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#85757976Monday, December 31, 2012 4:03 AM GMT

As Mr SethiXZon Quoted: ROBLOX has quite a few talented editors and cinematographers; and said creators are always willing to produce content for ROBLOX; which in turn offers free advertising. The last contest we had was an absolute disaster. Instead of focusing on the quality of the trailer; it instead focused on how well the owner could market said place; all of which were already relatively popular. This is an example of excellent marketing; but is completely unrelated to the spirit of video production. I propose a new ROBLOX-themed video contest with a unique hat as a prize (much like the older contests). The winners of this contest would be decided by ROBLOX; as is usual; and only a few of the entries would be selected; as was customary last year. ~xXArclordrpgXx~
#85797635Monday, December 31, 2012 5:31 PM GMT

and when would this be held? Logic doesn't hurt.. That much..
#85804903Monday, December 31, 2012 6:52 PM GMT

Like SethiXzon said, it's an idea; for ROBLOX the company to have another video contest. ~xXArclordrpgXx~

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