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#86245642Saturday, January 05, 2013 4:39 AM GMT

Game developers who've proved themselves worthy in programming, building, or successfully developing a game that not only gets popular, but isn't copied or full of free models or a quick build with a misleading title should get a badge. Now, this badge isn't just any badge. It's a badge that is handed out to developers NOT just for the purpose of having a 'shiny new badge,' like most Roblox badges are. No, it's a badge handed out so that when we see front page games, we can differentiate the fake ones from the real ones. The jaredvaldez games from the daxter33 games. This badge will show us, with a quick glance, games developed by developers signed as successful and solid creators. ------------------- A second idea to add on to this one is how badges will be distributed. Roblox moderation and administrators can hand out these badges, along with badge moderators (people who can also hand out badges but aren't Roblox staff). These people are SUPER qualified, people who have themselves in Roblox blog. People like daxter33, redditor, Amazeman, EBR staff, etc. These people can hand out creative badges to people they see on the front page who have made good games such as Gusmanak, TheGamer101, Seranok, d4rk886, and many more. These developers have proved themselves skilled at making fun games which are original and took time to create. ------------------- Final idea is a FORCED categorization (unlike the primary categorizing) that says whether a game is for quick play or long-term play. Games like ESCAPE THE SPONGEBOB or CLIMB 1000 STEPS would be quick play. They are one time things that people usually under 12 would play. Games that have data persistence and other long-term type things (not obbies) would be long-term play. This idea is a little less plausible, but is still an idea.
#86245823Saturday, January 05, 2013 4:41 AM GMT

I read everything, and fully support. Also, the badge should be displayed as a Verification of the original owner of the game.
#86245954Saturday, January 05, 2013 4:43 AM GMT

Hmm, that would be nice. Support. ~ The WNTS Police ~
#86246446Saturday, January 05, 2013 4:47 AM GMT

The main purpose is so when I go to the Games tab, I can see a distinct icon next to all the games with verified builders that way I can find games that are good and skip the others.
#86246761Saturday, January 05, 2013 4:51 AM GMT

I half support. Some good games never get to front page because of the misleading pic and title games. If you removed the front page...I'll have 100% support.
#86246924Saturday, January 05, 2013 4:52 AM GMT

#86246999Saturday, January 05, 2013 4:53 AM GMT

The point is that if a good builder finds a small time game which isn't getting any publicity but deserves it, they can give it the badge. This badge not only promotes the game (because people should be able to have the option to ONLY display verified games, just like displaying any game genre alone), but in a way suggests that user to make even more quality content and many other users like them because they are distinct and people can then go to them knowing they'll make quality content.
#86247044Saturday, January 05, 2013 4:54 AM GMT

What defines good development? And what about our Fort builders?? Thoes won't get on the front page.
#86247688Saturday, January 05, 2013 5:00 AM GMT

A valid point Bsr. Let's start with some basics: Nytraulics and redditor both have been on the spotlight on the Roblox Blog. People who have 6,000,000+ place views (mostly) are very talented programmers or builders. If moderators found, say, 30 solid builders and programmers who make nice games and get public for it and gave them permission to give anyone they feel equipped enough to make good games those badges to THEIR discretion, then there is no doubt in my mind that they would be picking very decent game developers as they are themselves. The people given those badges use their discretion on what is good development. If a fort can sustain front page, has people coming back for more and can sustain a popular amount of people not including their own members, then one of the 30 people would certainly find it worthy of being certified.
#86247761Saturday, January 05, 2013 5:01 AM GMT

#86248446Saturday, January 05, 2013 5:09 AM GMT

#86249689Saturday, January 05, 2013 5:25 AM GMT

#86250059Saturday, January 05, 2013 5:30 AM GMT

extreme support.
#86251970Saturday, January 05, 2013 5:55 AM GMT

#86252869Saturday, January 05, 2013 6:06 AM GMT

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