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#86783174Saturday, January 12, 2013 5:31 PM GMT

I would like to discuss somthing that has been happening to video game for a period of time now. Most succesful games come out with a 2nd then a 3rd and so on. But the problem is, is that the first game is good. Most people like it but then the creators find some tweaks they need to add. So they do that in the second one. The 2nd one is amazing but then in the 3rd they make try to put adjustments the dont need in it. Lets look at COD the Modern Warfare titles. COD4 (MW1) was fun it was a huge succes. MW2 was even better they found the problems and glithches and edited them. But in MW3 they over did it with tweaks and made it to complex. Same with the Assassins Creed Brotherhood - AC3 Brotherhood was the first AC to have multiplayer. It was fun alot of people liked it then in revelations, they fixed what needed to be fixed in multiplayer. In AC3 they simply over did it. This is just my theory.
#86789338Saturday, January 12, 2013 6:42 PM GMT

fallout 3 is brilliant arma 3 will be greater than arma 1 and 2 by far counter strike source was also good
#86789877Saturday, January 12, 2013 6:48 PM GMT

hardcore fallout 1 & 2 fans hate fallout 3 arma 3 is looking amazing though, hope the two get out of jail soon
#86791643Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:09 PM GMT

ArmA 3 is exactly what OP is about, its setting is 2035 FFS. Hopefully will still be a good game, and i hope that we get a mod that takes it back 50 years.

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