#86334882Sunday, January 06, 2013 2:38 AM GMT

Pilar stares at him right back. "But the rebels. They are coming back..."
#86335218Sunday, January 06, 2013 2:41 AM GMT

Ransom sighs "We will be careful. 'Tis probably a two day trip by foor..." "I'll evacuate the customers, you call the Navy!" - Squidward Tentacles
#86335308Sunday, January 06, 2013 2:42 AM GMT

Pilar nods then stops. 'But... they are closer..." (Good night!)
#86343874Sunday, January 06, 2013 4:04 AM GMT

#86343959Sunday, January 06, 2013 4:05 AM GMT

Ransom looked to hiss sister. "I will protect you. I prmise." "I'll evacuate the customers, you call the Navy!" - Squidward Tentacles
#86344788Sunday, January 06, 2013 4:14 AM GMT

Pilar nodded. "Same for you."
#86344862Sunday, January 06, 2013 4:14 AM GMT

Ransom rolled his eyes and began trudging through the thicket. "I'll evacuate the customers, you call the Navy!" - Squidward Tentacles
#86360196Sunday, January 06, 2013 7:42 AM GMT

(Bump.) ~Awesomehayden123 is away~
#86373570Sunday, January 06, 2013 2:38 PM GMT

Annie She was one of the last slaves to leave the castle. A few remained, but with the royal family gone those who had initially remained had fled. The others had gone on without her, and Annie paused every now and then before darting through another street to get closer to the wall. She was distracted by a blacksmith, and she hurried over. She pulled at her identification bracelet, then slid it against the blade of a sword and attempted to saw it off. The bracelet fell off quickly, and she rubbed her wrist where it had been. It was odd. The bracelet had been on for nine years. She wiped the blood away from a small scratch she had earned during the process and then continued on her way.
#86420291Sunday, January 06, 2013 11:43 PM GMT

(Will the rebels eventually take the castle?)
#86420363Sunday, January 06, 2013 11:44 PM GMT

(They will, but it'll be taken back for the kingdom.) ~Awesomehayden123 is away~
#86420450Sunday, January 06, 2013 11:45 PM GMT

(Bummer, anyways, how many characters can we have?)
#86420475Sunday, January 06, 2013 11:45 PM GMT

Pilar follows. "Brother... what if Father is hurt?"
#86421345Sunday, January 06, 2013 11:55 PM GMT

(I don't care.) Ransom looks to his sibling. "He will be fine." ~Awesomehayden123 is away~
#86421826Monday, January 07, 2013 12:00 AM GMT

Pilar dares not think of Father. She continues to trudge on. ~If you find a piece of skin in the potato peelings, it's mine~
#86421985Monday, January 07, 2013 12:02 AM GMT

(Nice sig.) Apparently, the carriage had stopped overnight, for they could soon see the towering castle on the hill ahead. "There it is!" Ransom exclaimed excitedly. ~Awesomehayden123 is away~
#86422089Monday, January 07, 2013 12:03 AM GMT

Pilar grins and looks at Buddy-Bear. "Buddy-Bear needs to be repaired. In the meantime, lets have a race!"
#86422208Monday, January 07, 2013 12:04 AM GMT

Ransom smiled. "We'll need to race on the path, not the thicket." he helped Pilar out of the brush and drew a line in the path, putting his foot on it. "Ready?" he asked. ~Awesomehayden123 is away~
#86422395Monday, January 07, 2013 12:06 AM GMT

Pilar nods. "Go!" She shouts, surging forward.
#86422532Monday, January 07, 2013 12:08 AM GMT

Ransom easily pulled ahead of his younger sister, for he had 6 more years of training. ~Awesomehayden123 is away~
#86422733Monday, January 07, 2013 12:10 AM GMT

Pilar sees that she is falling back, so she begins to run harder and faster.
#86422932Monday, January 07, 2013 12:12 AM GMT

Ransom looks back to see Pilar going hard. Not noticing, he trips on a bump in the path, falling right on his face. He groans as he sits up, a long slash from his jaw to his chin. There was a sharp branch or root coming out from the path. ~Awesomehayden123 is away~
#86423393Monday, January 07, 2013 12:16 AM GMT

Pilar stops in her tracks when Ransom falls. She quickly turns and runs to him. "Are you alright?" She asks.
#86423600Monday, January 07, 2013 12:19 AM GMT

Ransom nods, wiping blood from his face. "I am alright. Let's keep going." ~Awesomehayden123 is away~
#86423714Monday, January 07, 2013 12:20 AM GMT

Pilar shakes her head. "No. We are walking the rest of the way."