#86883796Sunday, January 13, 2013 6:57 PM GMT

Sketch is one of my besties :D "I'll evacuate the customers, you call the Navy!"
#86884473Sunday, January 13, 2013 7:04 PM GMT

(Enzo, should we just start in the arena. Most Hunger Games threads I see die because they start before the games, and slowly people trickle out of the thread. But if we go straight into the action it might work better. Just an idea.)
#86893934Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:49 PM GMT

(Yeah I agree)
#86912456Monday, January 14, 2013 12:15 AM GMT

#86961634Monday, January 14, 2013 10:12 PM GMT

When can we start this?
#86966275Monday, January 14, 2013 11:12 PM GMT

(Hmmm I think we should start at the train, time skip by just saying there was a tour, then we should do the chariot introducing the tributes, time skip the training except for maybe a few comments to get the tributes to know eachother, have a short interview, and maybe a short final results then start fine or should we probably time skip a little more?)
#86967125Monday, January 14, 2013 11:22 PM GMT

(WAAAY MORE TIME SKIP! Like, "They all rode on the train...." TIME SKIP. "Their chariot outfits were...." TIME SKIP. "The thing where the gamemakers decide your score, and then the showing of the scores..." TIME SKIP. "They are lifted up into the arena.")
#86969767Monday, January 14, 2013 11:51 PM GMT

(We should just start and see where it leads because some people have probably already left.)
#86972142Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:14 AM GMT

(Actually guys I have no idea how this thread came back to life I proclaimed it dead like a month or to ago but it came back without me realizing so some older members are already gone anyways I agree on highs thing we will start on the train ride but not much detail on it just how te tributes think about it and how it looks that's all then we time skip by saying they are led to rooms goodnight next morning in Capitol they go to the opening chariot thing time skip by them going to sleep. A bit in the training.. Time skip... Final scores pronounced... Hungergames.)
#86972412Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:17 AM GMT

(Sooo....) Evangeline I'm on a train with some one who's name I didn't care enough about to remember, riding to some place that I don't care enough about to care about it, to compete in the Games, which my sister was killed in. Well at least the Games have caught my interest.
#86972914Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:21 AM GMT

Mason I sit, gazing out of the window of the train. I knew almost for certain I was going to be killed in these games, I just hoped it wasn't going to be falling off of something or some stupid way like that. I wondered how far away our destination was.
#86973119Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:23 AM GMT

Enzo sighed and looked out the window of the train. All around him was trees, trees and dirt, a few other districts around but nothing else. He sat in his seat bored and upset, he never dreamed the hunger games would be this saddening. A full plate of food was in front of him and the other tribute looked at him sensing something was wrong. Her name was Prim after a flower. They had been friends since the first day Enzo saw her in kindergarten. Enzo sighed again. "What's wrong? Is it about your parents?"She asked. Enzo just sighed unable to get a good reply, she then sighed back. "I'm going to bed. We can talk in the morning when you arrive." Enzo's mentor and the announcer for their district advised Enzo get some rest. So Enzo sat up leaving his plate and went to sleep in his compartment, not caring how hungry he was. (We are officially starting)
#86973245Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:24 AM GMT

Pallo I sit on the train, not even daring to look outside. I just want to go back home, I don't want to die in some cruel "game". I lean my head back and close my eyes. (Have to go offline, sorry :0)
#86975722Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:47 AM GMT

Erin- Erin sat on the train across from someone named Nick. He knew he wouldn't need to remember it, nor get along with him. He knew he was going to go solo. Just sprint at the throwing knives and bags, he'd be perfectly fine for a while. He wasn't sure, however, about winning. Erin had watched the few hunger games he could remember, and in each at least one person died from... Nightlock, it was? He sighed and picked at his food.
#86976467Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:55 AM GMT

Mason I didn't pay attention to the girl next to me. I think her name was Sophia, or something like that. I continue to look out the window. The trees and foliage that passed by fascinated me, as growing up in the agriculture district kind of did that to you. I was getting bored though, just sitting here. I stood up and headed for the bathroom so I could take a break from sitting.
#87008421Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:15 PM GMT

Alice I stare out the window. I don't know the person next to me, neither do I care, not until we reach capital. I finally get to go! I was chosen when I was 13 but some stupid person volunteered for me. What are they going to dress me as at the chariot ride, a rock? A brick? Who knows. My Districts Masonry so probably something stupid like that. I'm so bored, can we just get this over with? Let someone win already. I lean back in my seat, how long has it been since I slept? A couple of days maybe? I slowly drift into a peaceful sleep.
#87008777Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:29 PM GMT

Sophia I sigh, watching the boy next to me get up and walk off. I just shrugged, I think his name was Mason, oh well. I wonder what my family was doing right now, after I left for the Games. They were probably worrying, hoping I made it out alive or not.. I shake my head, trying not to think about what was going to happen next.. Was I going to make it or was I just going to die? I couldn't answer this question. not now. I glance out the window, watching all the trees and flowers of the sort disappear growing up in the Agricultural District was fine though it was some work.
#87012132Tuesday, January 15, 2013 6:40 PM GMT

Alice I wake up, the other persons still sat next to me I get up, as for not feeling comfortable, and wonder around the train till I find my room. I collapse on my bed. Wow it is comfy! I fall into a deep sleep.
#87015173Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:04 PM GMT

Evangeline I stare blankly at the buffet of food in front of me. I have no one to come home to even if I DO win. I guess that's good, in a way. I've seen the capital use loved ones agaisnt some people. I swear I'll never allow myself to fall in love.
#87016622Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:30 PM GMT

Alice I wake up and sigh deeply, I never want to leave this bed, it's so warm and comfy... I pull myself off of it though and make my way to the buffet car- I'm feeling quite peckish I wonder if they've got any rose-hip flower? It make me starving just thinking of them... What is with me? They won't have anything like that here! It's all top-notch here, kisses here, pricey food here, high pitched laughter over there, it makes me sick. Or maybe they've got some olives, they've got them here right? RIGHT? I start to hyperventilate at the thought of no rose-hip OR olives.. What has this world come to?
#87017363Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:42 PM GMT

(lol) Evangeline I scowl at brownie in front of me. This would cost more than all of my districts money combined. My district's chaperone person slides into the seat next to me with some kind of wet dessert. "Have you tried this yet?" she asks cheerily. I shake my head and nod toward the brownie. "Oh, that silly thing! I bet it isn't even moist! MINE is moist." She sticks her index finger into the middle fo my brownie and the laughs. "Oh forgive me, it IS moist!!!" I look unbelievably at her. "You poked my brownie!" I just need something to be mad about. "Oh, it's fine sweetie, you can just get another!!" she says. I gape at her as she exits the room.
#87019275Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:10 PM GMT

Pallo I sigh and see what food there is to eat. I try the punch and take a small spoon full of it. As soon as I put it into my mouth, I spit it out all over the floor. The punch here is so sweet... I decide to not eat anything but the chicken.
#87022766Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:57 PM GMT

Evangeline Pallo, the other tribute from my district, has just sprayed punch all over the floor. I hop over to him, avoiding the wet spots. "Hey," I greet him, thinking I should do SOMETHING rather than mope around all day. "I'm Evangeline. Nice to meet you," I lie.
#87024621Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:21 PM GMT

Pallo "Pallo" I say. "Nice to meet you..."
#87025233Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:28 PM GMT

Evangeline I nod. I hate my life.