#93161542Friday, March 29, 2013 4:47 PM GMT

Adder I laughed; not too amused. "You too, Gemma. Now will you two hug already and be done with it?" I looked to my sister, who was still open mouthed. I guess she was still understanding what had just happend.
#93162511Friday, March 29, 2013 4:57 PM GMT

Gemma I rolled my eyes, hugging Viper. "I've missed you guys so much!"
#93163103Friday, March 29, 2013 5:03 PM GMT

Viper I grinned, hugging Gemma back. My mind had finished processing the new information, and I was glad for it. "I missed you too! Though I'm not entirely sure about Adder... being who he is." He looked offended by that. "I DID miss you! Just, not as much as Viper.."
#93163815Friday, March 29, 2013 5:09 PM GMT

Gemma I laughed at that. "How have you guys been?" I asked, releasing Viper. I placed my stolen sandwhich in my pocket.
#93164389Friday, March 29, 2013 5:15 PM GMT

Viper I shrugged, not really knowing myself. "Just wandering through the city. Today we met a pair of evolved and ate some of their food. Though they were quite annoying and a girl was telepathic.."
#93165089Friday, March 29, 2013 5:21 PM GMT

Name:Lapis 10 Gender: Male Appearance: Large. Items: Dual Diamond Shortswords Powers/ Gifts/ Mutations: Sapphire wings and long spiked tail Bio: A miner that came in contact with infected amethyst Lapis I swoop in through the roof and point my tail at Gemma, and jam my Shortswords into the ground. ' Very. Very. Murderous.' I say in a dark voice, before my tail jams forward into Gemma. I pull my Shortswords out of the ground and say 'You will be next.' and fly up, not to be seen for the next 5 minutes, at least.
#93165453Friday, March 29, 2013 5:25 PM GMT

Gemma "Hmm," I murmured. "Would they happen to be in the Ice Cream shop earlier? I saw two girls and a guy walking out of the shop. The girl was weird, she kept looking around like she knew I was there - but there was no way, because I was invisible," I whispered the last word so no Hunter overheard me.
#93165864Friday, March 29, 2013 5:29 PM GMT

Name: Citrine 10 Gender: Male Personality (Not Required): Ecstatic Appearance: Yellow tux Items (You can have some weapons but not many): None Powers/ Gifts/ Mutations: He can fly, and can shoot golden bolts out his hands. Bio (At least something): Damm, I'm out of ideas Citrine I fly through the hole Lapis made, and quickly say, 'Hey! Was that Lapis? God, he is very fast and hard-to-get, isn't he? Oh wait no time for chit chat I gotta go bye!' and promptly fly back out the hole.
#93165929Friday, March 29, 2013 5:30 PM GMT

p.s. I killed gemma?
#93166042Friday, March 29, 2013 5:31 PM GMT

(Hex, wait for your character to be accepted first)
#93167774Friday, March 29, 2013 5:48 PM GMT

[Nope, you have no right to rp because you be declined and you can not kill Gemma. >.>]
#93167949Friday, March 29, 2013 5:50 PM GMT

(Hex, denied.)
#93170965Friday, March 29, 2013 6:18 PM GMT

(RP before accepted? WHAT KIND OF SORCERY IS THIS! Burn the witch!)
#93185173Friday, March 29, 2013 8:43 PM GMT

(That's what she said Doomlord.)
#93265171Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:03 PM GMT

( Get me up to speed with what's going on in the RP and I'll start. )
#93289126Saturday, March 30, 2013 7:06 PM GMT

(Don't try to start a cs. you have 99% chance of being declined. You could though, idk what happened to my Keith character...)
#93289637Saturday, March 30, 2013 7:11 PM GMT

(Actually if people bothered to read and composed a bio that followed the plot they would have 99% chance of being accepted.) (But people stopped doing that for some reason...)
#93290240Saturday, March 30, 2013 7:16 PM GMT

(Thanks for the tip Ranger.)
#93326251Sunday, March 31, 2013 1:04 AM GMT

( -points to his previous OOC post- )
#93384516Sunday, March 31, 2013 3:28 PM GMT

(Um. You don't really need to know much to start. First night one of doom's characters attacked the city, causing part of it to be evacuated. That... Is basically all you should know...)
#93385775Sunday, March 31, 2013 3:41 PM GMT

( Alright. So, what you're saying is, the Evolved are in the city, without the humans? )
#93386159Sunday, March 31, 2013 3:45 PM GMT

(No...) (I said part of the city has been evacuated. >.> Of course some humans are still here. Evolved normally resemble humans in at least some way so if all the humans were evacuated so would be the Evolved. And if the Evolved weren't evacuated the city could simply be destroyed since they wouldn't need to worry about hurting humans.)
#93399929Sunday, March 31, 2013 6:00 PM GMT

( Ah. Some people need to have that cleared up. Time for a somewhat lazy intro then. ) >> TRIAGE << I was walking down an empty street, a newspaper fluttering across the street. I myself was holding a local newspaper that seemed to not have been updated for a while now, and I occasionally glanced down to look at it.
#93410932Sunday, March 31, 2013 7:35 PM GMT

Name: Jackson Curtis 29 Gender: M Personality: Jackson dosen't talk much at all. But he is extremely efficient and good at his job and is a feared man among the Evolved. It dosen't look like it but he is very funny and would have many friends if his coworkers weren't so freaked out by him. Appearance: Tan skin. He has a long scar starting from his forehead passing over his right eye to his cheek. An Evolved had cut him bad enough to have his eye removed and replaced with a eerie, pearly white cybernetic eye. His other normal eye is blue. He has short brown hair and is heavily built. Items: ACR w/ ACOG sight, .44 Anaconda, Bowie Knife. Standard issue PDA. Black Shelby GT500. Group: Hunters Bio: When Jackson got married he thought his entire life was going to be perfect. Him and his wife moved to her hometown of Diamond Bay and lived happily. For a short time. It was long before Jackson figured out his new wife was an Evolved. He was OK with it, but the other Evolved were not. They took his wife and while attempting to take her to the others they were fired at by the Hunters and she died. Jack has a deep hatred for the Evolved that took his wife and soon made it his life's work to hunt them down and destroy them.
#93413714Sunday, March 31, 2013 8:01 PM GMT

(For the sake of drama and further development of Kurokami, I shall be adding a new character. Derp.) Hunter Name: Amaterasu Himura (Sorry, couldn't resist. Amaterasu too awesome.) 18 Gender: F Personality (Not Required): On the outside, Amaterasu is extremely cold to strangers and is generally anti-social. Once a person gets to know her, she is like any other normal human being. Like Kurokami and Kurohime, she likes cute things. Must be a family thing.... Appearance: Amaterasu has white hair like Kurokami and is in a similar style except it reaches mid neck length. She has red eyes like the rest of her family, but is similar in appearance to Kurokami and is often mistaken for a sister, but she now dresses like a male. In the past, she idolized Kurokami and saw him as an older brother. She is currently wearing a suit that is similar to Kurokami's, except the tie is silver in color. She dresses similarly because that is normally what the fully trained members wear when on duty. They are in no way, inspired by Hitman. Items: Kunais, tempered titanium chains, and two collapsible tonfas. Group: Hunters Bio (At least something): Amaterasu was born a cousin to Kurokami. The two knew each other at a young age and were often thought to be brother and sister. Kurokami cared a lot for her, and once promised to protect her...because she was a loli back then. While she was 7, her father told her to out perform Kurokami so that she would be selected as the next head of the family. A friendly rivalry developed between the two and it went on up to the age of 15. When Kurokami was 15, he already proved himself to be the best of the best in his family and was sent to work for the Hunters. From there, Amaterasu just kept on training, with the intent of surpassing him. She cast aside identity and chose to dress like a male. Though she haven't seen him in four years, she still holds feelings for him. Other: She is currently dispatched to the city after hearing about Kurokami's 'defection' and was sent to eliminate him because she was the only one who could compare to him in terms of skills.