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#86411050Sunday, January 06, 2013 9:59 PM GMT

The Zombies. We've fought em. The Big guys, gone to kill all of em, are dead. The Heroes working on a cure, dead. Chrome City is where it all started. And where the Survivors are. You are one of those people. The only safe place is the School. A normal school, but here the zombies are in control of themselves. They don't break out into monstrosity. Some say the Librarians are Magic. I say the School itself is magic. But so long as we are in these walls, we are safe. ~~~ Zombie Overview: Zombies remain like their normal selves until they break out into Monstrosity in a process called Velox Mors, Or just Mors for short. Then they are horrible monsters that eat human flesh or whatever meat they can find because their bodies have induced a hypermotabolism in order to remain still alive while being an undead creature of the d@mned. Although some kinds of zombies do not normally be theirselves. Some types will try to infect survivors, and believe humans to be the past and zombies the future. ~~~ Zombie Types: Hunter: Zombies who are somewhat like blood hounds, and will stop at no costs to kill humans once they find evidence in the area. (After Mors.) Mercinary: Zombies who are like hunters, but more merciful. They will follow survivors around and are actually very helpfull, and basically rarely become agressive. Mors is very Late-set in these kind of zombies, and they are one of the most common. Killer: an extrmeely agressive zombie, which is strong, and very smart. It will stop at nothing to kill humans-- even zombies. It will kill ANYTHING that gets in its way. Slow: A zombie that when it is infected, it automatically goes through Mors. After Mors, they are extremely slow, and die very quickly. Sneaker: A zombie who pretends to be nice and friendly until bam! bitten! It will be very nice for a minute or two, then when you ain't expecting it... It attacks. Mors can never be expected, and Mors is also very very fast. Corpse: A zombie who is very semingly dead until you get close to it. It will grab you and attempt to bite you after it goes through Mors (They aren't like these corpses before.). Carrier: A zombie who carries a weapon of some sort, they are friendly, but when they go through Mors.... you're screwed. These things will use its gu.n/melee weapon against you. These can change into Corpses or Lurkers if you only injure them, due to their slightly stronger state. Lurkers: These zombies pretend to be dead, like Corpses, but they get up if passed when Mors happens. Unlike other zombies, these will not attack immediately if Mors happens, they will bide their time and attack when someones close enough. ~~~ Areas (Most likely places of survival/finding food/ammo/water The School: A place where only children live other than the two Librarians, zombies take an extremely long time before they go through Mors. South Side: Crowded with zombies, and houses, lots of people originally tried to hole up in their houses until they left when they thought the zombies where nice. Thus, there can be some minor weapons, food, and water here. West side: The first place to be blocked off by the military. Lots of cars and corpses (Zombie kind) here. Probably lots of supplies in the cars. East side: Second place blocked off by the military. Some people managed to take this long route and get out, but the nearby highway was bombed, and turned into a military blockade. No one goes as far as the highway, in fear that the army is still there. Northern side: The last way out of the city, The roads out are all blocked off but there is still one way out. The Park Cavern is still open, but very dangerous. Who knows what zombies lurk in the dark? ~~~ Notes: This is based off a story that you can find at http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=77960826 Sorry, Zombies are non-playable. Administartors are: Coolredpanda10, Lien587, and Liensalt. The School is completely inhabited by Children (Both Zombie and Human) and Two Librarians. ~~~ CS Name: A.ge: (No under 9. No above 16.) Bio: (Opt) Appearance: Gender: Other: Writing Sample: (5+sentances of your own writing. Required.)
#86411127Sunday, January 06, 2013 9:59 PM GMT

(BTW, we did not steal Misterio587's story. I'm an alternate account.) "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
#86411525Sunday, January 06, 2013 10:03 PM GMT

(Je dis "bump".) "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
#86411638Sunday, January 06, 2013 10:05 PM GMT

google chrome city
#86412604Sunday, January 06, 2013 10:15 PM GMT

CS Name: Jake Erork A.ge: 16 Bio: N/A Appearance: Dark brown hair, Green eyes, Brown jacket white shirt, Blue jeans, Black shoes, 5"3 feet tall, little bloodstains on his jacket. Gender: Male Other: None Writing Sample: Jake looked at his house. A burning wreck, even Jake didn't know how the fire started. Jake watched as the fire trucks pulled up. Hours later, he had been told from a nurse in the hospital that his parents where dead. Jake couldn't believe it. Surely, his parents where alive... That was seven eight ago.
#86412948Sunday, January 06, 2013 10:19 PM GMT

Come on! Vous êtes un administrateur! Votre Apparence pue! Pas de biographie, aussi! "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
#86413352Sunday, January 06, 2013 10:23 PM GMT

(La dame gentil docteur dit que je suis vraiment spécial.) "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
#86546010Tuesday, January 08, 2013 11:28 PM GMT

(Dangit. Bump.)
#86553855Wednesday, January 09, 2013 12:57 AM GMT

Name: Agapi Gustafson A.ge: 12 Bio: Well, she lived with her godparents as long as she can remember, and earlier that year, the died, leaving her to run off to the school. Appearance: She has dark ginger hair that is thick, and curls down her neck. She has thin, sharp eyebrows that almost curl over her small, blue eyes. She has a relatively small nose, but a big mouth. She stands at about 5' with a petite frame. She wears a dark blue T-shirt (although the school provides clothing.) and brown pants, with a jade necklace dangling from her neck. Gender: Female Other: OK, why did you add this? There is no point to this. Writing Sample: I looked over my shoulder, to the massive crowd behind me. Most of these people were working in the Plasma Furnaces, and you can see why that job had a low mortality rate. Others were rich boat lovers, spoiled children, or just poor people that used up all of their money for this one comfort. It was sad, the su.cky economy of today. I looked out into the massive New York Harbor, gazing at the massive ship, The Titanic. This was going to be it's last voyage, after going back and forth for almost 200 years. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
#86557756Wednesday, January 09, 2013 1:41 AM GMT

Heres my imput to the story: The only building left standing after the plague, we all saw it, seeming to glow and stand out from all the rubble. It was a beautiful sight, a kfc remained at the corner of the street. One by one we all went in, my friend ordered a mash bowl with popcorn chicken and a diet coke, meanwhile I stuffed my face in a 9 piece extra crispy bucket with a side of potato wedges. After the full mean we all sat around and enjoyed ourselves, getting tired from a full stomache we all took a nap.
#86558764Wednesday, January 09, 2013 1:52 AM GMT

oh i luv it jk i copied this hole thing. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
#86614868Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:07 AM GMT

#86616503Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:26 AM GMT

Name:Erik Shively A.ge: 10 Bio: Eeik usaually lived with his parents until the plauge,after it happened his parents got killed by the Zombies and he had no choice but to flee to the School. Appearance:Erik has an average build and is 5'10, Erik's skin color is mixed and his eyes are brown and he has curly black hair. Erik has a scar on his right cheek and teeth are white. Erik also has strong arms. Gender:Make Other:He might did. Writing: "Mom,Dad!," I yelled as strange rotting undead figures bit them. "Run Erik,ru-," My parents were cut off from these strange creatures. Not knowing what to do I ran to school. Maybe by friends are there I thought. I was greiveing the whole way,thinkinh about my parents.
#86617439Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:36 AM GMT

Clothing? and please, Do something about the Appearance. Just maybe be more descriptive and use proper Grammar. Thank'ya very much. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
#86626608Thursday, January 10, 2013 3:22 AM GMT

(bump?) "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
#86723643Friday, January 11, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

(Zombie refreshment. That's what this was meant as. Just a new idea for zombies. I'm kinda sad.) "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
#86738285Saturday, January 12, 2013 2:04 AM GMT

(Ehh,well,i was looking through the roleplay forum pages for a zombie role-play and heres what i found ^^ A bit confusing,but hey. Beggars cant be choosers.) Name:Meg Arana A.ge: (No under 9. No above 16.)16 [:P] Bio: (Opt)Megs real name is actually Melissa,but she hates that name,so she makes everyone call her Meg.Before the Apocalypse,she was raised in a normal suburban house with a normal family.Mom.Dad.Little brother.. At school she was given the title 'Tomboy" because she never hung out with girls,and she often was,in fact,mistaken for a boy. In fact,there has been a few times where she almost had an interest in another girl.. She had been left in charge of the house for a week while her parents and little brother went on a vacation to Disney.She couldn't go because she had recently gotten in trouble for driving a car without a drivers license yet and was prohibited to go. Well,the week wasn't over before she found herself battling for her life. Personality(Added):Aggravated quickly,Hot-headed,Sarcastic,Etc,etc.. Appearance:She has dark brown hair cut in a very short messy-boy cute.As in,her hair didn't go past her neck and it was,in fact,something a boy would have.She is 5'11 and very tall for her age.She weighs between 120-130,Although recently(because of food shortages)shes been getting more skinny.She has dark blue eyes and her skin is fairly smooth,hence she has never worn make-up.She wears a dark black Hoodie and a white "No Homework" t-shirt.She has navy blue sweatpants and tennis shoes on. Gender:Female Other:None Writing Sample: (5+ sentences of your own writing. Required.) "Get the heck off me!"I screamed and kicked the attacking zombie off.He hit the wall with a loud cracking sound and i was sure his neck was broken. But i also knew that that wouldn't stop him.Heck,if it was that easy,it would be no different then fighting day-to-day person. The zombie stood back up and fixed its glowing red eyes on me. He screamed in-humanly and ran at me. I backed up,took out my gun,pointed at his head..and shot him in the forehead.
#86738459Saturday, January 12, 2013 2:06 AM GMT

Well, COuld you go to the Improvised one? There's a bit of editing done. http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=86729469 "What is the finest school in town? Sunnyside!" -J. Parthun
#86739270Saturday, January 12, 2013 2:15 AM GMT

(Ok.I did.)

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