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#8668487Monday, May 18, 2009 4:42 PM GMT

It's a typical year at Hogwarts....or is it? This is after Harry Potter left Hogwarts. Rules: No spamming No god modding No controlling other peoples characters Form: Name: Age: Appearance: Year at hogwarts? (If you're in your first year, you'd be 11. 2nd year, 12. And so on. Fourth year and under please.) House you're in? Bio: Name: Alex Reenstald Age: 14 Appearance: Tall, skinny, black hair that goes a it passed his ears, blue eyes. Year at hogwarts? 4th House you're in? Gryffindor Bio: One of the many Reenstalds, (Not going to list them all...) he has been surrounded by wizards his whole life. Name: Micheal Reenstald Age: 14 Appearance: A bit shorter than Alex, he has short blonde hair, blue eyes. Year at hogwarts? 4th House you're in? Gryffindor Bio: Same as Alex's. Name: Emily Reenstald Age: 13 Appearance: sorta tall, long brown hair, blue eyes. Year at hogwarts? 3rd House you're in? Gryffindor Bio: Same as the others.
Top 100 Poster
#8668530Monday, May 18, 2009 4:45 PM GMT

Name: Killer Age: 13 Appearance: http://visualrian.com/storage/PreviewWM/3804/41/380441.jpg Year at hogwarts? 3rd House you're in? Gryffiendor Bio:
#8668567Monday, May 18, 2009 4:47 PM GMT

Name: Soren Age: 11 Appearance: Tall and skinny. Alittle slim, has dirty brown hair (meaning brown and blond) and dark brown eyes. Year at hogwarts: 1st House: Gryffiendor Bio: He comes from a family not from wizards. He is eager to learn and always gets straight A's
Top 100 Poster
#8668593Monday, May 18, 2009 4:48 PM GMT

(Redoing sheet) Name: Dima Bilan Age:13 Appearance:http://visualrian.com/storage/PreviewWM/3804/41/380441.jpg Year at Hogwarts: 3rd Hosue: Gryffendor Bio: Loves to sing
#8668616Monday, May 18, 2009 4:50 PM GMT

(CHanging name to Soren RenCraft) Soren: *walking down halls*
#8668624Monday, May 18, 2009 4:50 PM GMT

Alex and Micheal were walking long the 3rd floor corridor, to Defense against the Dark Arts. Their teacher, Proffesor Arnolds, was the best teacher they'd had yet. "Man....wonder what he's got in store for us today, eh?" said Micheal. "Yeah.....I hope it's good." Alex replied.
Top 100 Poster
#8668632Monday, May 18, 2009 4:50 PM GMT

Dima: *Sat in Common Room*
Top 100 Poster
#8668637Monday, May 18, 2009 4:51 PM GMT

Dima*walks to Potions*
#8668652Monday, May 18, 2009 4:52 PM GMT

Soren: Lets see... *Looking at small list* Ah! Broom class. *keeps walking*
#8668679Monday, May 18, 2009 4:53 PM GMT

Alex and Micheal walked into the classroom. "Ah, yes yes! Sit down, sit down, we're about to start!" Said the Proffessor. Alex and Micheal took their usual seats near the middle of the class. "Now, today, we will be practicing the Slowing Hex, or, the Impendienta Charm as some call it. Now, wands out please!" Proffessor Arnolds said, his voice echoing about the class.
Top 100 Poster
#8668730Monday, May 18, 2009 4:56 PM GMT

Dima*sat in Potions* (Dont forget Emily)
#8668750Monday, May 18, 2009 4:58 PM GMT

Soren: *Makes it to broom class* 0_o *A lot of brooms are flying by themselves and the students are running around* Teacher: *Has wand out and is zapping the brooms* Soren: WOAH! *Ducks and broom almost hits me* What is GOING on here? Student on the ground: Someone acsadently hexed all the brooms... Teacher: *Is missing a lot* Ught There two fast!
Top 100 Poster
#8668774Monday, May 18, 2009 4:59 PM GMT

Dima*Singing* Teacher: Be quiet Dima and Get on with your work Dima*does work
#8668799Monday, May 18, 2009 5:01 PM GMT

(3rd years and 4th years have different classes at different times.) "Now, I'm going to show you how this hex works." The Proffessor said, pointing his wand at a vase at the back of the class. "Watch this. Accio!" He said, as the vase started flying towards him. Almost immeadiatly afterwards, he said "Impendienta!" and the vase stopped in mid-air. After a couple of seconds, the vase fell and smashed on the ground. "Now, I'm going to be using the Banishing Charm to launch some pillows at you, and I'm going to see how you do with the hex. Oh dear, we can't have this here....." He said, pointing his wand at the shattered vase and saying "Reparo!" As the vase came back together, and flew back on the shelf.
Top 100 Poster
#8668825Monday, May 18, 2009 5:02 PM GMT

(where am i can i be then) Dima*In Common room*
#8668854Monday, May 18, 2009 5:03 PM GMT

Soren: AH! *jumps onto a broom* Um... WOAH! *Broom flys around crazly* WHAT SPELL ARE YOU USEING? *Yells at the teacher* Teacher: WHAT? *yells back in the air* Soren: SPELL, USEING! Teacher: Impendienta! *Fires at more brooms* Soren: *Pulls out wand* Impendienta! (aims at broom) (Broom explodes) AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! *falls onto the ground for a 30 ft drop* Ouch...
Top 100 Poster
#8668892Monday, May 18, 2009 5:06 PM GMT

Dima*Writing song*
#8674345Monday, May 18, 2009 9:08 PM GMT

(Sorry, mispelled the spell. (Lol) It's the Impediment Jinx, and when you cast it, you say "IMPEDIMENTA!") Before the end of class, Alex had nearly mastered the jinx. Micheal, though, had not. After they had walked out of the class, Micheal said "Blimey......that was hard, ey Alex?" "Not so much....." He said, as they headed back to the common room.
#8674576Monday, May 18, 2009 9:15 PM GMT

Name: Noella Age: 13 Appearance: Long dark purple hair w/ light purple highlights,violet eyes,black robes,average hight,slim. Year at Hogwarts: 3rd..? House you're in: Gryffindor Bio: O.O
#8674995Monday, May 18, 2009 9:28 PM GMT

Name:Beth Smith(dur, like always) Age: 11 Appearance:long brown hair in a braid,5 ft, hazel eyes, tan skin, normal hogwarts robes. Year at hogwarts? 1rst House you're in? Gryffindor Bio:none, none at all
#8677246Monday, May 18, 2009 10:24 PM GMT

The common room was mainly empty when they got back. "I wonder where everyone is?" Micheal said, looking around at the empty room before them. "I dunno, maybe, er--having dinner?" Alex said, noticing the sun setting. "Blimey, I forgot! We're gonna miss dinner, cmon Alex!" He said, rushing out of the portrait hole.
#8677620Monday, May 18, 2009 10:32 PM GMT

Name:ace soulshard Age:12 Appearance: A blond kid 5.5 scar on face Right side and brown eyes Year at hogwarts? 2 House you're in? Ravenclaw Bio: A wizard comes from a middle class family in wizard parents are wizards. when he was 8 he got clawed by goblin in his cheek leaveing a scar has been learning magic since he could read loves magic.... is not very strong in fighting magic but strong in all else loves quietch
#8677830Monday, May 18, 2009 10:37 PM GMT

Name: Luke Luttingham Age: 11 Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, Year at hogwarts?: 1rst House you're in?:Gryfinndorr Bio: Is from a family of wizards, older brother is in 4h year. Name:Tom Luttingham Age: 14 Appearance: Black hair, is very pale, light blue eyes. Year at hogwarts? 4th House you're in?: Slytherin Bio: Is alone most of the time and hates mostly everyone.
#8678139Monday, May 18, 2009 10:45 PM GMT

*looks at scedule...* sees dark arts is next he gets sad his least faviorit class he slowly went to the class when he arrives he is surpised by how many griffondor students are here the teacher starts talking about attack spells and how deadly they are and ace slowly falls asleep he wakes up when a loud noise is heard to see the teacher glareing at him the teacher asks "what did i just ask the class Mr.Ace" replys " i dont know..." the teacher walks away with a frown on his face
#8678418Monday, May 18, 2009 10:53 PM GMT

at the note for the next class Proffeser arnold holds ace after class why are you not doing your work in class Replies" i dont like the dark arts attack spells are boreing there just used to kill or hurt" teacher yells back" IF YOU THINK ITS BOREING WHY DONT YOU JUST QUIT SCHOOL" "ace replies back calmly " beacuse how am i going to get a job in the magic world if i drop out of school" *teacher dissmisses him angery*

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