#87101991Thursday, January 17, 2013 1:10 AM GMT

"Kirohime?" She says, smirking, "It was a person who caused that?"
#87102140Thursday, January 17, 2013 1:11 AM GMT

#87102776Thursday, January 17, 2013 1:16 AM GMT

(( not a big deal. It's a typo. ))
#87104812Thursday, January 17, 2013 1:31 AM GMT

Evolved: Name: Patrick 'Pat' Doe 19 Gender: Male Personality: He is silent on the outside but he thinks constantly. He is always thinking in full words about little details, somewhere along his life he picked up manors and a questionable mind. He is a genius in his own head, because he is silent he does not say much though. He LIKES to learn and hates people who claim they are better than him. He does not think he is better, he does not have a big ego, but he will stop at nothing to prove he is better if you say you are. Appearance: He has red hair that sweeps to the sides over his eyes, some of it hands between though. He stands at 6'1 ft tall and weighs 128 lbs. He has light green eyes and his hair looks greasy. He has faded freckles covering him and a scar on the crease at his nose suggesting he stays in the sun a lot. He has a pencil neck and a rounded nose but he is skinny and he slouches a lot. He has chewed nails showing he bites them a lot. Items: He keeps a Winchester knife sheathed through his camo belt. Powers/ Gifts/ Mutations: He can't talk or make sounds do to mutations, but he can understand anybody. Whether is is mumbling, whispering, grunting, another language, or even code. He is good at puzzles and deciphering things. Bio: He avoided people most of his life, not making any friends because he didn't want to get insulted. When he was little kids insulted him in other languages, code, or whispers. So he avoided everybody. Everybody he knew insulted him. He had talent in art and in was smart. He hated being around idiots and he had a lot of hate building up inside of him. He still has that hate, the urge to speak but he can't. He has a job as a hand sign translator at a local school. Other: Is it too late to join?
#87105361Thursday, January 17, 2013 1:35 AM GMT

#87106465Thursday, January 17, 2013 1:42 AM GMT

(So its not to late to join, thanks) Pat- (Patrick) I moved my hands unconsciously as I thought. I looked at the clock and stared for a while, my hands still moving. One moooore minute and.... BINGO! 'RING RING RI-' The bell chimed and stopped on the last ring. I stood up and walked out. I looked down and stared at the class. I nodded in a random direction and left. I took note on how my feet were making too much noise. Clamp clamp. 'Ugh.... Exit... Exit... AH there it is!' I thought and just left. I had no business anymore, I wouldn't get payed today, I had no specially assigned kids to teach. I exited and and looked around.
#87116036Thursday, January 17, 2013 2:57 AM GMT

Alexander Alexander began walking once again, door to door, this time asking them if they had seen Jacob at all. He got some responses, but not many, and none of them really were of use. He sighed, he looked into the ocean, oh how he longed just for a nice long swim. He was beginning to realize just how depressed he was without the water. He felt so visible, and not hidden like he was in the water. Maybe that's why he liked the cop outfit, it made him blend in, but he really wasn't hidden.
#87130519Thursday, January 17, 2013 9:14 AM GMT

Fedral "Yes and she's dead bent on murder." I sighed in despair, "I don't know what's going to happen..." Kallum "Apprenticeship because I know you'd rather be a protector." I glared at the floor, "Those damn re.tards..."
#87131674Thursday, January 17, 2013 11:19 AM GMT

Jacob "I actually only have two choices. Hunter or Scientist. Protector isn't an option."
#87142609Thursday, January 17, 2013 6:34 PM GMT

Kallum "Yeah? Well find someone to train you because it's not going to be me." I grunted, I was just about ready to close the door again.
#87143511Thursday, January 17, 2013 7:04 PM GMT

"Ah." Val says, turning towards the door. "Know I'll be watching you." ~The penguins are watching.~ ~Always watching.~
#87145042Thursday, January 17, 2013 7:42 PM GMT

Jacob "I don't think you realize I choose that I wanted to be a hunter. I could easily become a scientist, that would actually be kind of fun. I would be able to boss people like you around when I am older. I just don't like the idea of studying the Disease. It also wouldn't be impossible to become a Protector. They would love to have a Scientist's kid on their side. I just don't like the 'Traitor' side of that," he said. The last part was a bit of a lie. Actually most of what he said was a lie... "My parents wanted you as to be my mentor for a reason, I don't know why but for some reason they think it would help...? But if I tell them my Mentor refuses to teach me that just won't end well... I don't think they would be willing to find some one ELSE to teach me."
#87146893Thursday, January 17, 2013 8:18 PM GMT

Kallum "HA! If they're so sure they should have asked me face to face rather than lumber me with it like I'd just go along. You walked out on me TWICE and I don't like making mistakes twice and ESPECIALY not thrice... just go home or find someone else." I grumbled, stepped inside and reached out my hand to close the door. Fedral "What?... what do you want!?" I asked, a little bit crept out but she seemed to disappeared, I sighed heavily, "Why is everyone so crazy, lately." I mo.aned then did my best to continue meditating.
#87146995Thursday, January 17, 2013 8:20 PM GMT

Val quickly walks back to where the boy's house was, and sat down on the front steps. Waiting to see his reaction when he went home himself. ~The penguins are watching.~ ~Always watching.~
#87147527Thursday, January 17, 2013 8:30 PM GMT

(How do they watch?) Fedral I spent barley ten minutes before I began to succumb to boredom, I opened my eyes and slouched in annoyance, "I can't even feel it happening so I have no way to tell if it's working." I groaned to myself, "And it's so BORING." I complained, picking myself up. "I suppose I could go take a better look at the power station... my days are quite bleak so that little scuffle was quite interesting for me even though I wish I'd avoided it." I though to myself as I went to the exit.
#87147773Thursday, January 17, 2013 8:35 PM GMT

ALWAYS ~The penguins are watching.~ ~Always watching.~
#87148324Thursday, January 17, 2013 8:43 PM GMT

Jacob "Well they are busy. Didn't they tell you who my parents were? Nicholas and Morgan Tran?" He asked. His parents were actually pretty high up in the Scientists, not at the top but nearly there. His parents were the heads of something... Though he could never remember exactly what.
#87149716Thursday, January 17, 2013 9:03 PM GMT

Kallum "Pft! I don't care, tell them if they're serious they should come to be face to face." I advise him them close the door, he better not knock again because I needed to get ready for more hunting today... after last night I need some therapeutic evolved captures.
#87150385Thursday, January 17, 2013 9:12 PM GMT

Jacob Despite knowing the conversation was over he knocked again. His parents honestly couldn't care if he was a Hunter or a Scientist. They did choose Kallum as his mentor though, and they would not be happy if Jacob told them Kallum refused to teach him. Even though Jacob really did not want to be apprenticed he figured he should still try as long as he was here. And he never got to finish talking. The door was always closed before he could really say anything important.
#87156307Thursday, January 17, 2013 10:25 PM GMT

Kallum I decided the best thing to do would be to ignore it until he left so I went back to eating my makeshift breakfast.
#87157246Thursday, January 17, 2013 10:35 PM GMT

Jacob No answer. He frowned, wondering if he should leave. He didn't have much to do today, unless his parents called him asking for help. He sat on the ground, leaning against the hallway wall directly opposite the apartment. "Now just to find a game," he muttered as he took out his phone.
#87161245Thursday, January 17, 2013 11:21 PM GMT

Kallum I finished off my sandwich and went to do a few stretches, hunting started from early in the day and I intended to start as soon as possible.
#87163724Thursday, January 17, 2013 11:45 PM GMT

Evolved: Name:Leonardo (Leo) Scott Gender:Male Personality (Not Required):Easily angered, will go after any who are more powerful, or seek to take power from him. Usualy at good terms with anyone who shares his views or will ally. Appearance: Shifts between human and reptillian humanoid. In human form: silghtly shorter than boys his age. Brown/Blonde hair. Grey eyes. Items (You can have some weapons but not many):N/A Powers/ Gifts/ Mutations: Ability to transfer into a humaniod/reptile form. Enhanced speed and sight in reptilian form. (Don't go overboard.) Bio (At least something):A decendant of some of the earliest of the Evolved. Has spent most of his life hunting down scientists who study the evolved, beleiving they can make him more powerful. Other:N/A
#87164550Thursday, January 17, 2013 11:54 PM GMT

Not accepted. Every Evolved is a descedant of the earliest Evolved! There is a .0000000000000000000000001 chance that you aren't one of their descedants. Its kind of hard to not be if you are born on an island of only Evolved. Until recently all people roleplaying as Evolved have come from the ISLAND and there are NO scientists on the island. That means you can't spend most of your life hunting them down, unless you are only a few months old. If you are only a few months old you can't hunt down anyone... If you are going to say you can transform between two forms and go ahead to describe the human form also describe the reptillian form.
#87165052Friday, January 18, 2013 12:00 AM GMT
