She also enjoys Halloween, not only for the candy and seeing Halloween costumes, but also because she thinks it as the night when dead and living co-exist (which inspires a lot of artwork from her). Her favorite color is silver, favorite book is the Ho.bbit (as it was one of the first novels she ever read), and she thinks ravens are just one of the best creatures out there (besides the demons she conjured up in her imagination, but don't mind those). Although Egi is more devoted to art and sometimes shies away from human contact, she can easily start up conversations with people and is enthusiastic about the things she loves. Bio: Egi was bo.rn on December 21 (haha) on the of the Dragon (2000) with her twin brother, Clement. The two already had an older brother a few years o.l.d.e.r than they were. They were born into a modest family in a small house on the edge of the town they lived in. As they grew older, their parents' jobs became more demanding and the twins had never managed to develop and entirely stable relationship with them (simply because they had little time to spend with them). There weren't too many toys, but their mother had taken an art class in college and thus there was a lot of art and crafting material. Not to mention they also had an old piano that her elder brother, Alderic would come to love. Egi began learning to draw on their sketchpads around four. Although her drawings were simple and sloppy at first, they began to develop smoother lines and she became genuinely interested in art. Soon, Egi began to go through books on drawing. She didn't like any of the styles, but on her seventh birthday, her parents bought her a book on drawing complex, detailed anime. She grew to love the traits and characteristics, and developed her own style over the ye.ars. Their family also had many books, and she and her siblings got used to learning to read together. Egi loved fantasy and would read about history often. They would often go down to the local art store and get materials. She would get journals and sketch pads to write and draw, but her twin brother Clement loved crafting. He could make a scorpion out of some smooth rocks and bands of metal, and he would also sculpt and try to build from scratch. On their ninth birthdays, Clement spent about a week making Egi an artistic mannequin (a tiny wooden doll with a humanoid build, often it had bendable parts or mobile joints connected by wire, etc. Artists model off of it when drawing people). To this day, she still keeps it in a satchel. Egi also loved the sound of the piano. While she had never developed much real musical taste, Alderic began practicing early on and would play beautiful songs on it. Throughout school, Egi was an incredible speller and had decent grammar and knew a lot of history (much of which was Medieval). She was thought of as "shy" by some of the teachers, although she really didn't mind. She also made a few good friends who focused on art and writing. She was content with this, and spent most her time drawing, talking with her friends, writing, or spending time at home. Eventually, her parents began to see that the three's skills deserved more attention, and they decided to send them to the academy. It's been a few weeks since then. Job?: A minor with a job...No. Other: Cheeseberry nuggets are ruling over me! Sample Post (optional, but good): Clement leaned against the door, waiting for me. He clutched our suitcase and slung his pack onto his back. Our room was dimly lit by the flickering light, with a tall bunk-bed in the far corner. Across from it was a large, cluttered work desk with all our drawings and scraps. There was a circular table behind the bunk bed near the left side of the room with some of Clement's art he'd made. The walls were covered with diagrams, posters, landscapes, battles, pictures, all of which had been drawn my hand. It was still hard to believe we were actually leaving. I'd come to love this room so much over the years. I loved waking up and staring out the window, down below at the city we lived in. It seemed so inferior to me, and I always got an uncharacteristic feeling of joy that was almost childish. I shivered, inhaling deeply to calm myself. (I'm going to be making two CS's after this one...sorry it was so long...) "Tell him fine, there's no way I'm dying before you do, you morally bankrupt colonel with a god-complex"- Edward Elric
#84880816Friday, December 21, 2012 5:58 PM GMT

Melanie "Melanie." I say. "And you are?" I'm shoving my time table back into my satchel by this time so I have to stop
#84883533Friday, December 21, 2012 6:30 PM GMT

Skye. "Skye? I-" She obviously didn't hear me the first time, so I wouldn't dwell on things. "So your going to this academy place too, right?" I ask.
#84884293Friday, December 21, 2012 6:41 PM GMT

CS~ Clement Eclatant Ag.e: 12 Grade: (7-12) 7 Grade Average: Usually a B+ Gender: Male Major Artistic Talent (Painting, singing, etc. May choose up to 3): Clement is incredible with sculpting and crafting. His sculptures have intricate swirls, color, and detail and his crafts are usually made from scraps like wood and tin. He's able to make them flexible and intricate (he once crafted a Chinese Dragon by putting together wooden rings with wire, and giving it bulging marble eyes). Appearance: Clement is a few inches shorter than most his a.g.e. Only about four feet high with a scrawny build and a light tone of skin. His hair curls inward slightly, but only slightly. It's the same color as Egi's, somewhat messy but not too much so, and the hair in the back just curls towards his neck. His cheeks usually have a faint, rosy tinge to them and he has wide, childish emerald eyes and a generally pleasant look. There's a light streak of pale freckles over his nose ridge and cheeks, but it's quite faint. Abel wears a white, button-up shirt with a large folding collar and somewhat large cuffs (long sleeves). He also has simple white sneakers and socks, and blue jeans with pale, worn knees. Over all this, he wears a bright red coat going down until a few inches above his knees. It has no zipper or buttons to fasten it, it's just a simple red coat with two large pockets. He also wears a backpack. Nationality (Russian, Irish, etc.): American Items (You don't have to include clothes): Clement always keeps a notebook in his pack, as well as a little bag of scraps, a small yet thick pack of little tools for crafting, a copy of the Hob.bit, some money, a few artistic mannequins, a camera, a large binder for school work, and a pencil box depicting a dragon on the top filled with pencils. He is currently carrying a small suitcase of shared items between himself and Egi, and a box of his own sculptures (which he intends to unpack once he gets to his room. Fa.mily: Clement has his parents, twin sister Egi, and Alderic. Traits/Personality (May be typed in paragraph format or bullet point listing format.): Clement is far more social than his twin sister and elder brother. Although he can be a little too trusting and naive (and certainly not as voracious a reader) as his siblings, he's still creative and fairly smart with an open mind, as well as a cheerier outlook than many. He's more willing to help, and has seemingly endless patience and endurance. Sometimes his siblings (mostly Alderic) give him menial tasks, although he really takes it well. He's also just as connected to nature as Egi, and although they seem like complete opposites at times, really spend a lot of time together. Clement has a few more friends than both of his siblings, and is often a more agreeable person. All the same, he's a little skittish and lacks confidence. He usually doesn't say anything when he has a problem and can be a little envious. He is rarely angry, but usually has an emotional impact when he is. Bio: Clement was born late in December with his twin, Egi. His family was modest and their parents were getting more and more work piled on them to do, so he never developed an entirely stable relationship with the two. He mostly relied on his siblings and the three spent almost all their time together. They even read their first story together when they were eight and ten, the (by then of course, Alderic had read many more novels and was a voracious reader, but this was the first he read with his little brother and sister). As a result, Clement has a...mild obsession with the story. Early in toddlerhood, Clement was fascinated by little crafts he saw when he and his siblings went to the art store. He eventually began modelling off of them and became and incredible artist and craftsman after some time. In school, he gained a good deal of friends but still stayed near Alderic and Egi. Eventually, he began crafting toys. They were simple at first, but slowly improved. To celebrate Alderic's tenth birthday, he spent several weeks putting together a delicate wooden piano-model and an artistic mannequin to play it. He also made Egi a beautiful artistic mannequin for her birthday. Recently, his parents paid for Clement, Alderic, and Egi to go to the academy. They all have schedule B. Job?: None. Other: Cheeseberry nuggets .3. Sample Post (optional, but good): Uh...look at Egi's CS. "Tell him fine, there's no way I'm dying before you do, you morally bankrupt colonel with a god-complex"- Edward Elric
#84885164Friday, December 21, 2012 6:54 PM GMT

(Back I was playing a game c:)# Melanie "Yup, 3rd year." I walk up to the gate and give the gate person my card, then walk through. Wow I remember getting all stressed my first year cause I thought I'd lost it. xD
#84885505Friday, December 21, 2012 6:59 PM GMT

Gtg :o
#84885543Friday, December 21, 2012 6:59 PM GMT

Melanie Goes to dorm and gets some sleep before first lesson
#84902330Friday, December 21, 2012 10:17 PM GMT

Lucas "Cool. Anyways, where are you from?"
#84911902Friday, December 21, 2012 11:54 PM GMT

Danny~ I run off the bus almost forgetting my stuff, but luckily a girl was nice enough to give my luggage to me. I take it and start skipping into the school, still I wasn't sure what I was happy about, just another few years of being laughed at about my pas.sion. Though, it may be since this is a school for the "Arts". I push a few people saying sorry when I do and then sprint into the school drag.ging my items behind me. I trip over my feet when I get in and look up to the amazing building. "What do we do? Wait for someone?" I ask someone and pull out my IPhone and my earbuds to pass time. I play "Cut The Rope" and have the volume on low.