#84764273Thursday, December 20, 2012 2:27 AM GMT

-Daemon- I walked into the sword grounds and was greeted by the sounds of sharpened blades slamming against targets. I sighed of contentment; I was home. I ventured until I eventually found Amanda. Also a member of the Hades cabin, she had similar characteristics to me; pale skin, dark black hair, greenish grey eyes. She had a boney figure, but she put t to good use. "Hey," I said with a small smile as I approached her. She looked back at me, returning the smile as she struggled to catch her breath. "T'sup?" She replied, breathing heavily.
#84764568Thursday, December 20, 2012 2:30 AM GMT

(Naw, Pat is son of Hephaestus, god of blacksmiths and fire. If pat were sun of Apollo he would use light.) Pat- I start to shove the pieces together, Making nothing in particular, just making what fits into what fits. I leave my room after making a glob of metal that does nothing and I leave the cabin. "Gods I hope the Ares kids are still made," I mutter and walk to the lake to get water for my bloody hand.
#84764613Thursday, December 20, 2012 2:30 AM GMT

[sleep time, bye] After that little scene, I decided to go practice on my archery skills, so I headed to my cabin, waving to some new half-brothers I recently met, got my bow, and headed to the archery station.
#84764671Thursday, December 20, 2012 2:31 AM GMT

Marcus My eyes scanning around, all was clear, sliding one of my few c.igarettes out, I put it to my lips, striking a match and lighting it. I was never truely sure if smoking was not aloud here, but I found it smarter to just not even ask. I had been the occasional smoker for quite a few years now, the urge only really coming when I was stressed.
#84764817Thursday, December 20, 2012 2:32 AM GMT

-Henry- I walk into the sword training arena and go over to the training dummies to warm up.
#84766510Thursday, December 20, 2012 2:50 AM GMT

Pat- I dip my hand in water and rush it, I then leave to sword fight. Though I used a hammer, sword was assential.
#84790702Thursday, December 20, 2012 3:04 PM GMT

Robin I heard a fight had gone out. I find that pretty pathetic, considering the circumstances. Newcomers touring, holiday season, and it's only breakfast. By the time I was still thinking, I was in the sword training area. This was my main combat, my patron god being Athena, so I was usually very good in this area of technique. Although I never carry a sword or anything with me, I still enjoy using them. I grab a sword and close my eyes, tilting my head downwards. I slashed out once, twice, and on the third one, I slammed the sword down, landing directly at where the heart would be if the dummy had one. There was also a slash mark across the neck and the stomach from the first two slashes. I took a few steps back and repeated this process, then doing various styles.
#84804946Thursday, December 20, 2012 8:15 PM GMT

"Camphalfblood"The girl replied. "You might want to go explore soon. There's a lot of people around that might help you around."She smiled then walked off.
#84806073Thursday, December 20, 2012 8:32 PM GMT

-Henry- I do some basic stretches then draw one of my swords from its sheath on my back, I step up to two of the training dummies, my sword at my side, I twist it up from my side and slash at the dummies neck and with the back-cut of the same stroke I slice its chest sending straw everywhere.
#84813160Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:00 PM GMT

Pat- I look at a training dummy, it was sagged and had previous cuts on it. I picked up a short sword and used light slashes, the human skin was soft so you didn't need much effort to cut people. I left many small cuts across it and then I Used one good slash at the weakened spot and drove into it. My breathing was heavy but I needed no rest. I dropped the sword and went over to another, the abilities of a demi-god were supposed to mature as you grew up, but I tried to force them. I had met Hephaestus once before and he seemed very grumpy. I thought that he thought I was pathetic. He probably was just grumpy because the gods outcast him.
#84813324Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:02 PM GMT

-Henry- I drawn my second sword and start slicing and dicing the dummy, soon all thats left is a pole with allot of straw and parts of bags on the ground.
#84814629Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:17 PM GMT

-Dameon- I stood at the dummy next to Amanda. I did some basic stretches, starting with my legs, and then moving onto my torso and back, and then ending with my arms and shoulders. I took a shaky breath; I always got accepted before enterign combat. Not jitters, just... excited. I shook my hands, feeling my warm blood course through my veins. I reached for my scythe, my primary weapon. I made one large slash to the right, then another to the left. I twirled the scythe in my hand before launching myself into the dummy, the staff of the scythe landing where the dummy's throat would be.
#84814762Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:19 PM GMT

-Henry- I do some complicated combinations on some of the other dummies, each ending with either the dummy being beheaded or stabbed in the heart.
#84815524Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:27 PM GMT

Robin Slash once, twice, three times, and pressure. I placed my palm on the chest and shot a bolt of pressure into his chest, making it nearly snap. I then hopped backwards and aimed my sword at the dummy, as if it just said something I didn't like. Then, to finish it off, I slashed it once to the right, beheading the dummy.
#84815781Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:30 PM GMT

Marcus Finishing off my bud, I was calm, and cool. Heading to the arena, I first started with simply my hands. I did a flying kick to the head, hooking my foot in the shoulder, using the momentum and my body weight to throw myself behind the dummy, where I curved mid air landing on my free foot, before spinning and punching the dummy in the back of the head. I switched between three dummies, mixing boxing with judo, switching with other styles, sometimes using street knowledge, and moving with expert timing.
#84816461Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:37 PM GMT

-Henry- I turn to 2 dummies that are next to eachother, I slice one across the chest with one sword while swiping upward with my second sword at the other dummy making a deep gash in it's chest. Spinning around I slice both swords through both dummies at once, I twirl both swords back around after the spinning slice and stab them forward driving a sword up to the hilt into each dummies chest.
#84817222Thursday, December 20, 2012 10:44 PM GMT

-Meerki- I ran to the training arena and took my daggers out of my pocket. I ran up to a dummy, jumped, and sliced his head off. I turn around and kick an arm off.
#84821551Thursday, December 20, 2012 11:26 PM GMT

-Daemon- I was about to reach for my dagger to finish the dummy when a ringing came in my ear. I stepped away and turned my attention to the PA system. They were made by Hephaestus, but that was about... oh, 2,000 years ago? And it needed to be updated. "Is this thing on?" Dionysus' familiar voice came over the intercom. "Yes, it is. And the whole camp can here you right now," Chiron replied. I smiled; gotta love him. "Ah, hello lovable campers. We'll be having a, ah... what did you call it again?" "An assembly," Chiron answered, but it was barely audible over the sound of Dionysus opening a can of his diet soda. There was a pause, and he was probably downing the thing. "Right. An assembly. Head over to the Mess Hall for an assembly." He burped, and then the announcement was over.
#84821700Thursday, December 20, 2012 11:27 PM GMT

Robin In the midst of beheading another dummy, I stopped, placed the sword in the holder and left to the mess hall for the assembly. I don't remember hearing about an assembly... Hmm..
#84822991Thursday, December 20, 2012 11:40 PM GMT

-Daemon- I stood up straight. "You hear anyth-" I began, turning to look at Amanda, but she was already gone. That was Amanda; stealthy as a cat. I put my scythe bat in it's sheath on the back and walked towards the Mess Hall.
#84833971Friday, December 21, 2012 1:22 AM GMT

Meerki Right as I was about to finish the dummy off, I ran to the mess hall for the assembly.
#84834114Friday, December 21, 2012 1:23 AM GMT

[ono can i still join??] and cue the evil laughter
#84834363Friday, December 21, 2012 1:25 AM GMT

[Yes, and I'll accept you, unless the obvious reasons :)]
#84834576Friday, December 21, 2012 1:27 AM GMT

[wwwoooot thanks ouo ill work on it right now] and cue the evil laughter
#84835642Friday, December 21, 2012 1:37 AM GMT

(Hey!! Is it too late to join?? uwu)