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#8575103Saturday, May 16, 2009 1:46 AM GMT

I have a few things I would like to suggest to allow scripters to use that I'm fairly sure wouldn't allow exploits if made properly. 1. Allow server communication, meaning allowing numbers, tables, strings, functions, userdata, etc., to be stored within something that all servers for that place can access continually. Not allowing html etc. to be added as a string or otherwise to prevent access of the website. This would be good because it would allow scripts to share things such as a list of banned players so that when a player is banned by the owner or one of their personal game moderators all the servers will know when the table can be accessed from all the games servers. This could be accessed through a global object something like _G.ServerCom which would be a table that you put values in and are added to the website in some way, or something similar, I'm not too picky about this part. 2. Allow editing of a low priority GUI (meaning shown underneath as well as not as important) allowing positioning and scaling using X and Y for on screen pictures that will NOT affect or allow access to the current GUI. This would be nice to use for things such as huds for things like a strategy game where you have many options and need menu's for people to click on (could be checked using X and Y positions of the mouse in a tool (or a later idea that I haven't said yet)) allowing easy maneuvering through menu's unlike the current method of using key's and hint's, or even how xLEG0x did it using mouse cursors. Instead of being accessed through a global value this could be accessed like an object in game using Instance.new("GuiObject") or selecting Insert - GuiObject. The properties of the object could be something like as follows: Xposition, Yposition, Xscale (The texture would be stretched to fit, much like a decal on a part), Yscale, Texture, Text (only texture OR text could be displayed on one), Measurements (Would be an Enum value of Pixels or Percent), Name, className, Archiviable, Parent. It could work much like a hint or a message along with a decal or texture where the rest would be handled by the game, it could be put in the workspace just like a hint or message, but would be able to display like a decal or texture with a picture. 3. Access to the mouse and keyboard through players, so that we can find out when they click and where they click, or when they type and where they type without a tool or hopperbin. This would work the exact same way as a hopperbin when it passes the Selected event, or a tool when it passes the Equipped event. It would be just as safe, just as a hidden property in the player object, or something similar. This could help with things like GuiObjects mentioned above, for when they click. Or for clicking bricks to tell who clicked them instead of using a click detector. This could also be used to check when someone types something without typeing it (maybe a secret code for a door, or a quiz place) so that other players can't see. There are so may possabilities for this. It would be very simple, it would pass the same way as the mouse in the Selected/Equipped events except through a property. It could be a property in the player object called Input or something like that, and would work the same way (game.Players.Player.Input.Button1Down:connect(function)). When a player looks at the properties of the player object, they could either see nothing listed for Input, or they could see the Input property, with the name of the Event being passed currently (Button1Down, Moved, nothing...). 4. Full access to the humanoid object instead of just the events like jumped, or the properties like jumping. It would be very useful in finding what a player is doing and would allow better control over characters (including human ones and AI ones lol). This could be used for things such as a mind control tool that will give much better access to commands than jump, sit, walk, etc. and allow things like selecting tools and hopperbins, and removing hats/tools, and activating tools or clicking the mouse on hopperbins, and all kinds of other things. It would also allow people to not control certain things, like not being able to jump, but still being able to walk up stairs/ladders, or not being able to walk and only jump. This would take a lot of work, and I'm not sure how to do it because I have no idea what causes these things to happen. 5. Much similar to number 4, but with vehicleseats. This would allow full access to vehicle seats through scripting. It could check for any hinges attached in any directions, etc. Again, I don't know how to do it because I don't know what causes them. I would appreciate it if someone like Telamon, or MrDoomBringer would comment on these ideas. It is also much appreciated to get feedback that is constructive and not just saying that its bad or its good, I would like to know why you feel that way about it, and specifically how you feel about each idea. Didn't read it? Too long? Then please don't post.
#8575208Saturday, May 16, 2009 1:49 AM GMT

5 Good ideas kid, I would like these on ROBLOX. -'3D'-
#8575374Saturday, May 16, 2009 1:53 AM GMT

Thank you, but I would still like to know why you like them. Its ok to say, but I would appreciate to know why.
#8575376Saturday, May 16, 2009 1:53 AM GMT

(Just skimmed it, I apologize in advance for mistakes) 1. I have heard talk from Telamon on twitter about talk about this. 2. Been suggested, and I've heard MDB say something about this. 3. Supposedly being made. 4. We have all access except for the modification it has on physics. 5. GetJoints() would be a cool method.
#8575468Saturday, May 16, 2009 1:56 AM GMT

Yeah, I knew some were suggested before and were being talked about, I wanted to give my input about it and compile ideas on how they could work. I like the GetJoints() thing a lot too, and you could pass an argument in it even too, it would just be a bool for recursive to get through just that part, or to get it through all parts connected.
#8575852Saturday, May 16, 2009 2:06 AM GMT

great ideas!
#8576045Saturday, May 16, 2009 2:12 AM GMT

Thanks for the support, the way I have this planned out I think its a Win-Win-Win-Win, because the Scripters will like it for the new applications for scripting, the Developers will like it because it won't take a whole lot of work since most of the stuff is already created, just not accessable, the Players will like it because it will improve the quality and "funness" of games, and the Moderators will like it because the way I have it planned is very secure.
#8577125Saturday, May 16, 2009 2:38 AM GMT

Lastalon: The man with the plan! Good job :D
#8577317Saturday, May 16, 2009 2:42 AM GMT

Yippeh for me. I just wish I thought of this yesterday so admins would have seen it today instead of on Monday. lol.
#8577686Saturday, May 16, 2009 2:51 AM GMT

I'm going to use that as a quote Bouyer.
#8580075Saturday, May 16, 2009 4:06 AM GMT

If anyone else has ideas such as these I would be glad to modify it so its like the ideas I posted.
#8580407Saturday, May 16, 2009 4:19 AM GMT

I suggested GUI's before, it was like a window that you can move around and roblox draws the window, not the windows os. You add buttons and text boxes and use scripts to handle buttons clicked, enter key pressed, etc.
#8580464Saturday, May 16, 2009 4:22 AM GMT

I like all of your ideas too.
#8581223Saturday, May 16, 2009 5:04 AM GMT

i d not know how to script,but that seemed like a good idea
#8594681Saturday, May 16, 2009 4:53 PM GMT

Thanks for the feedback everyone.
Top 100 Poster
#8594952Saturday, May 16, 2009 4:59 PM GMT

I like it
#8595240Saturday, May 16, 2009 5:06 PM GMT

Are there any other suggestions from people?
#8597131Saturday, May 16, 2009 5:53 PM GMT

I dont get any of those xD Could you explain please?
#8597167Saturday, May 16, 2009 5:54 PM GMT

Thats what I did in the first post lol.
#8597205Saturday, May 16, 2009 5:55 PM GMT

I still dont get 'em I have been kinda distracted lately :l
#8597297Saturday, May 16, 2009 5:58 PM GMT

1. Communtication through servers of the same place. 2. Arranging graphics and text on screen. 3. Recieving user input of the mouse and keyboard without a tool/hopperbin. 4. Full control of the humanoid object. 5. Full control of the vehicleseat object.
#8597326Saturday, May 16, 2009 5:59 PM GMT

Okay Dokay Pokay
#8644165Sunday, May 17, 2009 8:12 PM GMT

Any other comments on this from anyone?
#8699478Tuesday, May 19, 2009 8:49 PM GMT

I just have an update for the GUI object, it would also be able to be inserted into the player object and work like a hint/message would where only that player can see it.
#10394125Tuesday, June 30, 2009 5:40 PM GMT

My brain hurts...

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