#86607189Wednesday, January 09, 2013 11:40 PM GMT

(we are at Ivarstead getting ready to climb the throat of the world.)
#86610012Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:11 AM GMT

(Sorry I wasnt on, I had School.) Ace: "Well then, ready to climb this thing??" I asked Leo.
#86612145Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:35 AM GMT

Leo: Alright but well take the short way out! You see I have a little dragon friend aka the one who attacked *coughs* You see I raised him from birth he was my first ever friend I found him in a cave very young! I took care and raised him learning a bit about dragons and him learning about me... Ether way he can't speak due to some assassins slicing his throat all he can do is shout... But he can still understand me! *whistles and suddenly a huge blustering shiny red dragon lands in front of me* Hey there charok! *it screeches* Good boy now lay down! *he sits down giving us a chance to get on him * You coming ace, Lilith?
#86612509Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:39 AM GMT

Ace: "Alright." I said as I followed Leo.
#86612736Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:42 AM GMT

((lets just pretend Lilith said the same thing since shes offline X-X)) Leo: Alright lets go! *we all climb the dragon ridding off, its kinda bumpy making you fall a bit to the side here and there but we finally land on a path, i jump on screaming at ace,lilith to come*Lets go!
#86612802Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:43 AM GMT

Ace: "Okay," I said as I ran towards Leo.
#86613467Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:51 AM GMT

*we start climbing the rest of the mountain going through some rough hail of by witch the dragon shields us through most of the may, we make our way up looking around there is a word wall and a small tiny crack near one of the rocks* Leo: charok! search around for that frozen man! *me and ace start searching the ground for holes but charok goes up to the small cracks and screeches at it* *the ground starts rumbling a bit and the crack gets bigger* Leo: Ace! look! a Daedric sword in that ice! Lets go check that out!
#86613645Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:53 AM GMT

Ace: I ran over to the sword. "That's It, alright.."
#86614042Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:58 AM GMT

*i grab the sword staring at it* Leo: Amazing.... beautiful just....amazing...well this is a keeper *i swing it around my hand and the crack starts getting bigger* hehehe look at this*i start swinging the sky not noticing the crack*
#86614173Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:59 AM GMT

My eyes open suddenly the crack enlargens and I RAWR making ace and leo fly back and my sword fall to the floor.
#86614534Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:03 AM GMT

*i jump up scared with my legs shaking* Leo: The hell?!?!?!?
#86614804Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:06 AM GMT

* Grabs the sword I try to hit you and your dragon gets in the way I stab it and then the dragon falls off the mountain with my sword* *I speak in ancient nord toungue* Magnus: tres bound to mei swand dovah derath
#86615047Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:09 AM GMT

*Leo is shocked from his best friend dieing* Leo: Nooooooo! *tears fill up his face and he takes out a gigantic ancient nord war hammer* HYAAAAA!*i slash hitting you making you go back various of times and causing you major injuries but for each shot you feel the world going slower and slower for you and my hits going faster* DIE!!! ((recommend you stop me ace ;3))
#86615370Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:13 AM GMT

*I begin to black out but then I see the wall and i remember hearing something before my freezage* 4E about to be frozen guard: Wheres magnus guard 2 : Wait a little longer then we will slay him. unconcious. * I open my eyes to being hit by the hammer and then before getting hit in the face i dodge the next hit and pull the hammer from you. ANT: thou fearl tee dos blood * i get a smile and my hands turn on fire*
#86615779Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:18 AM GMT

*leo's rage keeps building up* Leo: *leo kicks magnus in the knee and then round house kicks his face making him fall backwards he then goes on top of him and starts punching him not letting him move* DIE DIE DIE DIE! *suddenly a spell appears on my hand i jump back a bit and start freezing you and burning you by the second with dual spells in my hand*
#86615939Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:20 AM GMT

(I havent really done this type of RP in a long while, mainly due to my taste for Modern or Futuristic RPs, besides, out of all the overused and stale Fantasy gimmicks, so far this is the most original, though its based on a game more than anything) Also, Ive replaced "Hair" with "Appearance" and added "Personality" to the CS for the sake of allowing more detail to describe the character more, sorry if this is a problem, this is just to put more detail in. Name: Jack Suraez Age: 33 Race: Argonian Class: Knight Place of birth: Black Marsh (Where else?) Marital Status: Single Known relatives and friends: None History: He was a former Blades member, but due to a certian questionable order, he left and went into hiding, fortunately, now that the blades are gone, he is atleast able to adventure around without looking behind his back every few seconds. Appearance: His scales are a deep black, though there is a very slight tint of Purple. He has Purple marks around his face and has feathers that run along his head. he also has two horns exiting the back of his head, standing straight back. He has Violet-colored Eyes. he has a medium build. Personality: Usually a loner and dosent talk much, often silent. He always feels uneasy with people around, regardless of who they are. Despite this, he has a golden heart, often helping those in need when he can, and is overly selfless.
#86615991Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:20 AM GMT

* I cast a wall of fire and sidestep and drink my Vigrious healing potion then I speak* ANT: corocous shadiodoes lleme *I then run towards the word wall I climb it and jump high and land on your gut then use conjour storm atronatch as a protector as I search for a weapon*
#86616134Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:22 AM GMT

* Uses conjour greatsword and then I chant*
#86616208Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:23 AM GMT

Ace: "Leo!" I said as I used a spell to engulf my sword in flames. I slammed my sword down, and a blade of fire came towards the attacker.
#86616457Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:26 AM GMT

* Fire touches my leg but I summersalted back into my crack and I see a Ebony dagger i walk back out and I scream these words that make ace and leo question me* ANT : Dovah unt downt grey Osteler gremory brotherhood.
#86616667Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:28 AM GMT

((@two above rp character accepted)) Leo: this isnt! *suddenly a weird power surgeres over me that you feel it from deep inside* Die you ignorant peasant fool! *i slash rapidly cutting his chest in a X formation and his back theres a Z scar i did on him with a tiny little dagger* DIE!*i jump on his back bringing him to the floor and hold a knife to his neck and has a charged frostbite spell on the left hand*
#86616833Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:30 AM GMT

((i meant 3 above your character post is accepted))
#86616890Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:31 AM GMT

((ugh nyaa i meant 7 XD))
#86616986Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:31 AM GMT

* Suddenly my skin darkens and I get larger and hairy u stab me but my transformation already began I howl and then I become A werewolf * HOWL FRESH MEAT * i jump on you and slash at your chest but then I smell something STRANGE A shadowy figure lies atop the throat of the world*
#86617132Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:33 AM GMT

* I run up the mountain to confront the figure but when i get atop I lose balance and fall off the mountain*